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TOPIC: Surgical Life Enhancement and Phallocare

Surgical Life Enhancement and Phallocare 9 years 5 months ago #1289419429

Part 1.

We regret to announce that from now on discussion of Doctors associated with procedures unique to Phallocare/SLE are forbidden on the forum and will be deleted.It is immensely disappointing to us that we feel that we feel the need to take this step. There is indeed a sad irony to it, as PhalloBoards was initially set up in part as a response to censorship observed on another PE forum.Men join our forums to learn about, share experiences of, and exchange views on all facets of Penis Enlargement. To get the most out of this experience we believe it is of paramount importance that our members are free to discuss the full spectrum of methods and practitioners, with confidence of doing so in an impartial environment. Therefore we can assure you all that this decision, which goes totally against the ethos of the board, was not taken lightly. However, had we not done so, we strongly believe the impartial nature of the board, which is our most important feature, would have been compromised more greatly had we not done so.We will make details available to PhalloBoards in Part 2 of this posting as to why we made this decision. There you will find a fuller explanation of why we\'ve made this decision. You will of course be free to post comments on the subject.

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Surgical Life Enhancement and Phallocare 9 years 5 months ago #1289422829

Wow! Thank you guys so much for the service you provide for all of us. Amazing write up. Amazing board.


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Surgical Life Enhancement and Phallocare 9 years 5 months ago #1289431453

Thanks SO. I appreciate your continued efforts to have this site be a true and unbiased resource for us. I am very grateful to have had this resource before my augmentation and am committed to staying to help support and guide those after. Thanks you for keeping an uncontaminated space.

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Surgical Life Enhancement and Phallocare 9 years 5 months ago #1289431591

From a personal point of view I\'m delighted that SO has taken this stance. I was on the verge of getting the Elist Implant due to the posts on MyNewSize. There was always something not quite right about that place, but I was so desperate to have a big member that I allowed myself to believe what I was reading. Then there was the incident when the moderator removed the \"Silicone Disaster\" thread. Luckily for me that was enough to show me that the site was a complete con and nothing written there could be trusted. When I read about all the poor guys who had their penises so badly damaged by the Elist implant it reminds of what a lucky escape I had. No ethical medical practitioner should work with those guys.

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Surgical Life Enhancement and Phallocare 9 years 5 months ago #1289443810

Thank you SO, I was about to schedule with them and I came across this doing research. I see the name Dan and Chad thrown around. So basically they put themselves out there, while you write under a \"user name.\". Just makes me skeptical about this piece. I understand the anonymity and appreciate it. Also, I\'m surprised you didn\'t mention 8ball, previous owner of the \"phallocaremaleenhancement project. From my research he is a good friend of the moderator \"Hoddle 10.\". He has been involved in phallocare since its origination. 8ball, even tries to steal MyNewSize sending Chad Hedman a bounced check for the company. He still has that check bank draft. One more question @ Skeptical One, this site \"PhalloBoards\" is given to potential patients of Luis Casavantes in his sales literature. What if any affiliation do you actually have with avante derma? You use a user name to write, I guess it would pretty difficult to connect you? Also, there is word of a lawsuit pertaining to Dr. Casavantes assistant, \"wade\" and inappropriate sexual contact, and sexual acts done to a PMMA patient. To my understanding Wade was suppose to be fired. But.. I read very recent email exchanges of Wade and new potential PMMA patients. Please clear some of this up for me and other men.

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Surgical Life Enhancement and Phallocare 9 years 5 months ago #1289444215

@pmmapossibly, Dr Elist sent mynewsize a cease and desist pending lawsuit in 2009, later buying mns via his good friend Larry flynt from hustler (he\'s across the street from Elist office). And dismantled the site after a failed marketing attempt like you mention. Sounds like this Chad character really put himself on the line, not just online 4men. Wasn\'t mns the first place men had to discuss surgery?

