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TOPIC: Linnea Safe w/ Camacho-Melo is going to be available

Linnea Safe w/ Camacho-Melo is going to be available 10 years 1 month ago #1285616558

Just a word of caution, the meds recommended above are the most popular and have been used for years with known benefits and side effects but they are highly addictive. If you have an addiction to other stuff, like smoking and drinking, then you have a high risk of replacement of addiction.

Stop smoking and drinking cold turkey is not easy, you need some support system to get you through this tough times. PMMA can wait. You have to stop these habits not for the sake of PMMA, but for the sake of saving your life and other\'s around you.

It is best to get some professional help first and get through the first stages. Once you feel ready, I mean really ready, go for PMMA....

Good Luck man!

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Linnea Safe w/ Camacho-Melo is going to be available 10 years 1 month ago #1285557564

I would have concerns about the 30% in the circ scar area as well. I\'d want to push for the 10 or get a lot more info about how the 30 works well in that area with his procedure. Seems aesthetically risky as well as problematic. Happy new year, all!

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Linnea Safe w/ Camacho-Melo is going to be available 10 years 1 month ago #1285556993

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Mustang2020 wrote:

kcchief wrote: Mustang. What is tight skin in the circ area? Phallocare has a YouTube video on the procudure. Looking for opions on it. Kcchief

It is the skin from just behind the glans to where the circ scar ends.

typically speaking, it is a different color than the rest of the penile shaft skin. It is tight skin and PMMA does not like to stay there well. This is of course for the Circumcised people.

maybe, because the procedure is done on the Erect penis, then product won\'t clump up (?), as opposed to the Flaccid because the penis is Erect, he can put it in the right place. and because it is done on the end of the penis, it won\'t bunch up when it returns to Flaccid (?)

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Linnea Safe w/ Camacho-Melo is going to be available 10 years 1 month ago #1285556433

kcchief wrote: Mustang. What is tight skin in the circ area? Phallocare has a YouTube video on the procudure. Looking for opions on it. Kcchief

It is the skin from just behind the glans to where the circ scar ends.

typically speaking, it is a different color than the rest of the penile shaft skin. It is tight skin and PMMA does not like to stay there well. This is of course for the Circumcised people.

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Linnea Safe w/ Camacho-Melo is going to be available 10 years 1 month ago #1285554572

Yeah, Mustang I think you\'re right - and also I have my degloving scar there too - which might make it even worse. PMMA likes to stick to that scar... which you can kinda see in my b/a photos. It also migrates to the small gap above the deglove scar for some odd reason. I\'m actually not sure if Dr. C-M has 10%. I think Dan said they just use 30 but I\'m sure they can easily get 10. He really went out of his way to get Linnea Safe, so I\'d assume he could get 10%. Does anyone know if Dr. N puts 10% above the circ scar - or are all her patients uncut so far? I think with the C-M and Dr. N approach, they only use 1 insertion maybe it\'s hard to be as precise about what goes where. Dr. C uses 6 generally.

Hoodle - yeah I was thinking about that... i just felt awkward bringing that up, so i didn\'t really say it - but he knows I post here. Maybe they don\'t really need to advertise or they know I\'m gonna post about it regardless? I don\'t know. I wonder whatever happened to the free PMMA to someone who agreed to being taped. I think a review from a long term member would be just as good as that, if not better - since I\'d post 3 & 6 months out...and board gets picked up by google a lot. Anyway, I\'m still trying to decide if I should even go there, regardless of price. I guess if it was free, I\'d still have some questions about it like if they\'d put 10% above the circ scar and how much Linnea Safe they need...and if it\'s different than metacrill. And if I can see more after pics, etc.

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Linnea Safe w/ Camacho-Melo is going to be available 10 years 1 month ago #1285553769

What is tight skin in the circ area? Phallocare has a YouTube video on the procudure. Looking for opions on it.

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Linnea Safe w/ Camacho-Melo is going to be available 10 years 1 month ago #1285552003

I think 30% in the circ area is NOT a good idea, especially if you have tight skin there, as I do. This tight skin will force the product to bunch up in the least resistive skin next to the circ area. With 30%, the collagen build up may cause a big Nodule behind the glans and at the end of the tight skin.
This is a theory of mine. May be DR CM (DR Camacho) has a special procedure to avoid this problem, but so far the comments are that it will not be a problem with 30% in the circ area but no explanation of why....I guess we will wait and see...

While I have had great service from Dr C, I would actually like to have another Dr offer similar services..competition in most cases is good!

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Linnea Safe w/ Camacho-Melo is going to be available 10 years 1 month ago #1285551730

hoddle10 wrote:

thehulk wrote:

hoddle10 wrote: @Restoration, why don\'t you speak to Dan about a bug discount if you make a thorough progress report on here? It just makes so much sense for them to do that. I suggested it for Jimmyjames as well, but nothing came of it. I can\'t think of a better way for them to establish themselves, than by having a detailed progress report by a well known and trusted member of the forum. They should be desperate for such exposure.

