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TOPIC: Big Fruit - Software Tools for PB Members

Big Fruit - Software Tools for PB Members 10 years 2 months ago #1285036409

Out of a desire to have more stats and visual info on PE, I wrote an app called Big Fruit.

If members here on PB are interested in building and having access to more info around gains, etc, please have a look at this app, sign in and add a Gains Report.

I\'d like to make this app available only to Phalloboard members, but I\'ll need to speak to SO about how to go about this.

The app currently only runs on Windows PC\'s (any version) - not sure if I will be able to create a version for Mac.

The app is designed to provide some features/functions that are not available on PB. You can add pictures to your member profile as well as add pictures to posts, but the posting function is very basic and doesn\'t have any of the nice HTML formatting available here on PB, but it should be okay for basic commentary. Picture support is very good and I hope to be able to add a chat room feature soon.

Anyway, have a look and give me some feedback. The app will only really be useful if lots of members post their gains and the procedures they have had done.

Here is the install URL:

This is a sample pic of a gains result hocked up a few weeks ago when I was testing the app:

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Big Fruit - Software Tools for PB Members 10 years 2 months ago #1285036803

Looks good, I wish it runs on Mac since that is what I have. Good work!

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Big Fruit - Software Tools for PB Members 10 years 2 months ago #1285039907

No offense but anything I have to download onto my computer in regards to PE is just not going to happen.

With tech the way it is... why should we have to download anything and give it access to the internet. Can\'t this just be a stand alone site that we report to without having to sign up or give our information or access to my computer?

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Big Fruit - Software Tools for PB Members 10 years 2 months ago #1285039963

Why not just crawl the patient directory for stats? Or make it like thundersplace\'s stats.

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Big Fruit - Software Tools for PB Members 10 years 2 months ago #1285040303

Hi Sizemic, none of the information is stored on your PC, its not even on the Web, and you don\'t need to sign-up as such, or explicitly give the app access to the Internet, you only need a username and email address.

With tech the way it is... why should we have to download anything and give it access to the internet.

That\'s what people do when they install apps on their phone, the app is downloaded from the Net - only this is for a PC not a phone, and you don\'t need to give it access to the Internet. I don\'t really want to purchase a domain name, create a website and then have it hosted - its much easier for me to create an app.

Sorry if you don\'t think its useful or its too much trouble.

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Big Fruit - Software Tools for PB Members 10 years 2 months ago #1285057219

Sorry, I just study big data. Even being here is likely a very big no-no as far as our digital shadow is concerned... especially as the next 3 - 5 years is concerned.

The impression I had is that we download the app and it feeds a database so we have a giant database of users and the gains each had from which procedures etc.

If it\'s just an app for tracking your own personal growth (not connected to the internet or collection of data about our users) that makes sense and poses no harm.

I\'ll stick to excel or something. But neat idea for those who don\'t want to spend the time to track with spreadsheets and what not. Could be useful for sure.

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Big Fruit - Software Tools for PB Members 10 years 2 months ago #1285060594

I can understand the security concerns people have. I\'ll have a look at creating an off-line version that does not require any Internet connectivity and does not connect to an online database.

Ideally though, I was wanting to be able to collect/collate gains info across many of the members here so that I can generate some meaningful and useful stats/graphs based on various parameters such as gains, doctor, procedure, product used, etc.

Maybe if I produce an off-line version then members could create their gains data and then \"submit\" the results as a basic text file, which could then be used to view stats across multiple members. We could distribute the \"master\" gains file (a text file) which could be loaded in the app to display the results.

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