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Surgical Life Enhancement and Phallocare 9 years 5 months ago #1289444526

rikerthat wrote: Thank you SO, I was about to schedule with them and I came across this doing research. I see the name Dan and Chad thrown around. So basically they put themselves out there, while you write under a \"user name.\". Just makes me skeptical about this piece. I understand the anonymity and appreciate it. Also, I\'m surprised you didn\'t mention 8ball, previous owner of the \"phallocaremaleenhancement project. From my research he is a good friend of the moderator \"Hoddle 10.\". He has been involved in phallocare since its origination. 8ball,d even tries to steal MyNewSize sending Chad Hedman a bounced check for the company. He still has that check bank draft. One more question @ Skeptical One, this site \"PhalloBoards\" is given to potential patients of Luis Casavantes in his sales literature. What if any affiliation do you actually have with avante derma? You use a user name to write, I guess it would pretty difficult to connect you? Also, there is word of a lawsuit pertaining to Dr. Casavantes assistant, \"wade\" and inappropriate sexual contact, and sexual acts done to a PMMA patient. To my understanding Wade was suppose to be fired. But.. I read very recent email exchanges of Wade and new potential PMMA patients. Please clear some of this up for me and other men.

I know this is very alien concept to you, but SO and the mods run this forum without earning a single penny from it. We have zero affiliation with any Dr\'s and sell no products. We are totally impartial. You could reveal Dr Casavantes is a mass murderer and it wouldn\'t make any difference to us. The entire Avante Derma team could be arrested and thrown in jail for life and it wouldn\'t make the slightest bit of difference to any of us.

With that in mind, wouldn\'t you be better posing your questions directly to Avante Derma? We don\'t represent them or have any affiliation with them, so we can\'t really answer your questions.

I see no evidence of 8-ball working with SLE or having any affiliation to them, so why would he be mentioned? It would be like mentioning StillWantMore or Dan Levine. They just aren\'t relevant.

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Surgical Life Enhancement and Phallocare 9 years 5 months ago #1289444592

rikerthat wrote: @pmmapossibly, Dr Elist sent mynewsize a cease and desist pending lawsuit in 2009, later buying mns via his good friend Larry flynt from hustler (he\'s across the street from Elist office). And dismantled the site after a failed marketing attempt like you mention. Sounds like this Chad character really put himself on the line, not just online 4men. Wasn\'t mns the first place men had to discuss surgery?

No, it wasn\'t, as you well know.

Also, here is what one of the Mods at MNS had to say about working with Chad at MNS:

\"Anyone remember Chad Hedman from mynewsize? Of course, many of us do. That\'s all he was. A surgery broker. I worked with him by taking many of the calls that came into the site and even participated in some of the \"consultations\" which were nothing more than 3-way calls/sales pitches with me, himself, and the potential patient on the line. I\'m sure it\'s very tough to find 100% legit surgeons who are actually interested in the patient\'s outcome FIRST rather than the $$.

I quit working with Chad when I started to realize (through accusatory voicemails on my line) that there was something fishy going on. Why were so many men calling and asking why they had not heard back from anyone after they had sent a down payment for their surgery and/or vacuum hangers or related products through pay-pal???\"

That doesn\'t sound like a guy putting himself on the line. That sounds like a guy trying to exploit others for his own personal gain. This is why we don\'t want him or any of his associates or affiliates discussed here.

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Surgical Life Enhancement and Phallocare 9 years 5 months ago #1289445113


Welcome. Although you joined and made your first post an hour ago, you are clearly very knowledgeable of the history of the sites and the various players. That is great! We want all of our members to be well informed and knowledgeable of the players, pitfalls, peaks and valleys of this industry.

I have to agree with Hoddle here. This site is run strictly though donations from members and from the pockets of SO. There is no affiliation with a doctor or clinic. There is no payment to direct patients to a particular doctor and as such, allows the forum to remain open to the idea of different techniques and doctors. And this site, SO, and the moderators pride themselves on allowing this to be a place to freely exchange information and experience.

This was a tough call to make since this site is based on not censoring information like has happened at other sites leading to the detriment of trusting members.