I\'m not saying PhalloBoards members should get a discount in general, but just that a one off progress report, from a well trusted member, would benefit them as much as it would us. That surely has to qualify someone like yourself or jimmyjames for a big discount or even free procedure. If they really believe in their procedure, then you guys offer them the perfect platform on which to prove themselves and if they do, their business will grow massively over night.

I would consider that option too. Although I feel I only need a touch up round.

I don\'t think you are such a worthy candidate. Not saying you aren\'t a trusted and valuable member, as you are, but that your penis is in good shape. Resotration and jimmyjames have both had issue\'s to date, so would be ideal to highlight the value of the Erect procedure, if there really is any. Jimmyjames has plenty of aesthetic issues, while Restoration has scar tissue from Peyronies and so on. Your result was pretty damn good and I think it would be considered pretty easy to touch it up. If Phallocare want to show case their skills, I think it\'s best on a harder case and on guys that had to pay a lot so far, with less than ideal results.

Let\'s face it, you\'ve had pretty amazing value for money so far.

Lol yea I\'m not complaining at all. I\'m very blessed with my results. The elusive touch up round has escaped me thus far, I want to get the touch up but my results are so good right now I\'m kinda afraid to mess with it...

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Linnea Safe w/ Camacho-Melo is going to be available 10 years 1 month ago #1285551415

I emailed phallocare but have not herd back from them. I am thinking of a May timeline. I have a highl circ scar
And asked there opion on if they would have the issue in that area as doctor C. I would also prefer the linasafe just for the beter gains
New plastic had to metacrill.

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Linnea Safe w/ Camacho-Melo is going to be available 10 years 1 month ago #1285551240

thehulk wrote:

hoddle10 wrote: @Restoration, why don\'t you speak to Dan about a bug discount if you make a thorough progress report on here? It just makes so much sense for them to do that. I suggested it for Jimmyjames as well, but nothing came of it. I can\'t think of a better way for them to establish themselves, than by having a detailed progress report by a well known and trusted member of the forum. They should be desperate for such exposure.

I\'m not saying PhalloBoards members should get a discount in general, but just that a one off progress report, from a well trusted member, would benefit them as much as it would us. That surely has to qualify someone like yourself or jimmyjames for a big discount or even free procedure. If they really believe in their procedure, then you guys offer them the perfect platform on which to prove themselves and if they do, their business will grow massively over night.

I would consider that option too. Although I feel I only need a touch up round.

I don\'t think you are such a worthy candidate. Not saying you aren\'t a trusted and valuable member, as you are, but that your penis is in good shape. Resotration and jimmyjames have both had issue\'s to date, so would be ideal to highlight the value of the Erect procedure, if there really is any. Jimmyjames has plenty of aesthetic issues, while Restoration has scar tissue from Peyronies and so on. Your result was pretty damn good and I think it would be considered pretty easy to touch it up. If Phallocare want to show case their skills, I think it\'s best on a harder case and on guys that had to pay a lot so far, with less than ideal results.

Let\'s face it, you\'ve had pretty amazing value for money so far.

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Linnea Safe w/ Camacho-Melo is going to be available 10 years 1 month ago #1285550912

hoddle10 wrote: @Restoration, why don\'t you speak to Dan about a bug discount if you make a thorough progress report on here? It just makes so much sense for them to do that. I suggested it for Jimmyjames as well, but nothing came of it. I can\'t think of a better way for them to establish themselves, than by having a detailed progress report by a well known and trusted member of the forum. They should be desperate for such exposure.

I\'m not saying PhalloBoards members should get a discount in general, but just that a one off progress report, from a well trusted member, would benefit them as much as it would us. That surely has to qualify someone like yourself or jimmyjames for a big discount or even free procedure. If they really believe in their procedure, then you guys offer them the perfect platform on which to prove themselves and if they do, their business will grow massively over night.

I would consider that option too. Although I feel I only need a touch up round.

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Linnea Safe w/ Camacho-Melo is going to be available 10 years 1 month ago #1285550472

@Restoration, why don\'t you speak to Dan about a bug discount if you make a thorough progress report on here? It just makes so much sense for them to do that. I suggested it for Jimmyjames as well, but nothing came of it. I can\'t think of a better way for them to establish themselves, than by having a detailed progress report by a well known and trusted member of the forum. They should be desperate for such exposure.

I\'m not saying PhalloBoards members should get a discount in general, but just that a one off progress report, from a well trusted member, would benefit them as much as it would us. That surely has to qualify someone like yourself or jimmyjames for a big discount or even free procedure. If they really believe in their procedure, then you guys offer them the perfect platform on which to prove themselves and if they do, their business will grow massively over night.

