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TOPIC: Can anyone help me find this poster? I have the image - but I can't find the journal.

Can anyone help me find this poster? I have the image - but I can't find the journal. 9 years 9 months ago #1286718397

Hang in there partner

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Can anyone help me find this poster? I have the image - but I can't find the journal. 9 years 9 months ago #1286708980

Thanks Hunkydory. I appreciate the info. I hope that happens here, too. Since this is my third round, it\'s just different than the last two - so it made me more nervous to see this. This round seemed to have a lot more swelling than last time. My Dick still feels warm to the touch, even...and it\'s 5 days already.

I think stretching it is just making the situation worse, too. I should just let it rest for a few days. When I take the stretcher off, it\'s even more swollen.

One other difference with JonThomas is that those pics were his first round, so he didn\'t really have a safety net of PMMA holding things together...since dr. c injects under the existing collagen network. Though, I\'m not sure if additional rounds really are less risky aesthetically, but it\'s just a guess.

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Can anyone help me find this poster? I have the image - but I can't find the journal. 9 years 9 months ago #1286708359

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Hi guys I am reading this post - and while I did not have PMMA, recently I had surgery on my Dick removing 20 year old dermal fat grafts and after the surgery my Dick was swollen, bloated, purplish black and I had a huge fluid build up under the glans, just like what you have - it looked identical. After the swelling and bloating went down, that was the last area to go down, I think partially because of gravity. My Dick, 6 weeks out, looks 90% normal already and the fluid is all gone too.

The only reason I didn\'t completely flip out was that I remembered I went through the same process when I had the grafts put in - and that area again under the glans collected all the fluid but looked 100% normal after a while. I asked Dr. Reed about the fluid this time and he said do not use Advil and do not use cold compresses as it is a vasodilator and you want the blood to remove the fluid.

Saying all this because it is easy to freak yourself out and chances are you are fine, but had surgery or a procedure that causes your body to react which is normal. The guy with the PMMA build up from what I understand had really stretched out skin which is closer to an issue I would have, just because you have fluid build up doesn\'t put you in that category. Dr. C and Wade mentioned that guy to me and has been looking at my recovery pics to see if that would happen to me based on how lose my skin is / or is not - I doubt that your skin was so lose as to have that happen to you. If I posted before and after pics from 6 weeks ago you wouldn\'t believe how bizaare and distorted my Dick got - way worse - and how normal is looks now. Offering all this not to diagnose you but to say things are probably fine, and the swelling looks common.

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Can anyone help me find this poster? I have the image - but I can't find the journal. 9 years 9 months ago #1286707821

hmm... i can try. It might hurt or be too tight, compressing the skin. After 2-3 hours of coban compression, it is gone. It comes back quickly, but it goes away at least for a while.

On top, I cannot push my finger into the swelling...unlike the I wonder if the coban is going to be less of a problem since the top feels a little more stable. Hopefully I will only have to do it for a few hours a day for the next few days and it will recede permanently. Unfortunately, it was there since day 1 so I\'m a little more worried about it being the result of a deeper injury...and it might just stay like this.

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Can anyone help me find this poster? I have the image - but I can't find the journal. 9 years 9 months ago #1286705599

Is it not possible to put some soft material in a paper clip (like the one in the link) and gently clamp that specific area where the fluid is? You could probably do it with just the paper clip, but it might me too uncomfortable, hence put some soft material in there. By clamping it, wouldn\'t it force the fluid out and stop it returning, whilst not effecting the rest in the way coban bandage would?

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Can anyone help me find this poster? I have the image - but I can't find the journal. 9 years 9 months ago #1286704567

Thanks - yeah it doesn\'t feel like PMMA at all. It appeared instantly after the procedure, like he hit something (which was the stitch probably). PMMA is thicker and harder to move. This is just fluid which is squishy. However, it\'s trapped in that one area. I just don\'t want the PMMA to head into that spot since it\'s wide open, unlike the circ area (like what happened to jonthomas). So, I am trying to get rid of it any way I can. I just think it\'s better to prevent it from forming collagen than to try to camouflage it or break it up later. Unfortunately, my Kenalog is expired. A tiny amount would be fine, but mine expired. Dr. C injects 40% which is the highest concentration.

SLK did you have this early on? It sounded like everything was perfect for you until the second week...or was there an issue earlier?

Thanks Bruno - you & a bunch of other people in the Jon Thomas thread seemed to have said they had this and it went away. I just never had it in the last 2 rounds. Or the pain from the internal stitch

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Can anyone help me find this poster? I have the image - but I can't find the journal. 9 years 9 months ago #1286701927

Hi guys,
I certainly can\'t say if this is the case for you both but I went through a \"frankenweenie\" stage and had a similar swelling pattern on the underside and around the circ. scar. I kept massaging/palpating and it resolved. Sorry for the distress.

