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TOPIC: Dr. Capriotti in Houston (?) and Length before Girth (?)

Dr. Capriotti in Houston (?) and Length before Girth (?) 10 years 1 month ago #1286237705

Alrighty Tim, whenever you do go that route make sure to update us on how it works for ya.

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Dr. Capriotti in Houston (?) and Length before Girth (?) 10 years 1 month ago #1286076218

dared3vil wrote: Yeah I meant manual non-surgical in reference to Thunders. Scenario 2 is my current situation. You guys are acting like I\'m advocating the surgery. I\'ve stated prior to this thread that the only reason to get it is for Flaccid length if you\'re self-conscious about that aspect. And on this thread only mentioned the possibility that it helps target the tunica. You can\'t really say that the surgery doesn\'t help either because everyone is different. Where Bob gained 1 Inch in manual PE, Tim gains .5 doing the same routine in the same amount of time. It\'s not a measurable difference because there\'s a variable that can\'t be controlled. The person and how their penis reacts to PE. The reason I won\'t advocate the surgery is the risk isn\'t worth it.

Ah, I must have misunderstood.

Well we can both agree that the risks outweigh the pros.

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Dr. Capriotti in Houston (?) and Length before Girth (?) 10 years 1 month ago #1286075442

Yeah I meant manual non-surgical in reference to Thunders. Scenario 2 is my current situation. You guys are acting like I\'m advocating the surgery. I\'ve stated prior to this thread that the only reason to get it is for Flaccid length if you\'re self-conscious about that aspect. And on this thread only mentioned the possibility that it helps target the tunica. You can\'t really say that the surgery doesn\'t help either because everyone is different. Where Bob gained 1 Inch in manual PE, Tim gains .5 doing the same routine in the same amount of time. It\'s not a measurable difference because there\'s a variable that can\'t be controlled. The person and how their penis reacts to PE.

The reason I won\'t advocate the surgery is the risk isn\'t worth it.

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Dr. Capriotti in Houston (?) and Length before Girth (?) 10 years 1 month ago #1286073862

Thundersplace also has a vast number of men who have obtained gains through stretching/traction alone. Lengthening surgery seems like a gimmick to me. Example:

Scenario 1

Bob stretches for 3 months without surgery, sees a 1 Inch gain.
Bob has surgery, recovers, then stretches for 3 months, sees a 1.2 Inch gain.

Bob is lucky he\'s witnessed Erect gains at all, but was an additional 0.2\" gain worth the risks of surgery and the high costs? Could those 0.2\" have been obtained from another 3 months of stretching?

Scenario 2

Bob was unlucky and his surgery left him with scar tissue giving him a net loss in length of 0.3\" inches.

Bob now spends the first 3 months trying to return to his original size, all while enduring the stress of post-op complication(s).

Bob now must spend additional months gaining net positive gains, none of which are guaranteed.

There is no scenario that suggests Bob will ever see gains that are dramatically greater than forgoing surgery. So that said, why not stick strictly to manual PE? Many reports at Thundersplace suggest that if manual PE doesn\'t work for you, you might want to consider modifying it until it does (observe physiological indicators, etc). And if manual PE in no way shape or form works for you, don\'t fool yourself into believing lengthening surgery will yield enough of an Erect gain (let alone any) to warrant the risks & costs. Just my 2 cents.

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Dr. Capriotti in Houston (?) and Length before Girth (?) 10 years 1 month ago #1286073692

I know at one point the British Medical Journal had an article stating Erect gains from lig cuts, looks like they took it down, it still comes up in a search but the actual BMJ site no longer hosts the article. I know about this only because I had researched prior to getting my first lig surgery. They also used to state manual penile enhancement didn\'t work. But yes, I won\'t find a journal saying to deform the ligs before fatiguing the tunica... all I have is Thunders Place for manual PE info. You may have tension throughout the penis but I doubt you can get an accurate measurement of pressure before and after the ligaments with your finger. Even if it\'s as light of a difference as ounces, it\'s a difference. I\'m not telling anyone to get the surgery, I in fact stated non surgical manual PE is proven. I simply stated that if there was a benefit, that was it. I will say my personal experience this go around is that my tunica is fatigued very easily and consistently through BTC and fulcrum Hanging; noticeably more so than beforehand.

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Dr. Capriotti in Houston (?) and Length before Girth (?) 10 years 1 month ago #1286066414

dared3vil wrote:

hoddle10 wrote:

dared3vil wrote: It\'s hard to say. As PE without lig cut is proven... you can\'t really differentiate what gains you would make on the same person with or without the surgery. The only Erect length PE benefit I see is that you don\'t have to deform the ligs to target the tunica. It\'s all straight tunica stretching.

There is no evidence that the ligs have anything to do with Erect length.

As I\'ve read up on non-surgical PE I\'ve been reading that deformity of the ligs is needed in order to target the tunica. This would mean the ligs don\'t have anything to do with Erect length other than limiting your ability to stretch and fatigue the tunica... the part that does have to do with Erect length. With them severed, it becomes a non-issue.

But you wont have read that in any medical journal. It\'s just the PE equivalent of Bro science and originates from the fact that the ligs were cut for lengthening.

