Welcome. Although you joined and made your first post an hour ago, you are clearly very knowledgeable of the history of the sites and the various players. That is great! We want all of our members to be well informed and knowledgeable of the players, pitfalls, peaks and valleys of this industry.
I have to agree with Hoddle here. This site is run strictly though donations from members and from the pockets of SO. There is no affiliation with a doctor or clinic. There is no payment to direct patients to a particular doctor and as such, allows the forum to remain open to the idea of different techniques and doctors. And this site, SO, and the moderators pride themselves on allowing this to be a place to freely exchange information and experience.
This was a tough call to make since this site is based on not censoring information like has happened at other sites leading to the detriment of trusting members.
What was decided was done so ultimately in an effort to protect the members of this site and not funnel them towards surgical brokerage with a questionable history. Although it was a hard decision to make, it was ultimately the correct one. My personal feelings are that patients should be very careful in listening to a surgical broker, SurgeryLifeEnhancement.com, for example (but certainly not the only broker out there). A surgical broker absolutely does not have the best interest of the patient at

. They are aligned with a doctor and are paid to funnel patients towards them. Anything they say or do is to that end and is therefore not impartial.
If Dr. Casavantes provides this site to his prospective patients, I think that is great. That will help allow them to make a more informed decision, as there are experiences and outcomes from him that range the spectrum. If you are insinuating that this site is paid to be affiliated and send patients to him, would it not then be in the best interest to remove the bad experiences and comments, leaving only neutral and positive ones? I will applaud him for pointing potential patients to a site where they can read and see the possible outcomes and complications. Kudos to him.
With regards to Wade and your rumor of this accusation, if he did something wrong, he absolutely should be held accountable. But absolutely anything could happen to absolutely any doctor or clinic. Like Hoddle said, it will not have any effect on this site. And that is a good place to be.