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TOPIC: Risks wih Pmma

Risks wih Pmma 9 years 2 months ago #1290513791

You will know when it is the right time to go through with your decision. It can be a trigger caused by that person you like and can\'t be with because of your anxiousness about your size.
My advise, though, is to not wait so long that when you do meet that person, you end up passing on what could be a great relation because you hadn\'t acted on your desire sooner.
I wish I had done this much sooner (knowing what I know now), but due to research and study of this course of treatment, I prolonged my decision. I recently met a girl who is quite attracted to me, and I have to wait several weeks before I \"let\" her blow me because I\'ll be in the healing stage. So I have to think up good excuses to defer the ultimate outcome. I think she\'s ok with it though, so I\'m lucky. Some girls will wait, some will move on.
Good luck in whatever you decide, and only you will know when to proceed if that is the next step for you. Personally, I think it\'s worth the risk in my case only.
If it doesn\'t work out, I\'ll be ok with that too.

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Risks wih Pmma 9 years 2 months ago #1290483417

Yes,there is plenty of information in this website,and i saw also good before and after pictures;i am sorry because i really understand that asking relentless way can be annoying and make you think that i am here only to piss you off.

Yeah that link you ve posted is the same one i ve posted...if someone had read it..isn\'t excessive the increase of Girth they found? If you look is written 50% increase..and it is apparently a medical study. This seems unbeliavable

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Risks wih Pmma 9 years 2 months ago #1290482372

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Risks wih Pmma 9 years 2 months ago #1290479225

billy111 wrote: However it seems that everyone that says something good or bad about all the procedures of surgery,is trying to sell you his product,and therefore is impossible to trust anybody,at least on the web,where people don t know,don t even look you in the eyes,and so are more likely to not care about you.

I am sure you meant with the exception of PhalloBoards. Nothing being sold here but the truth and we are practically giving it away! Wait... we are giving it away.

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Risks wih Pmma 9 years 2 months ago #1290477667

you are wrong...what i did of awful to make you think that?

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Risks wih Pmma 9 years 2 months ago #1290477605

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\"billy111\" is undoubtedly the same guy Hoddle has banned over and over.

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Risks wih Pmma 9 years 2 months ago #1290477162

ok now i have seen your photos and the difference between glans and shaft makes very hard to believe you don t have PMMA in your penis...congrats for that huge Dick

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Risks wih Pmma 9 years 2 months ago #1290477136

this is so bad

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Risks wih Pmma 9 years 2 months ago #1290477127

i am sorry for doubting you...i am just trying to collect the most informations that i can get before i decide to take an appointment.
i have bad feelings that this could ruin my life. Here it seems there it is safe,but in the internet i found a lot of negative revievws,like this ...
However it seems that everyone that says something good or bad about all the procedures of surgery,is trying to sell you his product,and therefore is impossible to trust anybody,at least on the web,where people don t know,don t even look you in the eyes,and so are more likely to not care about you.
Maybe this could seem strange to you,however is how i feel. I think i won t ever be sure to do this,and maybe loose the possible gains,or maybe i ll do it and screw my penis,just because someone is putting wrong infirmations online to profit

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Risks wih Pmma 9 years 2 months ago #1290468521

I have probably submitted more photos than the majority of members here so not sure why you say I don\'t have any...

It\'s true I stopped posting measurement photos and good old erect shots a long time ago.


I did it not because I was / am hiding anything and more because my progress thread is the most viewed thread on the forum. Dr. C and Wade mention that the majority of new clients are constantly bringing in my pics and showing them as the results they want to achieve.

I stopped posting pics because I don\'t like feeling responsible for people getting PMMA or getting as much PMMA as I have gotten. For some reason my body handles PMMA quite well, I\'d argue better than most (in that I\'ve had so many cc\'s and so few complications or irregularities).

I just felt that because I was going bigger and getting more and more PMMA, that by \"showing it off\" I\'d be encouraging others to do the same. When in reality I\'d be encouraging people to do something that could be potentially dangerous.

It might not make sense to you, but how would you feel knowing that people are doing something as big and perminant as this using you as inspiration.

My latest pic is around a year old... I was 7\" EG in this pic, 2.5\" bigger than I started. Compare it to my wrist if you don\'t believe me...

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Risks wih Pmma 9 years 2 months ago #1290466443

if the link does not work search \"tolerability of PMMA on the penis\"
i was talking about sizemic

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Risks wih Pmma 9 years 2 months ago #1290465206

That link is a dead end......

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Risks wih Pmma 9 years 2 months ago #1290464084

Can I ask which member claimed a 3\" increase without proof?

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Risks wih Pmma 9 years 2 months ago #1290463679

I already found this study in google , which seems to indicate that pmma works,is safe and gives uo o an inch in girth. Can you tell me if you already knew about this study? If yes,why here is not quoted? It would be something you should be happy about,considering that pmma is the main procedure spoken on this board..this study i would be happy to be true,but i have never seen it quoted on p.e forums..
I think i could rely on this site,since there are pre and post op photos...But Then i saw that there are people without photos that claim gain of 3 inches!!
I am sorry about this suspicious behaviour,but since i am considering to go for pmma,i am scared a lot and i want to be sure that one day i wont have to complain that i have ruined my life only because i didn r investigate the necessary.
In forums like thunderplace a lot of people say that this website is used to make people have procedures with certain doctors,and that should non be trust...since i havent seen yet legit before and after jelq pics,i would trust more pmma,and plus there is that study,but even here something can seem a littoe bit deceiving,like there is not a lot of people who post about reported complications,and there is a lot of people that claimed to have gained over an inch!..i tried andropnis and jelq for some months,but neither of them worked..still it seems that i cant find the courage to get pmma done,so here i am,not trolling or searching to take away visitors to this board saying that is a scam,but searching for some hint that will show me that behind this website there are well intentioned people
sorry if i wrote too much,i cant stop thinking over what should i do,since i am only 20 years old and i don t want to ruin my life

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Risks wih Pmma 9 years 2 months ago #1290463338

Are you looking for a study on complication rates of PMMA in the penis or PMMA in general?
If PMMA in general, google is your friend.
If you are looking for a study on PMMA in the penis, that is going to be more difficult to find.

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