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TOPIC: Perfect World

Perfect World 10 years 1 month ago #1285942536

If one was given the ability to choose from any known fillers available in the world. What would b the mixture that you feel would give you the best results w the least amount of side effects.

Feel free to choose any mixture or single filler whether legal or not and explain the mixture that would b best.

And is there an option to have a prp injection done immediately prior to injection of filler. Can this add stability to the process of healing and holding gains?

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Perfect World 10 years 1 month ago #1285948494

I\'ve always wondered if PRP injections along with a filler could actually improve gains & outcome. Or it could do nothing at all.

If I were to choose any filler it would have to be medical-grade PMMA. Why even bother mixing it? It started trending on this forum in 2011 and it is now 2015. In that time, it has seen largely positive reports. Those reports with less than desirable outcomes can\'t even begin to be compared with complications of alternative methods (silicone implant, Dermal Grafts, etc). Now while long-term prognosis is still unclear, there isn\'t anything else on the market that matches PMMA\'s success as it relates to penis enlargement (PE). Anyone following the PE scene long enough knows that PMMA (although maybe not the Holy Grail of Phalloplasty) is the most viable option for Girth out there.

And your question asks if we were in a perfect world... in many ways we are because nothing is stopping doctors from coming up with the million dollar concoction to make our dicks huge. And with those efforts, it seems that only one filler stands above the rest. It\'s an observation that cannot be denied. It\'s been a while since I\'ve given a vote of confidence to this specific filler due to my position and role here (impartiality is important), but having gone from 3.5\" EG to a Girth where even Magnums are a bit snug, it has been life-changing (and for those wondering, I still have not measured my Girth since getting PMMA. It\'s a mind-fuck game. If I\'m at 5.3\" I\'ll want another appointment to get to 5.5\". And if I\'m at 5.5\", I\'ll want to get to 6.0\". Instead, I\'ll just be happy knowing that I\'m \"thick.\").

That doesn\'t mean, however, that a new or lesser known filler wont hit the market and make PMMA obsolete. That\'s precisely one of the few reasons this forum exists at all: to track all current trends and determine which ones are more viable than others. I can only imagine the waves of women who went through generations of breast implants until the procedure was mostly standardized and reliable (and even then, risk of Removal & complication still a bit much). Considering the movement started in the 60\'s, there was no internet and therefore no forum(s). Even worse, medical studies were lacking early in the pursuit of reliable implants. Then when the cash cow was apparent, research & development as well as the FDA stepped in. Phalloplasty (penis surgery) lacks both the research & development and respect from other medical communities. It\'s perceived as the \"get-rich-quick\" branch of medicine, and is more often times promoted by quacks than actual doctors. I think it\'s the advent of things like PMMA that may renew broader interest in Phalloplasty, and this forum can play a crucial role in showing the world that penis enlargement procedures are worth developing. I\'m confident that in time, a more \"perfect world\" will be available to us, one where stem cell advancements will pave the way for some really exciting means to get a bigger unit. Maybe not in the near future, but medicine, science, and technology\'s current pace is really giving us hope for a remarkable future. Until then, many of us can\'t wait or wont be alive for said-advancements. For those of us with those dilemmas, non-invasive fillers have the best track record as expressed through numerous progress reports.

*I want to note that although it seems I have a favorable opinion of PMMA (rightfully so, I have it in me), I do not recommend it to just anyone. As noted above, Phalloplasty is still an experimental field and like early generations of breast enlargement, doctors are tweaking, modifying, and re-inventing the wheel, only to see their endeavors fail more often times than not. So if you do choose to pursue any sort of Phalloplasty, please possess or consider the following:
A sound state of mind. If you\'ve recently broken up/divorced, or are currently experiencing issues like depression, you ought to reconsider your decision to go this route.Risk & benefits. If you\'ve read my postings long enough you\'ll know that I think it\'s madness for a guy starting with a penis like 6.5\" x 5.2\" to consider any sort of Phalloplasty. That said, I\'m not in their shoes and not passing judgment, only that I wouldn\'t recommend it. \"If it aint broke, don\'t fix it.\" On the other hand, if you possess a statistically below-average Girth and are genuinely impacted by it (I started at 3.5\", not sure anyone\'s beat me on that on this forum), it\'s easier to assume the risks.Realistic expectations. If you think penis enlargement procedures are going to give you the infamous 8x6 or bigger, you may want to reconsider your goals. Unless you are already huge to begin with, most of us wont ever reach the Sizemics and Messagemans of this world. That isn\'t any sort of discouragement, just a reality check. Besides, the more and more procedures you get trying to reach your goals may only distort the natural aesthetics of your penis more and more.A supportive significant other. This applies to those who are married or are in serious long term relationships. I can\'t begin to stress the importance of communicating your desire to get a procedure done with who you love. Take their opinion seriously. I\'ve seen one too many relationships fracture around the same time the guy considered Phalloplasty....coincidence? And PLEASE don\'t hide it from them thinking a surprise is going to get you some kind of porn scene response.Lastly, be prepared financially! Your procedure may not go right the first time. Heck, I\'ve read some progress reports lately where guys have easily had 4+ procedures. Now add travel & lodging! It can be very stressful to deal with a complication but not have the resources to have it addressed adequately.I probably said more than needed for this thread, but I haven\'t chimed in to this extent in a while. Happy 2015, Cheers!

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Perfect World 10 years 1 month ago #1285950173

Thank you very much for that Skeptical One. I am glad to hear it from you. I have found a great way to navigate these forums by following alot of people\'s journey but did not have much luck getting to know about yours. And I have to agree with everything you said. I too have no intention of taking a measuring tape to my Girth if I have a procedure done. And it looks good then I\'m happy, I feel that alot of people are worried about the numbers when most girls have no clue what measurements are. If I can please a girl w a 5.75\" EL and prob around 4\" EG then it shouldn\'t take much to leave a lasting memory w an extra 1/2 or so.

As far as just medical form PMMA injection being best, I would say that would b what I was thinking too. Though I am going to complete my 6 month PE regimen finishing w at least one prp injection to help w any final healing. Then plan on talking to a doctor about PMMA only injection. I want to b in the best possible situation b4 I even think about going forward with the procedure.

Does anyone know if Dr C is or may b in the future, using the erected penis injection method? This too me does seem like it would help disperse the filler better, I would think.

I think this forum will pave the way for many doctors to see that there is a safe option to PE and hopefully begin a new Era of research and development into the perfect injectable filler
Heck I\'m already wondering if mixing prp w PMMA might b worthy of looking into now too. I can def say that I have a new excited in me every day since I found this forum and read all these journeys. Although I it\'s been a wave of me talking my self out of it and back into the idea over and over based on every new story I read.

But what\'s life without having something exciting to look forward too.

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Perfect World 10 years 1 month ago #1285969631

In a perfect world: A 100% side-effect-free lumps, no potential for long term granulomas, no variation in size when it\'s injected vs. when you get growth...what you see is what you get, like Restylane or juvederm. But, also permanent.

Maybe this will be around one day... but who knows.

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Perfect World 10 years 1 month ago #1286517595

Something created from a large mass of my own stem cells, dextran,and possibly PMMA (depending on where it\'s going, in the body). :v

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