biggg1 wrote:
hoddle10 wrote: It\'s definitely not, but you\'ve certainly got the PhalloBoards mindset.
You would be right if I never had women say that to me countless times lol
Our whole western society (and for that matter most societies) are based on bigger is better while in reality bigger is NOT always better.
Yesterday I was looking at some TV\'s in Costco, and all the ads on the TV boxes were suggesting the higher the spec numbers are, the better the TV is and of course some of it is true (1080P vs 720 for example). In reality, most of these TV\'s were excellent and would look perform great once they are not siting next to each other at the store.
From the day we are born, it is programmed into our brain that more is better, more money, more cars, bigger dicks is what we should be working for. It is subliminal of course but it is there.
I think most men think that women want a bigger
Dick and they come to this board with this mind set (I do not blame them, I was one of them) and this may have created this PB mindset
It takes a lot of thinking, analyzing, mind de-programming and a lot of self security to negate the \"bigger is better\" concept.