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TOPIC: Straight up, WHO or What is Legit for PE?? Please Help

Straight up, WHO or What is Legit for PE?? Please Help 9 years 2 weeks ago #1293509119

Oh yeah, pmma doesn\'t cause any problems at all...

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Straight up, WHO or What is Legit for PE?? Please Help 9 years 2 weeks ago #1293442186

I\'d like to know how many guys on this forum who have had PMMA for longer than 7 or 8 years are still satisfied and have no regrets. Short term, PMMA might be just fine. Long term, I seriously doubt it.

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Straight up, WHO or What is Legit for PE?? Please Help 9 years 2 weeks ago #1293442092

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@cav8000: Majority of the guys on here that have actually had something done, chose PMMA. To say \"don\'t even think about it\" because there has been members who have pushed it pretty far (multiple rounds and high concentrations), and ended up with problems, is stupid. There is also a lot of people who have pushed it that far and had no problems.

I\'ve seen far more people say it was one of the best decisions they ever made than I have say it was the worst. Most of the problems arise in people who just get too much done. That\'s not to say there won\'t/can\'t be problems, but to just completely negate the procedure because of what happened to them is dumb.

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Straight up, WHO or What is Legit for PE?? Please Help 9 years 2 weeks ago #1293441906

Don\'t even think about pmma. The long term effects could be devastating. There are several members on this forum who regret getting pmma. It might be fine for a few years but then it could harden up like cement after several years and there is no way to surgically remove all of it. In my opinion, you should do two things.

1. Start using a Hydromax x30

2. Get a divorce (sorry, but no woman is worth your self confidence)

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Straight up, WHO or What is Legit for PE?? Please Help 9 years 2 weeks ago #1293440354

Some people want to work it out. My wife cheated on me and i cheated on her multiple times but we worked it out. (All before we got married)

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Straight up, WHO or What is Legit for PE?? Please Help 9 years 2 weeks ago #1293439767

If my wife had an affair marriage counceling would be the last thing on my mind
I\'d start looking for a new wife

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Straight up, WHO or What is Legit for PE?? Please Help 9 years 2 weeks ago #1293439520

This is absolutely horrible but I find myself going through similar circumstances. My wife hasn\'t said anything about my size but I\'m still insecure even more now after her affair. I hope you and your wife are seeking some marriage counseling so she doesn\'t do this again. I\'m getting help where I can.

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Straight up, WHO or What is Legit for PE?? Please Help 9 years 2 weeks ago #1291003097

I asked her tonight....Hypothetically if there was a magic pill i could take to make myself bigger, would she want me to take it. she didnt hesitate she says \"YES!!!\" She laughed it off, but I think i am more upset because she hid this from me for so long. And told some of her friends, when I should have been the 1st to know.
That being said fellas, Im more desperate & determined than ever.Id really would just like to surprise by having a procedure done. But in the meantime, im thinking about buying a Phallosan extender. Its a suction cup extender.
Ive tried Jelqing, but it hasnt worked.

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Straight up, WHO or What is Legit for PE?? Please Help 9 years 2 weeks ago #1290974888

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Wow dude..thats pretty brutal. Infidelity and then being told your Dick is too thin. A lot of peoples insecurities seem like monsters under the bed syndrome...yours is very real.

Your lucky that you naturally have length because length is much harder to come by than Girth.

Hoddles advice or PMMA is really your only way. Best of luck.

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Straight up, WHO or What is Legit for PE?? Please Help 9 years 2 weeks ago #1290974067

I had the P Shot, and it did increase Girth only for a few months, but required active pumping of 10 hg twice a day. Yes, it\'s good for 10-12 months, and helped EQ, but nothing else, so I opted for PMMA and have had two rounds and not regreting it.

I\'m now four months into a regime of Hanging 1.5-2 hours a day and up to 15 lbs. I also ADS with a Penimaster Pro or the ESL 40, sometimes I use donut shaped penis weights when I\'m at home on the weekends.

The glans is more sore than before, but I figure that\'s because of the pressures. When I scale back on the Hanging, I\'ll see if the hyper sensitivity diminishes.

I may have the lig cut surgery done once Dr. Ress completes his testing.

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Straight up, WHO or What is Legit for PE?? Please Help 9 years 2 weeks ago #1290971077

Btw I had Belotero which is a very fine liquid and I have had no issues with lumps whatsoever. It does not last as long I\'m told, however I live in NYC so travel is not an issie

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Straight up, WHO or What is Legit for PE?? Please Help 9 years 2 weeks ago #1290971067

You will definitely gain in Girth with HA from Heller or Mirza. I can only speak for my experience (which is new) but the added Girth is fantastic and my partner is extremely happy. It\'s only been 6 weeks since I started so I don\'t know when I will need a \"touch up\". I\'m guessing 6 months from what I\'ve read and heard.

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Straight up, WHO or What is Legit for PE?? Please Help 9 years 2 weeks ago #1290969460


\"The P Shot\". Basically, he extracts your own blood, spins it in a centrifuge, (where the blood cells separate from the plasma) takes the enriched platelet blood, & injects it into the penis. He promises 2\" in length & Girth. That being said, the fact he uses your own blood, sparked my interest, it sounds safe.

Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) CANNOT give you even 1\" in length and I guess in Girth too. It\'s just impossible, because size of the penis is determinant by tunica albuginea (which is connective tissue).

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Straight up, WHO or What is Legit for PE?? Please Help 9 years 2 weeks ago #1290969146

If you believe that you and your wife and going to be fine, then my advise would be to do nothing and try and deal with the insecurity an alternative way if possible.

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Straight up, WHO or What is Legit for PE?? Please Help 9 years 2 weeks ago #1290966950

There\'s PMMA and bellafil which is permanent, but it requires you to travel Dr. Casavantes is in Tijuana Mexico and other doctors may only give you temporary fillers that last up to 6 months. There are two doctors in nyc that offer bellafil, Dr Mirza and Dr Heller. Dr Heller mixes bellafil with temporary fillers so your results may not be too good. However Dr Mirza offers temporary filler (HA) and bellafil, you can choice whichever you like but it seems you want something permanent. A lot of members has gotten PMMA with Dr C, you can learn a lot from them and get there input.

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