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TOPIC: Lenthening surgery results post op

Lenthening surgery results post op 9 years 6 months ago #1288571529

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I\'m really considering both ligament cutting (Camacho) and PMMA (dr c) but I would want to do the lengthening first and stretch it as much as possible before going back for the PMMA but I would also wanna ask what gains have you guys gotten after stretching for an extended amount of time because this surgery sounds good but I don\'t think I could forgive myself if I spent 5000 on a lengthening only for a really good Flaccid gain and a Erect gain of 3/4 of an Inch I\'d actually be pretty pissed (especially with the fact that most people say their Erection now points at the floor which is something I would hope to avoid) but if the Erect gains aren\'t that much even after intense stretching I could save money and go straight for Girth but I need to know what you guys think.. If you\'ve actually had the surgery tho especially with Camacho because I heard he cuts the ligament from an area that you won\'t scar from so you don\'t have to worry about retracting

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Lenthening surgery results post op 9 years 6 months ago #1288693825

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Damn dickeater nobody even asked you tho

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Lenthening surgery results post op 9 years 6 months ago #1288690885

Girthseeker wrote: Exactly . They aren\'t permanent and won\'t be permanent unless you keep pulling on your Dick for the rest of your life . I\'m well aware of how this procedure works . And I\'m also aware of how Jelqing works . Jelqing can also cause erectile disfunction if you do it for long enough . Stretching can work but you also have to keep stretching . After your lig is cut you can gain more and keep those gains permanently and after stretching for about a years time you can gain an Inch to an Inch and a half and not have to use a stretcher anymore so what are you saying ? And if your Flaccid is 5 inches and Erect 8 like you say then you were NEVER a Grower , you are a shower it\'s people on here with 5 inches Erect bruh so unless your like 6\'8 or taller it was all in your mind to begin with and your finally coming to terms with the fact you never needed anything done in the first place

everyone has there perception of what they think is large or small. So your theory is cause mine is 4 to 5 Inch Flaccid I shouldnt get a lig cut. Well isnt that your perception and not mine rather? I felt I wanted a longer Dick when Flaccid which is my perception so please dont impose yours onto mine and say yours is right and mine was wrong.

Also where do you get that a 6\'8\'\' male should have a longer Dick than a shorter guy lol. I have seen those 6\'8\'\' guys with shorter dicks than guys who were 5\'5\'\' so that perception in your head is based off what?

I really think you got some wacky stuff going on in your head man. You really should sit back and think with facts and not your opinion on subjects when posting.

Also I def dont want to be 6\'8\'\' cause I like the height I am and to me that would be to tall for my wife she is only 5\'4\'\' and damn that would be alot of back pain when I had to hug her or kiss her standing up lol.

For me I have always had in my head that I am a Grower not a shower cause idk maybe when I see other Flaccid dicks they look longer than mine or when there is a bulge in a dudes pants and I dont have one so I want one.

My whole point to you was I came to conclusion I dont need it cause the risk of that kind of surgery along with the fact of the price and ofc the fact most girls could care less about Flaccid and more about Erect and Girth is more wanted by girls made me cancel my appt to get the lig cut.

PS. I use the AB Silicone stretcher and gl if you do ahead with it as I wish you well.

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Lenthening surgery results post op 9 years 6 months ago #1288608947

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Exactly . They aren\'t permanent and won\'t be permanent unless you keep pulling on your Dick for the rest of your life . I\'m well aware of how this procedure works . And I\'m also aware of how Jelqing works . Jelqing can also cause erectile disfunction if you do it for long enough . Stretching can work but you also have to keep stretching . After your lig is cut you can gain more and keep those gains permanently and after stretching for about a years time you can gain an Inch to an Inch and a half and not have to use a stretcher anymore so what are you saying ? And if your Flaccid is 5 inches and Erect 8 like you say then you were NEVER a Grower , you are a shower it\'s people on here with 5 inches Erect bruh so unless your like 6\'8 or taller it was all in your mind to begin with and your finally coming to terms with the fact you never needed anything done in the first place

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Lenthening surgery results post op 9 years 6 months ago #1288608055

you should only get this if you want Flaccid gains cause Erect gains wont come from a lig cut but a ADS or Hanging will do that. I noticed when i did ADS for 8 months i gained almost a FULL Inch but I stopped and they didnt become perm yet. I started again and will go as long as it takes this time to make them perm.

