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TOPIC: Elist Lawsuit Potential Solution

Elist Lawsuit Potential Solution 9 years 10 months ago #1286934320


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Elist Lawsuit Potential Solution 9 years 10 months ago #1287171342

If you read the complaints on Elist and still believe you should go ahead with the implant, you are a damn fool! I have had the implant in for 4 years and the Dumb ass Elist put it in too short (about an Inch too short) and it is no longer stitched to my penis only to my pelvic bone. I get a hard on and the front of the implant is 1\" from the back of my Dick head. I can only have sex with a condom on since it holds the freakin implant (hose) in place. WTF? This doctor is a dumb ass... Or are we dumb asses for doing it? The testicles I have also and they are nice and big but too hard. All looks good with clothes or swim suit but at the time of ready to be intimate. It\'s a failure F+ no doubt. I have lost 2 girl friends in the last 3 years because of it and now want to take it out but do not want to lose an Inch. I am 5 1/2\" long and have always been before and after. I personally know a guy who lost 1/2\" but he was 8\" at start. I don\'t have enough to spare. What do I do? I know what I want to do but don\'t want to have Erection problems or a shorter Dick. Feedback anyone.

Again, If you don\'t want to listen to authentic advice from actual guys get off the site and do the mistake we made. You\'ll be back I guarantee it.

If anyone wants a 1 on 1 conversation. Message me and I will tell you the truth and more details. I have very bad vision and it is hard for me to type too much it gives me headaches. Message me and I\'ll give you contact information.

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Elist Lawsuit Potential Solution 9 years 10 months ago #1287138843

8-ball wrote:

Aussieguy wrote:

8-ball wrote: Restoration hit the nail on the head. If everyone just at this forum who got butchered by him files individual complaints to the CA medical board, he would be toast. It really is that simple. This is exactly how Dr. Rheinschild finally got shut down and that was only 3 people filing complaints. As some might remember, I was one of the 3 and my bad results weren\'t anywhere in the same league as the Elist victims.

ELIST is on the urge of retiring and is trying to on sell his patent to surgeons all around the world.

A surgeon in Australia - Dr Laith Barnouti is promoting his implants and using them.

How do you know he is about to retire? Rheinschild was well into his 70s and still fucking people up until his licence got yanked, don\'t assume just because he is up there in age that he is looking to retire.

My observations are he is if he\'s trying to on sell his patents world wide. Why would he do that other than he wants to capitalise in his inventions?

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Elist Lawsuit Potential Solution 9 years 10 months ago #1287132714

It is also important to include in the complaints not only the bad physical results, but the deceptive marketing, lies, patient abandonment, etc. All of these are potential violations and you can cover multiple violations in a single complaint.

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Elist Lawsuit Potential Solution 9 years 10 months ago #1287129231

Aussieguy wrote:

8-ball wrote: Restoration hit the nail on the head. If everyone just at this forum who got butchered by him files individual complaints to the CA medical board, he would be toast. It really is that simple. This is exactly how Dr. Rheinschild finally got shut down and that was only 3 people filing complaints. As some might remember, I was one of the 3 and my bad results weren\'t anywhere in the same league as the Elist victims.

ELIST is on the urge of retiring and is trying to on sell his patent to surgeons all around the world.

A surgeon in Australia - Dr Laith Barnouti is promoting his implants and using them.

How do you know he is about to retire? Rheinschild was well into his 70s and still fucking people up until his licence got yanked, don\'t assume just because he is up there in age that he is looking to retire.

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Elist Lawsuit Potential Solution 9 years 10 months ago #1287128337

8-ball wrote: Restoration hit the nail on the head. If everyone just at this forum who got butchered by him files individual complaints to the CA medical board, he would be toast. It really is that simple. This is exactly how Dr. Rheinschild finally got shut down and that was only 3 people filing complaints. As some might remember, I was one of the 3 and my bad results weren\'t anywhere in the same league as the Elist victims.

ELIST is on the urge of retiring and is trying to on sell his patent to surgeons all around the world.

A surgeon in Australia - Dr Laith Barnouti is promoting his implants and using them.

