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TOPIC: I feel stiff cords in my PMMA layer + a general "touch up" timeline quesiton

I feel stiff cords in my PMMA layer + a general "touch up" timeline quesiton 9 years 10 months ago #1286958942

Does anyone have experience with this? I have many nodules and \"islands\" - a few which shrunk down with Kenalog. The cords seem to be resistant, and they feel like hardened veins, so they are almost passable as realistic anatomy. But, some stick out in weird ways and have sharp edges that don\'t act like veins would...and they tend to run from one Nodule to the next & add bulk in strange areas.

I\'m 4 weeks post R 3 with 30% Linnea Safe (15cc). I am just trying to figure out what all this stuff is under my skin. A few irregularities are similar to a Nodule that I had after R1 of 10%... and hopefully those will dissipate around 8-10 weeks. The cords and rock hard BB lumps are different, though in terms of density and they\'re even mobile too.

For those of you with hard ridges, cords, lumps, etc... when did you go back to Dr. C and what did he do for you- how did it turn out with a touch up? Not many journals seem to have touch up rounds.

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I feel stiff cords in my PMMA layer + a general "touch up" timeline quesiton 9 years 10 months ago #1286983988

bullsnake is correct, there have been reports of thrombosed veins in the past and they normally resolve spontaneously. Also several years ago there was a discussion about the cords and several people said it was from the PMMA traveling into the lymph nodes channels and hardening there. I think this would make a lot of sense since the lymph tissue is the plumbing system which removes tissue debris. I can not remember if this was confirmed by a surgeon or not though. I don\'t remember major complications as a result but you might check the old threads. I would concur there is a tone of fear and self obsession with your perceived complications. I would suggest going easier on yourself. Also many guys with peyronies have much much worse outcomes and to be perfectly frankly you will likely never get your original penis back. But that\'s okay.. I think over time you will reach a greater level of acceptance so be patient. We are all in this together.

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I feel stiff cords in my PMMA layer + a general "touch up" timeline quesiton 9 years 10 months ago #1286978767

As for your cord like vein, I\'ve had whats called a thrombosed vein, I haven\'t had PMMA so yours could be something different, In my case its common amongst people who hang and do PE, It is a \"superficial\" vein that gets plugged due to trauma, Its nothing to worry about as they go away on there own. U can try to massage them but for me it just seemed to aggravate it. after about 2-3 weeks I woke up one morning and it was almost gone and completely gone 2-3 days after that. Go to some of the PE boards and search it.

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I feel stiff cords in my PMMA layer + a general "touch up" timeline quesiton 9 years 10 months ago #1286970369

Yeah. Thank you. I\'ll have to just wait & see.

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I feel stiff cords in my PMMA layer + a general "touch up" timeline quesiton 9 years 10 months ago #1286968972

I never had the procedure done so I can\'t know what your going through but Ive seen other patients in the past that had little things they didn\'t like about their procedure, but eventually everything settled. I have to agree with skeptical one on the over analyzing everything. It seems you find a new issue all the time. To me honestly your Dick looks WAAAY better than it did when you first came to the forum. In your last photo posted I was going to tell you how good your results looked and you should just give it more time but I was just too lazy to type. But do yourself a favor and just try to give it a month to see if you body naturally fix these issues. Probably even beneficial to stay off the forum a bit for those weeks to get your mind off your penis. As far as sex get hard immediately and throw a condom on before it could be examined by your partner if the look concerns you.

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I feel stiff cords in my PMMA layer + a general "touch up" timeline quesiton 9 years 10 months ago #1286966166


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I feel stiff cords in my PMMA layer + a general "touch up" timeline quesiton 9 years 10 months ago #1286965775

Your reply only confirmed my concerns...your response was riddled with over-analysis & anxiety. We know how you\'re feeling brother, but nothing is \"wrong\" with your penis. Sure, they may be some irregularities that could use an eventual touch-up (or alternatively, the passing of time), but your approach needs to change if you are to expect a happy ending. You had to know going into this that there was a chance things wouldn\'t go as planned, so remind yourself of this. It may not be perfect, but it could be a LOT worse.

