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TOPIC: real side effect of pmma

real side effect of pmma 10 years 2 months ago #1286676045

Swelling will do this...but then you have to stretch for the 6 weeks that the PMMA is growing so it doesn\'t make it harder for your penis to expand all the way. At least, to be on the safe side. Not everyone does this and they dont always loose length. I never stretch at night.

On surgery day I lost 2 inches, but the next day i was only down 1/2 clearly it\'s the trauma and swelling at first... but then when the PMMA kicks in, it could solidify around a smaller penis than you want it to...maybe. Just a theory.

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real side effect of pmma 10 years 2 months ago #1285763530

briceb wrote: I have not experienced this \"new Foreskin\" phenomena.
I did notice like a couple of you other guys, that I do have to shake it more after taking a piss.

I am wondering if the PMMA gains exert pressure on the penile skin causing a little extra pressure on the urethra and hence more shaking is needed?

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real side effect of pmma 10 years 2 months ago #1285718352

Well I should elaborate. I do not have a new Foreskin or even a half-Foreskin. What I do have tho is basically a crease where PMMA skin overlaps my circ area and rests nicely under the ridge of my glans when Flaccid. (Imagine a Foreskin that only goes to the base of your glans). It is this creased area that developes the smell I mentioned. (The crease where PMMA skin overlaps the circ scar to the base of my glans) I believe thehulk mentioned this also in his thread right before he posted his latest pic.

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real side effect of pmma 10 years 2 months ago #1285714690

I have not experienced this \"new Foreskin\" phenomena.
I did notice like a couple of you other guys, that I do have to shake it more after taking a piss.

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real side effect of pmma 10 years 2 months ago #1285713701

How far down on the head is the skin going? Did this happen over time or just after getting lots of rounds?

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real side effect of pmma 10 years 2 months ago #1285705710

I am not alone! Nice knowing I am not the only one who has to do this!

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real side effect of pmma 10 years 2 months ago #1285700276

you\'re right about the peeing issue buttercups. a second issue is after i\'m done urinating, i can tug at my Cock and probably 0.5-1.0ml of urine is still trapped in my penis and doesn\'t leak out unless i stretch it in the direction of the toilet bowl. it was worrisome in the early days post PMMA Cock. Now its part of my daily routine and i don\'t think twice about it up until now. i haven\'t done a urine flow test, but i\'m not paranoid about it at the moment since it\'s not painful in any way, if i don\'t tug i\'ll get my boxers wet with urine and i hate wet boxers under my pants, i prefer everything dry under there.

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real side effect of pmma 10 years 2 months ago #1285664967

Can see how if you\'re not Circumcised, pee misdirection could be an issue. With Sizemic here in that I definitely have to shake my Cock a lot after I pee or it will look like I peed my pants, lol

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real side effect of pmma 10 years 2 months ago #1285658799

Sizemic wrote: Plus the circ area where the PMMA thick skin like creates almost a semi-circ\'d Dick as it folds over itself (as if I was like half Circumcised) gets smelly if I don\'t clean it every day.... if that makes sense.

Same with me, after PMMA I look like half circ\'d. I had mentioned the same problem as Sizemic experiences in a different thread. I carry a small white cotton towel specifically for cleaning that area.

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real side effect of pmma 10 years 2 months ago #1285657694

I don\'t really find any pee gets \"misdirected\" for me... BUT I do find I really have to shake it out a lot after I am done peeing or else I will have more than a few drops come out in my underwear. This didn\'t happen before PMMA but now I have to do this every time.

Plus the circ area where the PMMA thick skin like creates almost a semi-circ\'d Dick as it folds over itself (as if I was like half Circumcised) gets smelly if I don\'t clean it every day.... if that makes sense.

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real side effect of pmma 10 years 2 months ago #1285656935

Sometimes it\'s uncomfortable when I lay on my stomach and put pressure on my penis. A quick shuffle of my Cock fixes it

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real side effect of pmma 10 years 2 months ago #1285656238

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I\'m uncircumcised and the pee misdirection really happens sometimes however now after PMMA it\'s way worse. I\'m having pain around the entry point although it\'s long closed and healed.

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real side effect of pmma 10 years 2 months ago #1285655862

I still itch some times in some areas where the PMMA is, but it is so infrequent and mild it is not a problem. Also, I DO feel some pain behind the glans and I am sure it is because of the PMMA putting some pressure on some nerves. This pain happens only of I have hard sex for a long time OR if I have sex a couple of times a day. I had similar pains but less before PMMA if I had a couple of sex rounds, but that was sore penis which we all have when we have a lot of sex in a short period of time. So, in reality in my experience, there are some areas that if the PMMA beads/collagen is pressing on a sensitive nerve on the penile shaft, I do feel some mild pain. This pain goes away in a few hours and for sure next day.

I emailed Wade a while back about this issue, and he confirmed after my explanation that it could be PMMA pressuring on some nerves. He did continue to say that it will go away or get lesser in time. It did not go away but it is so mild I accept it seeing how much better my sexual life has been...Thank the Gods!!!

As far as redirecting urine, is it possible that your skin is a bit tight with PMMA in some areas and that it is causing the misdirection. Once you move the skin a little, then the direction is normal, right?

I keep an eye on my condition and so far, knock on wood: my skull , it is not getting worse but getting better even though it is taking months to get better.

The human body has an amazing system to protect and adapt itself to its environment!!

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real side effect of pmma 10 years 2 months ago #1285653772

I haven\'t had that - but sometimes I have itching and a little splinter feeling from time to time. There was a guy who posted 1 year post who also had intermittent painful feelings, but I can\'t remember his name.

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real side effect of pmma 10 years 2 months ago #1285648967

I\'m moving this to the more appropriate sub-forum. ***Thread moved to the General Phalloplasty Discussion Forum***

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