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TOPIC: problems after second procedure 1 year later

problems after second procedure 1 year later 9 years 3 months ago #1289965776

hi guys just want to up date on my thread ive had 2 PMMA procedures, and currently 1 year after the last one , i have had problems urinating and have found traces of blood in my urine, and now having to piss every 20 minutes, i have had a kidney test blood test and urine test and std test and al have come up negative, im seeing aurologist tomoorw to find out what the probem is, they did find inflmation in my urine, which brings me to the conclusion that the PMMA may be blocking my uretha inside my penis, causing pain and discomfort, wondering if any one has experienced this, im going to tel the Urologist about my procedure, being only 30 i woud rule out prostate problems but it hink a few people have had problems peeing slow urine coming out, pus dribbing aftef wads,

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problems after second procedure 1 year later 9 years 3 months ago #1290156369

after having the bladder test done and uretha, camera done there was scar tissue restriciting myurine and that has also caused my urine to be weak when urinating, but, they rekon is was kidndey stone that passedd through cos my symptons have passed, but heads up if u are having probems urinaing and a bit of pain then go to a Urologist cos the scar tissue from the PMMA can inter fere with the uretha,

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problems after second procedure 1 year later 9 years 3 months ago #1290115736

If it is, and it\'s caught early, then you have a great chance to recover fully. I had a buddy who had something wrong with the anterior? part of it, and they did surgery and he\'s good now. I think it\'s not so good in the posterior part of the prostate, but I\'m not sure about that. They\'ll probably want to do a biopsy. Hope it turns out well!

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problems after second procedure 1 year later 9 years 3 months ago #1290108815

thanks for the information, had the camera put through my ureatha and there is no PMMA in the way and nothing stricing my uretha , so im thinking it could be prostate,

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problems after second procedure 1 year later 9 years 3 months ago #1289989715

Hey, I resemble that statement about pissing like a 60 y/o!
But it does sound like a bladder or prostate problem, unless as I said earlier, they perforated the urethra somehow. Sure hope it turns out well. Positive thoughts to you.

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problems after second procedure 1 year later 9 years 3 months ago #1289989597

yeah i ve been on 2 sets of antibiotics, whent to uroogist, i didnt seem to concerned with the PMMA , but he did ask if my urine stream week after the procedure, which i think it has, im going to get put under anastheic and get a camera put up there, somehting is blocking my uretha stricture, cos im pissing like a 60 year old, he checked my prostate he says its no swollen, but since yesterday im now pissing more bloood its bright red, kind of freaky to be honest,

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problems after second procedure 1 year later 9 years 3 months ago #1289987941

You may have had something go up the urethra while massaging after your 2nd treatment. I remember massaging my girlfriend\'s vulva with hand cream once and she contracted a bladder infection. She would never let me do it again with hand cream. Oh sure, it was fine licking her to orgasm, but the hand cream apparently harbors more bacteria and coats it so it travels farther.
Hopefully that\'s all it is and not your prostate. Sounds more like a bladder issue. Some antibiotics and you\'re golden. Good luck. And don\'t let the doc talk you into blaming the PMMA. Try the Ab first. If it goes away, it wasn\'t PMMA, unless the urethra got poked while there, but I heard they never go under and around the urethra.

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problems after second procedure 1 year later 9 years 3 months ago #1289983951

please keep us updated.

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problems after second procedure 1 year later 9 years 3 months ago #1289981226

cheers mustang, yeah i think your right about the freqent peeing def sign of infection , and having no problems for ayear with the PMMA means is less likely, kidneys came up fine, no bacteria, found any where , il fond out today any how,

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problems after second procedure 1 year later 9 years 3 months ago #1289978570

While any thing is possible, it is not likely that PMMA after having being in you for one year can cause such a reaction. May I recommend BOTH prostate tests, blood and physical. I am also assuming your kidney tests showed no stones in there?

Frequent peeing is a sign of infection, enlarged prostate and/or blockage.

anyway, please update us and good luck!

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problems after second procedure 1 year later 9 years 3 months ago #1289976753

Make sure your Urologist knows exactly what PMMA is as I can\'t see how it can be related to your problems, but I can see him making a connection if he doesn\'t understand how it works.

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problems after second procedure 1 year later 9 years 3 months ago #1289974066

they put PMMA after the Circumcision scar but not in the uretha that i know, but yeah im thiunking the prostate, might be the cause, seeing the Urologist tomoorw to find out, i work on the mines and i cant go up cos its 48 deg c so i would dehydrate within minutes,

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problems after second procedure 1 year later 9 years 3 months ago #1289972526

I wouldn\'t rule out the prostate just because of your age.

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problems after second procedure 1 year later 9 years 3 months ago #1289965882

Did they put PMMA on the over your urethra?

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problems after second procedure 1 year later 9 years 3 months ago #1291889288

Well, I\'ve had urine flow problems even before PMMA, and during my last 2 rds., they gave me Flowmax, which relaxed the smooth muscles, and my flow increased dramatically, So luckily it wasn\'t from PMMA scar tissue.

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