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TOPIC: PMMA: How Traumatic is the Procedure?

PMMA: How Traumatic is the Procedure? 11 years 2 months ago #1286821612

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well I can just say that each round is very different, in my experience it was round one great, round two painful, round 3 really painful and bloody

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PMMA: How Traumatic is the Procedure? 11 years 2 months ago #1286589661

smalljay wrote:

thehulk wrote: You must not of read \"any given sunday\".... my personal thread. Because if you had, you\'d see the pictures I posted of my actual procedure.

Thanks Hulk, just looked at the pictures, they are pretty telling but I was wondering if you could actually describe the process in words? Just wondering how deep into the shaft the cannula goes (does it barely go in or does he repeatedly go up and down the entire length in the shaft? Does their technique look gentle, rough, or in between? Etc, etc).

Same for you Buttercup, Restoration and everyone else. Could someone please actually describe the procedure for me, step by step, as far as you can remember it? Maybe with a little more detail than has already been given. So far it\'s somewhat helpful, but I\'m still clueless as to how much of the cannula is actually inserted into your unit, whether or not there is constant pulling, stretching, and \'massaging\' of your unit to manipulate the PMMA into its proper place, etc etc. All of these things will influence my decision as to whether or not this procedure might be too rough for my previous injury.

Thanks so far for the replies.

You keep asking a question that\'s impossible to answer. The procedure is different for every single person. I didn\'t take the recommended Ativan, the anesthesia wore off towards the end, and overall it was a pretty painful and traumatic experience FOR ME. For others it was easier than getting your teeth cleaned. Based on MY experience the pulling and tugging, sticking and injecting for an hour and a half was more than what I was expecting.

Again, it\'s a different experience for every single person.

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PMMA: How Traumatic is the Procedure? 11 years 2 months ago #1286585537

smalljay wrote:

thehulk wrote: You must not of read \"any given sunday\".... my personal thread. Because if you had, you\'d see the pictures I posted of my actual procedure.

Thanks Hulk, just looked at the pictures, they are pretty telling but I was wondering if you could actually describe the process in words? Just wondering how deep into the shaft the cannula goes (does it barely go in or does he repeatedly go up and down the entire length in the shaft? Does their technique look gentle, rough, or in between? Etc, etc).

If I may chime in...I\'d say \"in between.\" It also depends on your anatomy, and for those who are going for 2nd or more rounds, how the collagen \"gives\" way to the cannula. I suspect the aggressiveness of the cannula varies person to person, and the overall \"trauma\" is minimized by local anesthetics. As far as how much of the shaft the cannula reaches... pretty much the entire shaft, some areas more so than others. I suspect each person is different, and the doctor may emphasize some areas more than others according to each person\'s anatomy. An example would be the circum area behind the glans. Some take the product easily & readily, while others (like myself) may require numerous sessions to get the area to adequately taper with the rest of the shaft. The cannula goes where the doctor needs to take it.

For someone like myself, pathetically fearful of needles, it was a mostly tolerable situation (in fairness, I still was tense, but the Ativan helped a lot...but in hindsight, it wasn\'t nearly as traumatic as having an ingrown toenail resolved).

Keep in mind you\'re awake throughout the whole appointment. If it were truly that bad, they\'d put you to sleep. But it really isn\'t that bad at all. And even the biggest needle/cannula wussies amongst us (cough...myself...cough) have survived without regret. It really isn\'t all that bad as far as pain & trauma goes.

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PMMA: How Traumatic is the Procedure? 11 years 2 months ago #1286579586

I would liken it to the amount of trauma you might experience after a minor, superficial surgery. For example I had one of my toenails removed. Yes, it was sore for a few days. You need to care for it to make sure it doesn\'t get infected. But basically, if you take your antibiotics and keep it clean it *just heals* and is more or less uneventful. Then the PMMA is sterile and inert once in your body.

It certainly isn\'t anything like major surgery. At least, that was my experience.

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PMMA: How Traumatic is the Procedure? 11 years 2 months ago #1286562773

The typical approach is to make 6 holes along the top of the shaft, and then fill in the penis through those holes with the cannula.

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PMMA: How Traumatic is the Procedure? 11 years 2 months ago #1286559524

smalljay wrote: Thanks, but could you guys actually step by step describe the process as much as you were able to see?

AKA, they stretch out your junk multiple times, does the cannula go in at a one point in the base and get jammed all the way up the shaft to the glans and back down again, etc etc?
I\'m trying to get an idea of what actually goes down during the procedure. Does the canulla actually get fully inserted up the length of the shaft from a point at the base? Or does the cannula barely go past the injection point?

You must not of read \"any given sunday\".... my personal thread.

Because if you had, you\'d see the pictures I posted of my actual procedure.

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PMMA: How Traumatic is the Procedure? 11 years 2 months ago #1286551136

My experience is the same as S.O. Also, on round 2 the anesthesia wore off but I told them and they injected more right away. Without anesthesia, it would basically be impossible due to all the nerves there, but I don\'t think it\'s that traumatic considering how fast most guys recover.

The more annoying part, IMO, is the leaking penis for 3-5 days that has to be kept super sterile and stretched.

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PMMA: How Traumatic is the Procedure? 11 years 2 months ago #1286546758

I\'m speaking of the actual needle insertion, pricking of the skin! Still it\'s not so bad but you if you feel it inform the Dr...a very easy fix, he\'ll just numb it up again. The size of the needle seemed like 16-18 guage. The device he used reminded me of a mini futuristic caulk gun. I watched a little but laid back for and relaxed for most of the session! But trust me you won\'t feel a thing, which is also a weird feeling within itself (your junk flopping around being pulled and whatnot with no sensitivity). Prolly a bad analogy but it feels like dental work. You know what\'s going on but can\'t feel it...they will talk to you make you comfortable. So just relax

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PMMA: How Traumatic is the Procedure? 11 years 2 months ago #1286544421

For sure get the Ativan the first time. After the first time you won\'t need it.

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PMMA: How Traumatic is the Procedure? 11 years 2 months ago #1286544019

It\'s about the same as getting a tooth pulled

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PMMA: How Traumatic is the Procedure? 11 years 2 months ago #1286543934

Sup Jay been awhile, hope all is well anyway
The only pain I felt in the entire ordeal was like SLK said the local started to wear off and I was able to feel the needle poke\' Dr simply administered another shot, numbed it right back up. I do recommend the Ativan, I does relax you a bit and made me talky

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PMMA: How Traumatic is the Procedure? 11 years 2 months ago #1286540588

I had a pretty traumatic experience. I was very anxious, but I didn\'t take the Ativan they offered. Also, closer to the end the anesthetic started wearing off, so I could feel every needle stick. I had to ask them to stop as I almost passed out (which has never happened to me before). I didn\'t take any ibuprofen afterwards, so with all that combined I neglected my aftercare. Finally in the middle of the night I got up and took 2 Advil. This made a big difference.

I was trying to tough everything out, and that was stupid.

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PMMA: How Traumatic is the Procedure? 11 years 2 months ago #1286540569

I had zero pain after.. The most painfull thing must have been the local anaesthetics for me! But im terrified for needles so it might be just that ;p

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PMMA: How Traumatic is the Procedure? 11 years 2 months ago #1286539837

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Due to local anaesthetics, there is almost no pain however it can get quite sore at the entry point which might only subside after a few days. I had the procedure done in Oct and Dec 14 and it is still sore at times.

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PMMA: How Traumatic is the Procedure? 11 years 2 months ago #1286538951

The pain is ZERO after. Swelling and bruising were minimal. Can\'t be that traumatic??

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