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Can anyone help me find this poster? I have the image - but I can't find the journal. 9 years 9 months ago #1286700580

I already said this was likely PMMA migration/clumping, and will require another trip to get broken up & resolved. I would seriously advise you to not try to fix this yourself! You\'ve already had several issues, so why take the chance? Wait at least 8 weeks to ensure all the swelling has gone down & make another trip.

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Can anyone help me find this poster? I have the image - but I can't find the journal. 9 years 9 months ago #1286699098

Yea, Dr. C gave me an emergency number - but I already brought this up there. They said it was swelling and would resolve. And, in some cases (did you check out hoddle\'s link) it does resolve. For Jonthomas, it definitely did not. If you need it, I can PM it to you. I don\'t think there\'s anything they can do since I\'m pretty far away now. I think a highly diluted K shot is what I need, but my Kenalog is expired...AND so is my saline, so that option is out anyway.

Here\'s what I am doing to push out the swelling...this is a technique adapted from the peyronies treatment that some people have found effective. It might help, but I\'m not doing it for long or I\'ll end up with lines. The pain hasn\'t changed of course...but maybe some swelling will dissipate. I\'m thinking to wear that silicone sleeve to bed if I can find it - or a non-lubed condom. Swollen tissue should be compressed.

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Can anyone help me find this poster? I have the image - but I can't find the journal. 9 years 9 months ago #1286698880

It\'s really frightening, isn\'t it? I\'m trying to control my nerves right now...hoping that this is going to resolve itself and I didn\'t just fuck up my Dick. I\'m afraid to massage that area too much for fear of increasing the swelling, but at the same time, afraid to leave it alone in case there is PMMA there. Do you think is might be a result of them no longer giving the cortisone shots?

Also I\'d say be very very don\'t wanna mess things up more. Did Wade give you an emergency number?

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Can anyone help me find this poster? I have the image - but I can't find the journal. 9 years 9 months ago #1286698852

Ok I just read everything by JonThomas and a few of the other posters linked in there who said they had similar problems (but their problems resolved). So, I am thinking that we (WGB and me) will be okay with time... and more massage is just going to aggrivate things.

The only complication in my situation is that my internal stitch is really hurting again (it hasn\'t hurt for months) so I think he hit that and it is causing problems. I have Kenalog here... which I have injected into a granuloma annulare lesion - but I never injected anything in my Dick.

It will take me a month to get in to see my Urologist, who will go ape shit about what I did in Tijuana...and no other Urologist will touch my Dick since I went to the best Urologist in the city already (I already tried to see other uros and they won\'t touch me due to who my surgeon was).

So, I am tempted to give myself a highly diluted K shot with an insulin syringe (while I still can - eventually an insulin syringe will not be strong enough to penetrate) I\'m talking about 1/10th of a CC of maybe 10% Kenalog. Dr. C gives 40% Kenalog. I have 40, but I have sterile saline as well. My only concern is hitting a blood do they avoid that?

I broke open my old hardened injection nodules and removed the PMMA in them, so a K shot shouldn\'t be that much more intimidating to do.

I am so pissed the pain is back in this stitch now. I had to live with it for a year and it was finally gone around January...but now it\'s back, and there\'s a big lump over it. I think Dr. C was trying to \"break up\" the stitch, thinking it was former PMMA.

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Can anyone help me find this poster? I have the image - but I can't find the journal. 9 years 9 months ago #1286698323

Yea, but they aren\'t going to be checking it on the weekend. And sometimes it takes a while for them to get back to emails.

WGB - mine feels 100% like fluid as just won\'t leave the area. I\'m afraid I\'ll end up like the guy up above at week 4 if I can\'t get the fluid out - bc the PMMA will probably seep in there. It likes to go wherever the path of least resistance is. I might put coban wrap on the area tonight to try to force the fluid out overnight. I don\'t think advil is gonna help. Maybe ice?

Wade actually yelled at me for taking advil, even though Dr. C said it was fine. Wade said any anti-inflammatory would stop the growth process, but I don\'t think he realized how much swelling I had on day 2-3. I took 2 doses of 400 6 hours apart, and one dose of 200.

He was not in a good mood Friday.

Edit - Thanks Hoodle10!!

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Can anyone help me find this poster? I have the image - but I can't find the journal. 9 years 9 months ago #1286698310

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Can anyone help me find this poster? I have the image - but I can't find the journal. 9 years 9 months ago #1286698201

Can\'t you guys send the pics to your doctors?

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Can anyone help me find this poster? I have the image - but I can't find the journal. 9 years 9 months ago #1286698166

That pic is freaking me out you can see, i have almost the same swelling as your printed pic. It\'s really bad all around the head. I was hoping that it was just because Wade spent so much time working on that area yesterday (like 4 seperate massages), but now i\'m getting more concerned. I can\'t feel any hardness in it, feels most like just fluid.
Advil doesn\'t seem to be reducing it any, either. Agh.

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