I am a Grower not a shower myself so Flaccid is something i was considering but I decided who cares. Most girls unless your married wont see it unless its hard anyways since ur gonna get hard when ur fooling around with them. My wife could care less what it looks when its not hard and she knows its gonna get to 8 inches once its hard so who cares if its 5 inches when Flaccid.

personally its a waste of money if you ask me when you could put that money to Girth instead and buying a good ADS.

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Lenthening surgery results post op 9 years 6 months ago #1288584722

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Girthseeker - this is a cut and paste from what I wrote someone else, but it answers the slippage issue and I could wear it for hours this way:

When I had the surgery Dr. Reed was doing both at the same time - Girth and length. I was told 6-8 hours a day was necessary without a lot of specification about weight. What I found is that a constant pull that is on the med.-mild side worked for me but I tried everything so I can\'t really isolate one technique from the other. I also did very short times with a heavy hang. I used the grip/ still do from time to time - but modified it a bit. I put one of those sheaths over my penis that the Grip people sell. It\'s like a condom but 100 x\'s thicker (go on the small side so it is a little tight).I use the Grip the way it is advertised but without much vacuum if I was wearing for a long time - mostly to keep circulation from getting cut. The latex on the Grip hugs the latex on the sheath, which hugs your Dick, and I find that this allows for hours of Hanging, and as the vac loses it suction you can keep on wearing it. The sheath also keeps your glans from swelling as the vac increases.

Also I don\'t use weights - I use a stretchable bungee cord with hooks on either end. I stick one in the eyelet of my shoe and the other to the end of the vac. Hanger. You can get a pretty intense hang this way and wear pants. You can even lie down and read and there is still stretch this way. I have fallen asleep with this on more than one - if there is no/not much vacuum I found my circulation was fine. Since it is a slow process not a long one I found that I needed to resist checking for progress all the time. It happened for me in fits and for me at least, it took a long time.

Hope this helps.

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Lenthening surgery results post op 9 years 6 months ago #1288583964

There is a conversion kit that works really well for the JES or Size genetics. . It adds a suction divice that holds the glands and works with the rods and base from other extenders. Works really well. You can use it as an ADS also. The noose type did not work for me. It slips and doesn\'t allow good blood flow to the glands. I\'ve heard guys are also happy with the penimaster pro too. Don\'t wait another year. It takes lots of time and dedication to get gains.

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Lenthening surgery results post op 9 years 6 months ago #1288583225

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I\'ve been thinking about a stretcher for about a year now such as the jes extender or size genetics but I heard when you lack in Girth it slips off very easily and wasnt gonna waste even more money on a product I couldn\'t use like the bathmate or the penomet or the god awful phallosan forte . Did you have slippage problems with the grip ? And if not how many hours could you wear it for before discomfort began ?

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Lenthening surgery results post op 9 years 6 months ago #1288580698

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I have only ever used the grip - which I really like - but some people do not. When I got it, I think it was the only thing, or almost the only thing out there. I think there are a lot more options now, but I would recommend it. I found the mix of intense stretching and light was important as you need something that can do both.

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Lenthening surgery results post op 9 years 6 months ago #1288574570

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Well even if I did go with Camacho for this surgery to get that 1 Inch el after stretching for a long time what would be the best stretcher to use ? Didn\'t you have this surgery , what kind were you using ?

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Lenthening surgery results post op 9 years 6 months ago #1288573953

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I have never heard of anyone getting more than 1.25 - 1.5 (rarely!) ; and I have a feeling that the surgery wasn\'t essential to the process as the gains always come gradually a year or more later. The best the surgery does is keep your Flaccid closer to your Erect length.

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Lenthening surgery results post op 9 years 6 months ago #1288573729

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Jus wanted to see if anybody had any better results but clearly no one has

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Lenthening surgery results post op 9 years 6 months ago #1288573718

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Well I did , I\'ve done the research on this thread and others but don\'t act as if the gains are massive or anything an Inch is the most anybody ever gains from this surgery and that\'s after like a whole year and some change of stretching but clearly this might not be the surgery for me

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Lenthening surgery results post op 9 years 6 months ago #1288573061

I do not recall any one posting here that they gained 3/4\" EL due to surgery by any Dr. If I am wrong some one will chime in.

Save your money and go for manual stretching then PMMA if it is what you want for Girth.

Good luck.

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Lenthening surgery results post op 9 years 6 months ago #1288699488

Girthseeker wrote: Damn dickeater nobody even asked you tho

wtf kind of reply is that O_o well at least you sound very smart lol.

You need to chill dude.

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