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Elist Lawsuit Potential Solution 9 years 10 months ago #1287124922

Restoration hit the nail on the head. If everyone just at this forum who got butchered by him files individual complaints to the CA medical board, he would be toast. It really is that simple. This is exactly how Dr. Rheinschild finally got shut down and that was only 3 people filing complaints. As some might remember, I was one of the 3 and my bad results weren\'t anywhere in the same league as the Elist victims.

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Elist Lawsuit Potential Solution 9 years 10 months ago #1286937004

Societies like the AMA or AUA (american urological association) don\'t have any power over doctors. Only the state government does. -- you can see these things are for continuing education, research, and sometimes even lobbying... among other things (same with the AMA). I\'m not familiar with the american board of urology, but even if he lost his board certification with them, he can still continue. Without being board certified, there are doctors doing lipo, breast implants, etc... all over the place - for the money. I know of a dermatologist who does both, actually...and an Emergency Department doc who does facial fillers when he\'s not in the hospital (though that, technically, isn\'t so hard to do, compared to what his normal duties involve).

The CA state medical board is the only way to take him down, and it\'s free.

Suing him in civil court could cost 30-50k and would probably lose in CA. Elective cases rarely win anywhere in the country anyway, and I\'m sure the ASPS lobbied plenty in California to make plastic surgeons immune from large settlements. And even if someone won, only his insurance would pay. From what I gather, he\'s a sociopath - and he\'d barely flinch if he got sued.

He needs his license revoked. I never met him, so I can\'t file a complaint, but I share the same sentiments that DWD posted about him and what he has done.

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Elist Lawsuit Potential Solution 9 years 10 months ago #1286936292

Since he is supposed to be a member of the American Board of Urology, I wonder if they could do anything in addition to the CA licensing board?

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Elist Lawsuit Potential Solution 9 years 10 months ago #1286936241


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Elist Lawsuit Potential Solution 9 years 10 months ago #1286935524

I posted a long time ago in one of the Elist threads that he should have been reported to the CA state licensing board to have his license revoked. That\'s who grants the license. The AMA has no jurisdiction over his activities. It\'s very hard to sue government entities, though it can be done if you know for sure they were negligent in handling complaints about him.

I posted this at least a year ago (because as someone who works with GOOD doctors, I\'d like to see this ass hole have his license revoked).

Everyone...and I mean EVERYONE who has dealt with him needs to file complaints HERE:

THEN, it takes at least a year for CA to deal with them. You can only then sue the state of CA if they continue to let him practice after their investigation and he harms more people. Because, then it it negligence (Duty --> Breach --> Damages).

How this hasn\'t happened yet boggles my mind, given the # of guys he\'s fucked up...though it did take about 10 years for a plastic surgeon in NYC to get his license revoked...who then went to ireland to do nose jobs there (and ended up killing a patient...oh Dr. Sachs...such a psychopath...)

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Elist Lawsuit Potential Solution 9 years 10 months ago #1286934610

Dance With Dragons wrote: Okay, so taking away the FDA, what about the AMA? It is incredibly obvious that Elist is breaking the hypocratic oath. He is performing elective, optional procedures that do extraordinary damage. He shouldn\'t be allowed to keep his license. The AMA licenses physicians and by allowing him to keep his they are applying their seal of approval to his methods.

But then they\'d need to have had a series of complaints made against him and virtually no one takes any action when these things happen. For all the guys we\'ve seen with problems over the years, how many have actually mentioned that they took any action against Elist. I remember one guy who won a small compensation, but other than that, I can\'t think of anyone actually doing anything.

I\'ve had several poor surgeries and never once done anything about it. It\'s seriously embarrassing and usually the patient just wants their penis to heal.

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Elist Lawsuit Potential Solution 9 years 10 months ago #1286934541


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Elist Lawsuit Potential Solution 9 years 10 months ago #1286934537


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Elist Lawsuit Potential Solution 9 years 10 months ago #1286934516

I think you\'ve fallen for the BS that his implant is FDA approved. The material is FDA approved and he makes it sound as if he has some kind of special FDA approval for a silicone implant for the penis. It\'s just a marketing scam. The FDA have approved the silicone material and it can be used freely by surgeons, it\'s not their fault Elist implants it into the penis. It\'s no different to using Alloderm in that respect. The FDA have approved Alloderm and some surgeons choose to use it on the penis.

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