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TOPIC: Dr Rosenthal Glans Surgery Juvederm Filler

Dr Rosenthal Glans Surgery Juvederm Filler 11 years 1 month ago #1281198324

I was considering going to Dr Rosenthal for Glans enlargement with Juvederm Filler. Im a big fan of Rosenthal because last year I had my lengthening surgery done with him and after 9 months of Hanging i have added a little over an Inch to my Erect length. Has anyone had this surgery with Rosenthal or any other Surgeon in the US who performs this procedure with Dermal Filler???

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Dr Rosenthal Glans Surgery Juvederm Filler 11 years 1 month ago #1281224396

Hey Freaky, congrats on you length success, I think you can still gain more length if you wanted to. Im right where you were a year ago, 3 days away from my lig cut with Dr Rosenthal. You definitely did your homework as this is a prime example of what should be done after the surgery. Your ligs are no longer the limiting factor in lengthening your tunica, also you have more tunica involved with the stretch, did you notice your base as it came out increase in size? I know from using the bib mine did. I know DR. R. uses the grip system but from what I\'ve read, you can only go up to around 10lbs. I think Im going to get an LG Hanger instead, and its been shown to hold 25lbs. I used a bib for 5 months and was up to 21lbs but my EQ was horrible and I hardly had any sensitivity. I stopped using the bib about 3 weeks ago and went back to my extender and I think I put on another 1/4 Inch. Im shooting for 8 inches 8.5 BPEL before I go for Girth. Keep us posted on the Girth work.
I forgot to add, How is your scar looking now? How long is it? does your pubic hair completely hide it? Thanx

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Dr Rosenthal Glans Surgery Juvederm Filler 11 years 1 month ago #1281218496

I sure hope Dr. C starts offering the procedure because I would hate to have to go to all the way to Korea just for my Dick. Im already a little nervous about going to Mexico lol but everyone on here says theres nothing to worry about so I feel more comfortable about going. I hate that the procedure is temporary because what if something ever happens to the doctor. I hope Dr. C teaches this procedure to the other Dr.\'s at his practice for long term possibilities. I hope that dosent sound selfish.

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Dr Rosenthal Glans Surgery Juvederm Filler 11 years 1 month ago #1281212187

Before my lengthening surgery I did manual PE I started Hanging with 4lbs but I could never commit to a routine so I just hang whenever but I eventually stopped and stuck with stretching and wore an extender. So my penis was accustomed to Hanging weights and stretching. Post surgery when I first started my Hanging routine I used 4 & 6 lbs and I felt like I wasnt getting enough pulling tension at the base of my Dick so I upped to 8 lbs and I felt that inner pulling tension so thats what I stuck with for the first month and every month increased by 4 lbs

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Dr Rosenthal Glans Surgery Juvederm Filler 11 years 1 month ago #1281211598

You started Hanging with 8lbs? When I first started Hanging I started with 2.5lbs and even that felt like too much at the time...

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Dr Rosenthal Glans Surgery Juvederm Filler 11 years 1 month ago #1281210591

I started out with 8lbs then increased to 12 lbs then 16 lbs was my max. I went up 4 pounds each month and stopped at 16 lb for the remainder of my Hanging routine. I hear some people are able to hang more but i thought 16lbs was good enough for me since i hanged 4x a day

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Dr Rosenthal Glans Surgery Juvederm Filler 11 years 1 month ago #1281210106

Hi freaky,
Thank you very much for sharing your experience with lengthening surgery. I can\'t help you with the Glans enlargement question though.. (That is the one thing I have that is decent.)
Many years ago I had the lig cut surgery done by Gary Rheinschild. That was years ago and they didn\'t stress the importance of stretching like they do I really didn\'t gain much though I did gain some. I lost it all though, I believe, thanks to my Elist implant experience.
I am wondering if there were be any benefit to having it cut again, anyway...
Interesting that you message and wrap with heat too. I don\'t do that but I do manual stretches morning and night. I just increased from 10 lbs to 15 lbs. for Hanging.

How much weight do you hang with?

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Dr Rosenthal Glans Surgery Juvederm Filler 11 years 1 month ago #1281206801

Well my FL was 3.5 inches and my EL was a little over 6 inches but under 6.5 inches. Now my FL is 4.6 inches and my EL is 7.3 inches. I dont have any pics because that was like a year ago and ive had 2 phones since then but I can tell you what happened. I started out doing manual PE stretching and got an extender I gained some length I guess but it really wasnt enough to brag about. So I was like whats the next step so I looked on forums like this the old forum, thunderspalace, MNS, and the updated forum and decided that either Alter or Rosenthal would be my choices. I then wanted to get PMMA and didnt know which procedure to do first so I researched on the forums again and it seems like its better to get length first. Then I decided well if I was to get PMMA after lengthening and wanted a good aesthetic look I should get glans enlargement and since Rosenthal does lengthening and glans I chose Rosenthal. I was a little nervous because he did come across like a car salesman he was polite and answered all my questions a little too exciting and told me the risks but guaranteed everything would be fine. The Surgery went ok and afterwards I felt like a lot of pressure in my pubic area but really no pain. I purchased the grip system and the bib Hanger and started my stretching routine two weeks after surgery. Since I was worried about retraction I took my stretching and Hanging to the extreme. I woke up wrapped my penis in a hot towel for 5 min then take towel off and massage penis for 3 min then I would hang for 30 min then massage penis for 3 min hop in the shower then put on grip systems ads leg attachment and wear at work for 4 hours. Then at lunch I would go to my car take off leg attachment massage penis for 3 min then hang in my car for 30 min using my pants and car seat as leverage then I would massage my penis then put back on the grip system leg attachment for 4 more hours until I get home. When I get home I would take off grip system then massage penis for 3 min. then hang for 30 min. afterwards I would massage my penis then wrap it in hot towel for 5 min and give my penis a break from stretching and Hanging until 9:30 at night. Then I would hang for 30 min massage my penis then wash my Dick and Balls then go to bed and start the whole process over again in the morning. On the weekends I would just hang 30 min in Morning and 30 min at Night. I did that for 9 months with light weights then gradually increasing. So that was my lengthening experience. So now I want to get glans enhancement see how the results look from that then get PMMA. But I was Just curious to if anyone had gone through the procedure with Rosenthal or any other surgeon?

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Dr Rosenthal Glans Surgery Juvederm Filler 11 years 1 month ago #1281202627

freakyd187 wrote: I was considering going to Dr Rosenthal for Glans enlargement with Juvederm Filler. Im a big fan of Rosenthal because last year I had my lengthening surgery done with him and after 9 months of Hanging i have added a little over an Inch to my Erect length. Has anyone had this surgery with Rosenthal or any other Surgeon in the US who performs this procedure with Dermal Filler???

Lengthening progress reports are far & few. Would you be willing to do a Progress Report so others can learn from your experiences? Any before & after photos?

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Dr Rosenthal Glans Surgery Juvederm Filler 11 years 1 month ago #1281232844

Yea the base of my penis kinda like dropped down and the skin is more loose in that area. As far as the scar it was long and red at first then as it healed it started to shrink in length. It now looks like a white small line in my crotch area. Its really un noticeable and my pubes cover it up real good.

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