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TOPIC: Kinda freaked out by some stuff I read

Kinda freaked out by some stuff I read 10 years 10 months ago #1282691299

I am hoping someone here can help sort out the details of what is happening in these articles (graphic images inside - careful where u read them). I do not understand the immune system function to the extent that it is discussed in these papers...and being a VERY recent patient, I\'m now a little freaked by this. I shouldn\'t be looking at this stuff NOW - but of course I like to torture myself.

I don\'t recall seeing these here before...and one has a patient who was treated by his own Urologist w/ PMMA - whose penis subsequently went necrotic.

And my Dick has been itching all day - I need to calm down.

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Kinda freaked out by some stuff I read 10 years 10 months ago #1282692292

Hope that is rare. It seems like so many people get it done and haven\'t had these types of problems. I also think someone should have taking revenge on a dr by now. I have my fingers crossed for ya buddy.

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Kinda freaked out by some stuff I read 10 years 10 months ago #1282692597

Both articles already posted and discussed plenty of times. There is nothing new, the same complications we discuss all the time are those highlighted in the articles.

Your penis wont turn necrotic either. Dr C used a blunt canula on you, not a sharp needle.

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Kinda freaked out by some stuff I read 10 years 10 months ago #1282697520

What Hoddle said...AND the itching is normal and a frequently reported sensation by men days/weeks after a procedure. I describe it as a very subtle itch/tickle and eventually dissipates with time. It is probably related to the collagen process though I can\'t say for certain.

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Kinda freaked out by some stuff I read 10 years 10 months ago #1282697766

Ok thanks guys - - ok so those were mostly from needles hitting blood vessels? That\'s good to know. What about the \"long term immune response\" stuff? I can\'t make sense of any of that. My high school biology only goes so far I am afraid...what is weird is they say that the collagen is really scarring and macrophages / immune cells - and not like a natural process... like it\'s perpetually irritated. I wonder if the reason guys are so swollen after sex is the lymph goes in there from irritation?

I\'m not saying any of this to scare anyone - and I guess it\'s been posted before. I\'m just trying to put myself in a better mind frame. Not - oh yay for the rest of my life I have to wait and look at my penis every day for signs of redness or nodules.

The thing is - I have had granuloma annulare - and every time people mention granulomas on here, I\'m like - huh - what is the big deal - I\'ve had like 5 of them & nothing happens. A little Kenalog will get them to dissipate over 3-6 mos - or medrol will help if you have multiple. I didnt realize granuloma annulare that I had is totally different from a FBG. I dont even know why they are both called granulomas! I guess the cells are similar but damn they have different outcomes.

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Kinda freaked out by some stuff I read 10 years 10 months ago #1282702236

The second PDF is the first study discussing complications ever posted at PB\'s.

All it shows is what these immune reactions look like and surely anyone considering PMMA would have at least googled that sort of thing by now. It worries me when I see well known members seem shocked by these kind of things. If the immune responses were no big deal then we\'d all be off the Mexico to get shit loads of PMMA injected. The reason for the air of caution and that virtually everyone is advised not to do this unless their penis issues are severely impeding their quality of life, is because of the possibility of some pretty nasty complications.

In my opinion PMMA is the best option only because the other options are even more likely to cause severe damage, not because it\'s the holy grail of PE. Some guys are so screwed up due to the size of their penis that it\'s worth the risk. For the others (the majority in my opinion), then it\'s best to stay on the side lines for the time being.

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Kinda freaked out by some stuff I read 10 years 10 months ago #1282707193

I saw some of these photos before - in the face..not the penis. I think my decision came down to the fact I couldn\'t live with 4\" of girth anymore...after 4-5 years w/ peyronies. I think people who are large naturally & want the procedure should take a closer look at their decision.

I forgot the needle vs. cannula discussion but you just reminded me.

Anyway at this point, I am trying to better understand the immune response because there are ways to mitigate these things - or at least be prepared to mitigate them. Allopurinol was one solution to FBGs & general corticosteroids may work...may not... I don\'t know..for prolonged inflammation. Also, there was a very interesting line about not doing things that trigger inflammation - so with them telling me to get pubic lipo, I think it\'s a bad idea since that would release an army of immune cells in that direct area. Maybe I am at less risk since I had 10% but 27ccs is a lot still...20 cc was the original limit and I am not that long or thick.

I was also very confused on the granuloma issue...since even granuloma annulare look like some of the pics of FBGs at certain stages. I didn\'t realize FBGs eat through the tissues internally.

I think I can put it out of my mind if I have a better understanding of these articles and the steps (e.g., allopurinol) to take if problems arise. does anyone know what happened to Olafspo? He deleted almost all of his posts. ... if problems arise, I don\'t see why people won\'t just explain what went on. For example, I posted that dry skin thing that looked nuts...I don\'t think anyone here takes a negative opinion of people who post problems. Right now, I am having some difficulty getting the entry point nodules to go down & there\'s some worsening pain in the area too.

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Kinda freaked out by some stuff I read 10 years 10 months ago #1282708344

In the 2nd PDF, if you check ( table-1 data for group-1) there are 2 patients with penile pmma injections ; they have mentioned both of these patients developed penile skin necrosis - Fournier\'s syndrome (Fournier\'s gangrene) . So what is Fournier\'s syndrome ??

It is a rare severe infection of the genitalia --> severe pain --> redness --> necrosis of the tissues --> Gangrene (penis,scrotum, perineum and abdominal wall) within hours --> high mortality rate.

It is a severe bacterial infection spreads quickly from the urinary tract or the perianal, abdominal, or retroperitoneal areas, often following trauma even a minor trauma e.g. foreskin abrasion , insect bites , circumcision , burns or even masturbation .The gangrene is due to thrombosis of small blood vessels below the skin.

So it is a severe infection adjacent to a portal of entry is the inciting event in the development of necrotizing infection --> Fournier\'s gangrene .

This necrotizing infection (Fournier\'s syndrome) can happen not only in men but also in women and children .

- Post frequent masturbation :-

- Foreskin abrasion :-

- In children e.g. :- post circumcision, diaper rash and hot water burn :-

- Here are the list of the etiology of this Fournier\'s gangrene in men, women and children :-

- Here are some pic.s of this disease :-

So IMO these 2 pictures in the 2nd PDF are due to severe infection and not due to pmma emboli which can also happen (as they have mentioned Fournier\'s syndrome in table 1 in their article trauma to the skin --> severe bacterial infection --> thrombosis of small blood vessels under the skin --> necrotizing fasciitis --> necrosis of the skin and underneath tissues --> gangrene .

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Kinda freaked out by some stuff I read 10 years 10 months ago #1282714158

Thanks smartman - I was reading through all of that again w/ your comments - those are good points. I wish the authors separated out that syndrome from the PMMA a bit more rather than making it sound like a 100% PMMA thing. I read some of your posts pre-op too - really useful stuff!! Thanks so much for your replies & glad you\'re still around!

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