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TOPIC: ADVICE NEEDED - big aesthetic problem

ADVICE NEEDED - big aesthetic problem 9 years 9 months ago #1287187673

How many days post op are you? It might even out. Sometimes some areas get harder than others and go down - and other areas grow more...but it depends how far post op you are. Before using Kenalog, saline can disperse PMMA nodules / masses. It might not be necessary though. Also, is there a reason you only posted a pic that small? I cant see what you are referring to.

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ADVICE NEEDED - big aesthetic problem 9 years 9 months ago #1287242962

Let me weigh in on this. First thing is when you do PMMA you will never like the result initially. I think that is because it is new and by nature we regret it. Once the swelling goes down you won\'t feel the same way. It will change too. I had swelling for at least a month.

Be patient. Remember that it will take another session to fix your issues. For what it is worth I think it looks like a reasonable outcome so far.

Just wait and see is my advice.

If I had to guess I would say Dr C can adjust that in your Touch Up session. But I am just guessing.

Btw congrats and what are the stats?

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ADVICE NEEDED - big aesthetic problem 9 years 9 months ago #1287241896

smalljay wrote: I just wanted to update this thread and say that Wade got around to replying to me today. He let me know that what they usually recommend is for patients to wait 6-8 weeks for the area to soften out (which is what usually happens), or if I\'m not happy with that option, that I can come in for a consultation and possibly a Kenalog shot. He, like you guys, also requested some more photos of the area from different angles.

I think I may try to take the conservative route and wait a bit - then again, I just hope that this doesn\'t make the PMMA in that area grow more prominent in the meantime. I\'ll need to email Wade and see what he thinks about that. Don\'t know really if this is a time sensitive issue (AKA if the area could grow worse with time), or if it\'s better either way to wait. I guess anything could happen so it\'s hard to guess.

Thanks for all of your help thus far.

More times than not, allowing the prescribed amount of time to pass > attempting to intervene prematurely.

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ADVICE NEEDED - big aesthetic problem 9 years 9 months ago #1287211252

Wow? Were you banned AGAIN?

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ADVICE NEEDED - big aesthetic problem 9 years 9 months ago #1287210556

Post some pics from another angle that we can see what you talking about..

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ADVICE NEEDED - big aesthetic problem 9 years 9 months ago #1287202487

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I can see what you are talking about, but i don\'t think it bad in anyway, but obviously you feel the way you feel. The only thing i can think of that would improve this concern would be to start stretching or ADS (using an extender). as you gain actual length, the base part should be pulled out a bit, so you will get physically longer and you will also improve the base which will add to the visual length.

Many people have said that if you get PMMA and then try to gain length, that you should be prepared to do another PMMA session because when you pull the penis out more, there will be a gap at the base ( EG. if you are 5\'\' in Erect Length, then there will only be PMMA along that 5\'\', but if you then gain 1\'\' in length, then that additional 1\'\' will not have any PMMA around it)

Either way, you have had a successful round in my eyes, with great aethetic results.

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ADVICE NEEDED - big aesthetic problem 9 years 9 months ago #1287194016

I would consult with Dr. C first & foremost. He\'s the performing doctor, and he\'s well-versed in what\'s going on down there. Consultation with other physicians isn\'t a bad idea, but I wouldn\'t undergo any sort of treatment without having ran it by Dr. C first. Much of this has to do with the fact that, let\'s face it, PMMA is not a very familiar product among American doctors. They will treat you like you made the biggest mistake of your life and do more chastising you than offering solutions. At least this is what I\'ve gathered from other posts in the past.

And I would also wait it out a bit too. Maybe give it a test drive, and see how \"functional\" the issue is, not just aesthetic.

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ADVICE NEEDED - big aesthetic problem 9 years 9 months ago #1287191016

smalljay - I had it injected based on this article here:

The skin cream is for pre-cancerous lesions on the face, so definitely do not use that. It practically burns your skin off. It\'s rx anyway, so nobody would prescribe it.

I asked wade what concentration of kenalog and 5fu they use for nodules, but he never replied to that. So, I had to go off the article & the experience of the dermatologist I worked with (who rarely injects 5fu - but it is becoming more common). 5fu works for mature keloid scars, so I think it\'s possible to wait, though given how pmma works - i didn\'t want to wait for it to build up more. In your case, it could easily flatten out. But, there\'s no easy way to know. I think wade will tell you to wait for 6 weeks...because the area is still not stabilize yet. The problem with waiting is that you risk this turning permanent...but the problem with treating early is that you risk a big dent or missing area of product (I suppose this could be fixed in round 2 though).

Convincing a doctor to inject that would not be easy because nobody knows about metacrill & few people use artefill & most docs prefer to wait until they inject anything at all, but I am friends with a dermatologist, so we discussed this whole scenario for a while. I decided to proceed early rather than wait. It takes a while to work...and the protocol is to do low amounts spaced 7-10 days apart. they both should have an effect. The problem is that I do not know the dosages for metacrill nodules. So, we did amounts that were probably too low...though they followed this particular journal article (that is based on artefill since it\'s the only pmma filler in the usa).

You\'d have to find a dermatologist very well versed in fillers - who is also not going to freak out when you say you have pmma in your penis. Oh, the other issue is that most dermatologists are booked for 4-6 weeks - so despite the sensitive timing, you couldn\'t get in during this window period anyway.

If I were in your shoes (and I kind of was in this last round) - I would try to find someone to inject the kenalog/5fu mix in the article. If they do a conservative amount, it shouldn\'t risk much...though the results might be limited. Then, you can repeat it in 10 days. If it over-treats the area, then in round 2, you can fill it back in. That\'s just my thought on it. Others would disagree and tell you to wait until 6 weeks. It could just be hardened swelling and not the product in there. In that case, the kenalog would reduce the swelling at least.

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ADVICE NEEDED - big aesthetic problem 9 years 9 months ago #1287189309

Could you upload some different angles, as well as some Flaccid shots? I suspect this is something that can be corrected, but hard to say how with only those 2 photos. I see what you mean by the gap but, to be honest, I wouldn\'t have noticed it without you pointing it out, but makes more sense when outlined. I\'m not sure massaging beyond 10 days out will resolve an issue like that, it may be more adequately addressed in a touch-up/Revision round.

I agree with Restoration, the overall result is pretty good and is remarkably cylindrical from the angles provided. Knock on wood that the highlighted area is the only issue, as I suspect it can be resolved (still not entirely sure what I\'d personally recommend, best if we had more photos).

Good luck.

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ADVICE NEEDED - big aesthetic problem 9 years 9 months ago #1287188982

Saline is really just to break up nodules that form in 2-4 weeks... not really for this, so nevermind that - sorry. I think that it might even out because 10 days is really early. your option is to wait & see or somehow convince them to be more aggressive. I don\'t think they will. The only thing that stops the process of fibrosis / collagen formation is 5fu or Kenalog. You can\'t get Atrophy from 5fu but I had it injected in my nodules and after the second round it started to burn and peel my skin off... but I personally decided I couldn\'t have a Dick that had 9 the 3 biggest got the 5fu. If this isnt\' a Nodule, it\'s more complicated to deal with. Nodules hold in the drug that is injected until they dissolve. If this is just a dense area, I think you have to wait and see what happens. It doesn\'t look bad at all - it all looks really good honestly, but I believe you it\'s worse in person (all my problems are worse than the pics).

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ADVICE NEEDED - big aesthetic problem 9 years 9 months ago #1287306468

I had that after my first round. It lessens over time.

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