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Linnea Safe w/ Camacho-Melo is going to be available 10 years 1 month ago #1285550330

Hey SO... so far, I know they got it through . This took a while - I was in touch with Dan since that post on the erect procedure appeared here. It was a huge pain to get - because the distributors don\'t answer the phone or email (I called them myself too - it\'s frustrating)...and they only speak Portuguese (which my friend speaks, but it didn\'t help since nobody answers!). Dan said he called / emailed about 10 of them. They are going to put it on the site once they get their first shipment in, but he said they were going to order it for me asap if I wanted to go with them. I asked Dan about the price - and it is a little more expensive, but they said they would keep the price the same for my case (I think they are trying to build up the practice, so he didn\'t see the point to charge me $200 more or whatever right now).

Yeah - I have to ask Dan for more pics. The problem is, they mostly just have before and \"after\" - with after pics being the patient 1 hour post... not 2 weeks or 2 months post. Once they\'re done after a few days, guys leave. So, it\'s hard to get pics. I WISH some more people would post here. I mentioned the guy with that vague post - and Dan said it\'s definitely not fake, he just was apparently surprised he gave no info on the post. They\'re not trying to be shady at all (at one point, Dan was like - if I were you I\'d go to Dr. C since they already know you and it\'s over 1k less... but if you come here, we\'d be happy to have you.) My goal is just to be DONE with my penis. I mean, this mess started in 2010 with Peyronies & I just want it over with. Of course, I do not want nodules in the circ area, and I am not sure how they can avoid that... though I have a gap there due to the 30/10 drop off & tight skin. Casavantes is 100% against 30 there, and I told Dan that - but he said it hasn\'t been a problem. It\'s very confusing... guys here who even had 10% up there had nodules... so that does concern me.

Another possible advantage (at least to me) is Dan wraps it that day - and that is supposed to hold the PMMA in place (with coban) and then he unwraps it and massages out any lumps the next day. I hated the constant leaking and needing to massage it - though I don\'t know if this would make it more lumpy (or risk more lumps). Dan said it hasn\'t been a problem bc of the way they wrap it. Wade used to wrap it too...but now they prefer not to. I guess this whole procedure is just working out its techniques...and honestly Casavantes has 4+ years (i think?) on Camacho with this procedure. So, It would seem like I should obviously go to them - but I was just disappointed with my gains the last time. On the plus side, I had no lumps on R2 from Dr. C & wade seeing me after for 2 days.

I thought metacrill was going through something where gains were low in too many guys on here...and that Linnea Safe might give a better chance to get better gains. I got maybe 0.3 in my last round. Perhaps, it\'s just that I didn\'t ask for enough CCs because I was afraid of 30, but 17 seems lke a lot for 6\". There are a few guys who said they gained a lot recently, but until 3 months, I don\'t know what to make of it (e.g., BriceB had good gains after his round - and then I think he said he basically got nothing later on - so is it the product? I don\'t know.. maybe.). Dan said Linnea Safe also was a well respected product in Brazil & so they were ok using it.

Anyway, that\'s all I know for now... I have to look into the older posts & would like to hear from guys with circ area issues and/or low gains from metacrill or anyone who used newplastic / linnea safe.

I can\'t even do r3 for a while anyway, so it\'s nothing urgent, but I\'d be grateful for everyone\'s opinions.

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Linnea Safe w/ Camacho-Melo is going to be available 10 years 1 month ago #1285548912

Great questions S.O. I hope we hear more about this more.

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Linnea Safe w/ Camacho-Melo is going to be available 10 years 1 month ago #1285544272

My first question would be how he is getting Linnea Safe? I thought that was something they could not import (whereas you can with Metacrill).

I don\'t recall there being a notable or significant difference between the bulk of our New Plastic / Linnea Safe members and our Metacrill members, as far as gains are concerned. If anyone is interested in learning more about Linnea Safe, a lot of the earliest PMMA reports used New Plastic which was ultimately re-branded as Linnea Safe. Good place to start if you want to compare with Metacrill progress reports.

Also, just my personal opinion, but I\'d strongly suggest staying away from 30% under the glans. Maybe Dr. Camacho can do it, I don\'t know, but there is SO MUCH variation in the outcome of work under the glans that it becomes obvious how much our unique anatomy (some people\'s skin more compliant than others) plays a role. This is why I don\'t think 30% is going to solve the problem, and if anything, I\'m willing to bet it will be very prone to Nodule formation. If you choose Dr. Camacho, I highly recommend requesting 10% under the glans, OR at the very least, have him show you before & afters that can show he\'s been able to do 30% under the glans effectively (and even then, 30% is always riskier aesthetically-speaking).

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