undecided wrote: Hi ILT,
well, it\'s odd really but imagine - the penis in Flaccid state is let\'s say 3\" long and the Dr is injecting the PMMA under the skin at this state but then the penis gets erected and it exposes another 3\", then how the fresh or settled PMMA should get evenly into that area which was not at all exposed?
That \"area being exposed\" is actually being treated during your procedure. The new collagen should stretch out with your
Erect penis, and if it doesn\'t, it\'s an issue of distribution.
My penis nearly triples from
Flaccid to
Erect (2.5x to be more precise), and when in the operating room, my
Flaccid turtles so hard that I\'ve been told I was one of the more difficult patients to work on. All this and yet no issue when
I strongly suspect your issue is correctable. I will note, however, the area between the circum line & glans can be tricky, and may always have less material than the shaft behind it. That\'s an aesthetic risk some patients take going into this. Good luck!