What was decided was done so ultimately in an effort to protect the members of this site and not funnel them towards surgical brokerage with a questionable history. Although it was a hard decision to make, it was ultimately the correct one. My personal feelings are that patients should be very careful in listening to a surgical broker,, for example (but certainly not the only broker out there). A surgical broker absolutely does not have the best interest of the patient at heart. They are aligned with a doctor and are paid to funnel patients towards them. Anything they say or do is to that end and is therefore not impartial.

If Dr. Casavantes provides this site to his prospective patients, I think that is great. That will help allow them to make a more informed decision, as there are experiences and outcomes from him that range the spectrum. If you are insinuating that this site is paid to be affiliated and send patients to him, would it not then be in the best interest to remove the bad experiences and comments, leaving only neutral and positive ones? I will applaud him for pointing potential patients to a site where they can read and see the possible outcomes and complications. Kudos to him.

With regards to Wade and your rumor of this accusation, if he did something wrong, he absolutely should be held accountable. But absolutely anything could happen to absolutely any doctor or clinic. Like Hoddle said, it will not have any effect on this site. And that is a good place to be.

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Surgical Life Enhancement and Phallocare 9 years 5 months ago #1289447026

There are some very obvious threads you can read to see it\'s not affiliated w/ Dr. C or the mods would have deleted these threads (mine, in particular, has some adverse events).

Why are Dan & Chad still doing this? Haven\'t they run their course in this industry already?

Also, there is word of a lawsuit pertaining to Dr. Casavantes assistant, \"wade\" and inappropriate sexual contact, and sexual acts done to a PMMA patient. To my understanding Wade was suppose to be fired.

What \"sexual acts\" could have taken place with someone\'s bloody penis on an exam table?

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Surgical Life Enhancement and Phallocare 9 years 5 months ago #1289450218

This is a serious accusation that Dr C\'s assitant attacked somebody. Can anyone else confirm this. Do they use sedation with some patients ? very scary if true.

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Surgical Life Enhancement and Phallocare 9 years 5 months ago #1289450446

I would also like to know the source of the accusation that rikerthat mentioned. And Dr. Casavantes performs his PMMA under local anethesia. No sedation.

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Surgical Life Enhancement and Phallocare 9 years 5 months ago #1289451483

Bigben wrote: This is a serious accusation that Dr C\'s assitant attacked somebody. Can anyone else confirm this. Do they use sedation with some patients ? very scary if true.

Yes...let\'s take seriously the accusation made by a member who\'s first post sounds extremely distraught that SLE has been discounted and disregarded. I mean, sure, it\'s possible something sinister happened but... are we really willing to accept a rumor from such a dubious source?

Better that the best you could muster on a response to this thread? Bigben, have you no shame?


I\'m pretty sure everything that has to be said has been said. That said, go home.

@Forum Readers

Don\'t like our position? Well go make your own forum, it seems my willingness to genuinely care for the welfare of our membership/readers means little-to-nothing to some.

Counting the days till I pull the plug on this site, just need a few more thankless cowards. And when this site\'s gone, you\'ll be wishing places like SLE had Moderation that gave a damn. Because members like Riker & Bigben cheapen whatever discussion there is to be had.

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Surgical Life Enhancement and Phallocare 9 years 5 months ago #1289454347

SO I am sorry you found my post inflammatory as this was not my intention. Brice later mentioned Dr C does NOT perform injections under sedation. Therefore I think the accusation about his assistant is very, very likely untrue. I was certainly not trying to infer the rumor is true, since there is nothing to substantiate it and as you pointed out this fellow may have a hidden agenda. I should have noticed he has only posted twice..

And to be honest, although I am no fan of PMMA, the vast majority of the feedback regarding Dr C and his staff has been very positive to date. I hope this clears up my previous comment and my apologies to anyone I may have unintentionally offended.

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Surgical Life Enhancement and Phallocare 9 years 5 months ago #1289455708

Honestly, he was a PMMA patient that went to Dr. Casavantes for a second opinion. The patient did not have PMMA, or sedation during the attack/molestation by Wade? Not sure what word to use. Similar was posted here about Dr knight, and somehow Dan was responsible for knight, seems a bit off SO. I don\'t know what to think anymore.

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