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TOPIC: Summer Donation Drive

Summer Donation Drive 9 years 10 months ago #1287003006

Thanks for the handful of donations since our last blackout, I\'m writing in hopes to spur interest and generate some funds for this essentially non-commercial, non-profit, purely volunteer forum.

We were fortunate to get a good turnout during the blackout, but I\'m hoping to avoid another blackout. The purpose of the blackout was to create the impression of no longer having a resource like this forum. How important is it to you that the free flow of information, with actual people and actual photos, was available without the frills of penis pop up ads or doctor shills, etc.

For the newer members who may not know, I didn\'t create this forum ever imagining it would have gotten to where it is today. I was basically creating a refuge for a topic (Phalloplasty) that was shunned by all other penis enlargement forums, and being completely corrupted & scammed by the now-defunct MyNewSize website. Myself, Hoddle, Mustang, and a few others made up a tight-knit community where we exchanged whatever info or trend we got our hands on. It\'s grown since then, and although no where near as big as some of the other PE forums, I\'m proud of where we are today.

But I\'ll need your help. I work on a server\'s salary. Which is basically tips. I\'ve stated previously that I no longer plan on allocating any of my personal funds to this site. This site is solely in the hands of community donation. No donations = no site. This isn\'t any sort of threat, just a reality. Many thousands of you have benefited greatly, be it having decided to get something done, or opposite, realized you don\'t need to get anything done at all. How much would you have paid for that kind of information? I don\'t know about you all but I would have considered some of the insight & info gathered here as priceless... since after all... I\'m actually bigger than my original 3.5\" Erect Girth.

Please, any donation is better than no donation, it will be greatly appreciated!!!

To donate, follow the link below in my signature and follow the directions in the first post of that thread


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Summer Donation Drive 9 years 10 months ago #1287313359

I\'d hate for previous donors to have to donate again, pretty unfair if you ask me. I\'m going to wait it out the next few weeks before making any major decisions, see how turnout works. No excuses about not knowing this site needs donations, there is a big link at the top of every page. Sorry if I came off as very alarmist but I had to get the frustration of my chest. I\'m not closing the forum down, although it isn\'t an unrealistic situation if things don\'t change in the next few weeks/months. I will seriously assess all my options for seeking out funds early next week and make you all privy to my decision making in the near future. Thanks again to those who have donated in the past.

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Summer Donation Drive 9 years 10 months ago #1287311611

I agree! Make it pay site to stop the freeloading!

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Summer Donation Drive 9 years 10 months ago #1287311341


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Summer Donation Drive 9 years 10 months ago #1287307123

We used to have PayPal a few years ago. It was shutdown by PayPal because of supposed violations of their Terms of Service. Maybe too \"adult\" for PayPal\'s liking, regardless, PayPal is no longer available to us.

Google Wallet is available for American users and CCBill is not much different from PayPal for International (and American) users. Carefully follow the instructions in the link under my signature, or if you have questions, feel free to PM me.

Now we\'re at a total of 2 donors for the month of May. Given this site\'s thousands of visitors monthly, I have absolutely no issue with pulling the plug at this pace. I\'m tired of fucking forking the bill for a bunch of ungrateful freeloaders. Or even worse, a handful of generous donors forking the bill for a bunch of ungrateful freeloaders. If you have a bigger Dick, or you have avoided getting your Dick hacked up, or both, please help out. I\'m at my wits end with this site.

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Summer Donation Drive 9 years 10 months ago #1287305762

iron_martian wrote:

Skeptical One wrote: For those who have donated and would like a donor tag under their username, please PM me. I can get around to it manually but it can be tedious and I\'m not always afforded the time... in other words, you\'ll get your donor tag in due time, but if you want it sooner, it\'ll be a lot easier if you PM me, mention method of transaction (e.g. CCBill or Google Wallet), and any sort of transaction ID# (or month you donated in) would be helpful.

Turnout hasn\'t been strong this month, I\'m hoping others see this.

I think the tags are great! That way you can determine who\'s donated and people will feel obligated to donate.

I agree, maybe it will \"guilt\" some of the long standing members that have gotten a lot of info here but hasn\'t donated yet. its unfortunate that we have to look at it that way but I think it will help.

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Summer Donation Drive 9 years 10 months ago #1287303122

Do you take Bitcoin?

If not, please PM me your paypal address.

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Summer Donation Drive 9 years 10 months ago #1287298823

Pm me your Paypal address please

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Summer Donation Drive 9 years 10 months ago #1287254630

1 week left in the month of May and only one donation all month long. Any others willing to help bolster the summer coffers? Your help is greatly appreciated

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Summer Donation Drive 9 years 10 months ago #1287225197

4 Donations April weren\'t bad, but only 1 donation so far this month. Surely some of you out there care that this forum remains running? A many many thanks to previous donors, their consideration is the reason you can still read this message.

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Summer Donation Drive 9 years 10 months ago #1287149454

Skeptical One wrote: For those who have donated and would like a donor tag under their username, please PM me. I can get around to it manually but it can be tedious and I\'m not always afforded the time... in other words, you\'ll get your donor tag in due time, but if you want it sooner, it\'ll be a lot easier if you PM me, mention method of transaction (e.g. CCBill or Google Wallet), and any sort of transaction ID# (or month you donated in) would be helpful.

Turnout hasn\'t been strong this month, I\'m hoping others see this.

I think the tags are great! That way you can determine who\'s donated and people will feel obligated to donate.

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Summer Donation Drive 9 years 10 months ago #1287147874

For those who have donated and would like a donor tag under their username, please PM me. I can get around to it manually but it can be tedious and I\'m not always afforded the time... in other words, you\'ll get your donor tag in due time, but if you want it sooner, it\'ll be a lot easier if you PM me, mention method of transaction (e.g. CCBill or Google Wallet), and any sort of transaction ID# (or month you donated in) would be helpful.

Turnout hasn\'t been strong this month, I\'m hoping others see this.

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Summer Donation Drive 9 years 10 months ago #1287066230

New1inch wrote: Will donate.

Thanks a bunch!

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Summer Donation Drive 9 years 10 months ago #1287054067

Will donate.

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Summer Donation Drive 9 years 10 months ago #1287053476

Bump. It\'s the start of May and I\'m hoping we can take this endeavor seriously. Your generosity will not be over looked.

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