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TOPIC: Do it ourselves girth enlargement

Do it ourselves girth enlargement 9 years 1 month ago #1290542834

Great job restoration.. n yea I wouldn\'t risk it my self. At least find a guy who does all sorts of Penis modification such as piercings,splits or any subject dermal silicone beads they know ways around what not to hit or hit if ur trying to do it ur self that should help a bit Idk just saying if u don\'t want to listen to these guys

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Do it ourselves girth enlargement 9 years 1 month ago #1290538200

Thanks a bunch Restoration. I will consider your opinion as well. I might just try to inject around behind the glands where it\'s uneven just to see the results i get. What do you think?

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Do it ourselves girth enlargement 9 years 1 month ago #1290538161

I did my Radiesse touch up, and 1.5 CCs took 4 hours. And, I am \"trained\" to an extent, having done animal surgeries & some other injections on animals. But, this was incredibly hard from a technical perspective. I had a special blunt tip microcannula and nitro-bid in case I hit a blood vessel. Everything was sterilized. The process was so exhausting. The penis is the most complicated thing to inject. I could do brain surgery on a small mammal in 20 minutes. Penile injections...for aesthetic correction (which made it harder) - incredibly complex. I\'m lucky it came out as good as it did, now that 1 month has passed...I can finally say it.

I really wouldn\'t risk this. It\'s SO easy to inject in the dermis (where you do not want it as it would just be little pimples and get attacked by the immune system)...and the gel pops right out even IF you go deep enough - but not \"in\" enough. It\'s hard to explain. The penis has a mind of its own. As soon as you withdraw the cannula - you may realize you injected the wrong spot, and it\'s not so easy to move. Also, the gel might just pop right out. I learned to leave the cannula in and to let it set (by hour 3) before withdrawing. You need a special cannula that only a Dermatologist can buy (I used the DermaSculpt from France -it\'s blunt and flexible) - and you need a lot of injection experience. The balance of pressure on a syringe with the resistance of fibrosis in the penis is so hard to work with...and the penis is constantly moving. I practiced injecting hair gel into an orange for a few hours - but that didn\'t even remotely compare in complexity. Just try doing that for a few hours and see if you\'d want to do that on your own penis.

So, unless you\'ve been trained in a related matter and are willing to risk looking even worse (I just couldn\'t take being botched by doctors anymore in the USA)...don\'t do it. Besides, you cant get Linnea or Metacrill in the usa and the other products are $700+ per cc.

-- oh I just noticed your size. What is with guys with giant dicks needing to go bigger? You should just leave it alone. You\'re the envy of the majority of guys out there already.

Also, you cannot get Linnea safe or Metacrill in the united states - not even for research purposes. The Linnea safe distributors gave me such a run around (despite trying to order from a well known academic hospital for research purposes) - it was exhausting. Finally, they just stopped replying to my emails..and that is the 1 out of 20 distributors that even replied at all. I don\'t know how they do such big business when they can\'t reply to an email.

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Do it ourselves girth enlargement 9 years 1 month ago #1290537655

I\'ve seen guys on this forum go get PMMA done by a professional and still end up lumpy and bumpy so what\'s the difference?

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Do it ourselves girth enlargement 9 years 1 month ago #1290537646

Well just like other members i still want more and I\'ve had alot of sex with women and i know what they can handle and what their limits are. I\'m seriously considering doing the procedure but will give more thought about you guys advice. My goal is to have a 10'7 penis when it\'s all said and done. Everybody has there own agenda and penis goals as well as i should be able to shoot for my goals as well. All i would need is you guys help as far as knowledge and experience. When i do decide to take this Do it your self plunge, i will inform you guys as well as pictures and recordings.

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Do it ourselves girth enlargement 9 years 1 month ago #1290537114

Unlike my moniker would suggest... I\'d say Just DON\'T DO IT. The risks associated with PMMA or any injectable filler exists regardless if done by a professional or not. Why compromise the risks further just to save a buck?

SO is right. You\'re big enough to start with and wouldn\'t need more than possibly a touch up to correct the asymmetry that you\'re now experiencing. If you\'re serious about Girth enhancement, the cost of 1 more Round with a professional whose done thousands of procedures is worth the peace of mind.

Just my two cents.

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Do it ourselves girth enlargement 9 years 1 month ago #1290535966

Do-it-yourself-penis-enlargement is not recommended if you are not a trained practitioner.

You\'re well up there in size...why in the hell are you contemplating the idea of playing with fire?

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Do it ourselves girth enlargement 9 years 1 month ago #1290534946

I\'m very daring and I\'m not afraid of needles. If PMMA comes already mix then it makes it even better as i don\'t have to mix anything

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Do it ourselves girth enlargement 9 years 1 month ago #1290534926

AstroD you are right about knowing the penis anatomy first as i will exercise all avenues before i start this self injection journey

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Do it ourselves girth enlargement 9 years 1 month ago #1290534908

Lol i hear you guys and hoddle i agree with you about injecting a small amount. Also i don\'t think if it\'s just under the skin and not any deep tissue injections one should be fine. I\'m willing to take the plunge for myself and you guys. I think it\'s time to take a different approach. These docs are rapping us with the small amount that they are injecting just so we can return 2,3,4 and even some 5 times for touch ups. I\'m willing to be the gene pig for our members

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Do it ourselves girth enlargement 9 years 1 month ago #1290534836

I would worry about knowing the anatomy as well as these surgeons do. You inject into the wrong area, or intravascular, you\'ll be in a world of hurt. These guys have studied and know exactly where to go with their cannulas. We would be guessing. I actually was tempted too, especially seeing the tv interview of the silicone Dick guy, but I\'m too afraid to do something wrong.
Plus, it would hurt watching myself do it. I\'m a woos when it comes to needles.

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Do it ourselves girth enlargement 9 years 1 month ago #1290534719

Any PMMA product would already be mixed with a carrier.

But I really don\'t think you want to try and self inject. But if you did choose to, I\'d only do tiny amounts at a time. I\'m talking 1cc. But again I stress, you shouldn\'t do it. I\'ll be honest, I considered self injecting HA a while back, so I get the temptation. But ultimately is it really worth the added risk just save a couple of thousand dollars?

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Do it ourselves girth enlargement 9 years 1 month ago #1290534591

I\'ve seen stories and documentaries on guys who have injected pure silicone into their oenis themselves over ten years ago and haven\'t had any issues so far so why can\'t we do the same with PMMA

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Do it ourselves girth enlargement 9 years 1 month ago #1290534573

So what about PMMA? What is it mixed with

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Do it ourselves girth enlargement 9 years 1 month ago #1290534367

The trouble is that isn\'t how the micro droplet technique should be done, so we can\'t really copy it. The whole point is to make hundreds of tiny little injections and each bead gets surrounded by collagen. To save time and money Loria mixes it with some kind of carrier and just injects it like any other filler.

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