If someone with their ligs in tact were pull their penis out firmly with one hand then put a finger from there free hand at the very base of the penis, behind the scrotum they\'d feel that it\'s every bit as tight there as the area in front of the ligs. So the idea that the ligs need to be cut to stretch and fatigue the tunica is flawed. Which explains why the gains and time frame reported in penis stretcher device studies seem to correlate with what PE Dr\'s tell patients to expect to see with post op stretching.

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Dr. Capriotti in Houston (?) and Length before Girth (?) 10 years 1 month ago #1286065757

Letsgiveitago wrote: @dared3vil I\'m interested in what you said about the tunica stretching. I\'ve been using a phallosan stretcher for a few months because I want to make my unit more straight. But so far I gained half Inch Erect length but it is still curved. I think this means I am hitting the ligaments but not the tunica and I think (but not sure) that to straighten my unit I need to hit the tunica? If so, how do you do this?

I\'m not sure, I would think it would depend on what is causing the curvature. I do believe the intended use of the phallosan forte is to correct curvature, with penile lengthening being a great side effect.

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Dr. Capriotti in Houston (?) and Length before Girth (?) 10 years 1 month ago #1286065735

hoddle10 wrote:

dared3vil wrote: It\'s hard to say. As PE without lig cut is proven... you can\'t really differentiate what gains you would make on the same person with or without the surgery. The only Erect length PE benefit I see is that you don\'t have to deform the ligs to target the tunica. It\'s all straight tunica stretching.

There is no evidence that the ligs have anything to do with Erect length.

As I\'ve read up on non-surgical PE I\'ve been reading that deformity of the ligs is needed in order to target the tunica. This would mean the ligs don\'t have anything to do with Erect length other than limiting your ability to stretch and fatigue the tunica... the part that does have to do with Erect length. With them severed, it becomes a non-issue.

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Dr. Capriotti in Houston (?) and Length before Girth (?) 10 years 1 month ago #1286057413

dared3vil wrote: It\'s hard to say. As PE without lig cut is proven... you can\'t really differentiate what gains you would make on the same person with or without the surgery. The only Erect length PE benefit I see is that you don\'t have to deform the ligs to target the tunica. It\'s all straight tunica stretching.

There is no evidence that the ligs have anything to do with Erect length.

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Dr. Capriotti in Houston (?) and Length before Girth (?) 10 years 1 month ago #1286055848

@dared3vil I\'m interested in what you said about the tunica stretching. I\'ve been using a phallosan stretcher for a few months because I want to make my unit more straight. But so far I gained half Inch Erect length but it is still curved. I think this means I am hitting the ligaments but not the tunica and I think (but not sure) that to straighten my unit I need to hit the tunica? If so, how do you do this?

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Dr. Capriotti in Houston (?) and Length before Girth (?) 10 years 1 month ago #1286054788

It\'s hard to say. As PE without lig cut is proven... you can\'t really differentiate what gains you would make on the same person with or without the surgery. The only Erect length PE benefit I see is that you don\'t have to deform the ligs to target the tunica. It\'s all straight tunica stretching.

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Dr. Capriotti in Houston (?) and Length before Girth (?) 10 years 1 month ago #1286054368

Yes, I may be justifying some. Flaccid gains are the primary goal as I am definitely a \"Grower\" and Erect gains a secondary goal. I\'m quite tired of having to stretch out every fifteen minutes during the day. I\'ve worn a AB silicone tube all day, which helped, but it also causes my unit\'s skin to die due to lack of oxygen.

I realize the doctors like to promise more than they can deliver, but who has had lig cut success?

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Dr. Capriotti in Houston (?) and Length before Girth (?) 10 years 1 month ago #1285970918 wrote: Yep, I know that stretching will be part of the recovery. I\'ve used an Extender and peni-master pro since 2011 off and on for six month segments with week breaks in between. My gain over 3.5 years was 1/2\" at most. I think I have restrictive toned ligiments that resist deformation, so in order to gain length, partial severing my ligs may be the best option.

Currently my unit turtles and is uncomfortable all day, causing me to manually stretch it out to regain comfortable position. This can be difficult with an office job with multiple meetings every day.

Virtually everyone who gets the lengthening procedure justifies it to themselves with reasoning like that. We need to stop lining the pockets of these Dr\'s for no good reason. If you want Flaccid gains, then the lig cut is for you. If you are after Erect gains, you are almost certainly wasting your money and taking the risks that go along with any surgery unnecessarily.

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Dr. Capriotti in Houston (?) and Length before Girth (?) 10 years 1 month ago #1285970882

Yep, I know that stretching will be part of the recovery. I\'ve used an Extender and peni-master pro since 2011 off and on for six month segments with week breaks in between. My gain over 3.5 years was 1/2\" at most. I think I have restrictive toned ligiments that resist deformation, so in order to gain length, partial severing my ligs may be the best option.

Currently my unit turtles and is uncomfortable all day, causing me to manually stretch it out to regain comfortable position. This can be difficult with an office job with multiple meetings every day.

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Dr. Capriotti in Houston (?) and Length before Girth (?) 10 years 1 month ago #1285970793

There isn\'t a whole lot known about him & his practice, and what little we do have can be found here:

You can also do some searches on lengthening, but it\'s considered (forum consensus) largely ineffective for erect length gains (although there may be exceptions, assuming of course you follow through with a rigorous stretching regimen).

Good luck!

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