What you need to do is find some new things to occupy your mind. Maybe limit forum consumption, read books, and allow the course of time and self-reflection be your protocol, as opposed to pricking yourself with needles. I\'m serious.

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I feel stiff cords in my PMMA layer + a general "touch up" timeline quesiton 9 years 10 months ago #1286965674

I hope\'s affecting me pretty seriously, emotionally, right now. I was fine for about 4 weeks, but I have gotten a lot more depressed and ocd about it considering how much worse it is than the other rounds. The last two rounds went relatively smoothly by comparison. I definitely had some issues and complaints back then that were surprising to me, but they were issues that everyone had generally.

I just can\'t believe I just went from having a normal looking average penis (and a good sex life) to one that I can\'t have any sexual relations with because it feels so weird. It looks thicker, for the time being, but it feels like something is very wrong with it. So, I am just trying understand what happening and if it\'ll change for the better. Maybe it will fade to being smooth, but if it doesn\'t - then basically I just screwed up my Dick really bad and have to go back to Mexico again. I guess my primary doc\'s email really pissed me off too - because he was like \"nope, not touching it - go back to Mexico\" and my Dermatologist is also making me wait until 6+ weeks. I was just hoping someone would reply \"yes I had those cord things and they went away\".

I am trying to figure out what happened in the different journals that show long term permanent nodules vs. some that faded away...and what those people did, if anything, to get things even again. Waiting worked for me on R1, but these things are so much worse this time. Maybe it was the Linnea Safe 30% or the lack of a steroid shot or something - but it came out really bad (to the touch - visually it\'s not nearly as bad). Yes, I hope it\'ll be fine by 12 weeks or whatever - I just want to do whatever I can to get it there.

Anyway - thanks for writing all of that. You are right. I am just a little over-stressed right now about this & some other stuff.

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I feel stiff cords in my PMMA layer + a general "touch up" timeline quesiton 9 years 10 months ago #1286965455

With all due respect buddy, and I say this in all sincerity, I think you\'re over analyzing & over obsessing. You\'re doing way too much to your penis, between the PMMA, the self-punctures, the Kenalog, etc. Then you\'re constantly finding new terms to describe your issues like cords and islands. That isn\'t to say you don\'t have these issues, and I\'m in no way trying to diminish how it may feel to have them. All I\'m saying is that I think you need to take things step-by-step, patiently, and allow time to take its course. You\'ve already been through the Peyronies fiasco, why not give this new process more time, and allow for a clearer mind along the way?

Touch-ups are discussed frequently, and issues can be resolved through follow-up rounds. But I\'m serious when I say don\'t even bother. Unless you are dealing with a health-threatening issue, I\'d discontinue any future appointments with your Urologist, or with Dr. C. Stop performing incisions on yourself and refocus on the bigger picture...and that is a bigger you. Your penis DOES look thicker and that\'s a start, right? Whoever said things would go perfect or be 100% natural? Ever met a woman with fake boobs who convinced you it was totally natural? Maybe, but very rare, right?

I know you\'re looking for resolutions to your perceived issues, but knock on wood (I\'m not superstitious, I just like the saying lol) you aren\'t suffering from complications men endured before PMMA was even discussed. On the bright side, despite your issues, you do have a thicker looking penis (regardless of the actual numerical gain), and you have good reason to believe that resolutions will come in time. But for now, take it one step at a time. You\'re overwhelming yourself & your penis with your current approach, and while you may have valid concerns (e.g. irregularities mimicking STDs), you aren\'t going to make them better with a restless approach. Take it easy buddy, you have a community with a lending ear, so I ask in all sincerity, that you hear us out too You\'ll be fine bro, you\'ve gone through a lot (or at least your penis has), and you\'re ultimately doing just fine

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I feel stiff cords in my PMMA layer + a general "touch up" timeline quesiton 9 years 10 months ago #1286988090

Thanks - i\'ll look into that more & see what I find. I am kinda starting to think it might be the track of where the cannula deposited the product, because most of them connect up to the entry points. It\'s hard to tell though.

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