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TOPIC: New to Phalloboards but not new!

New to Phalloboards but not new! 11 years 3 months ago #1280471743

Hello to all of my PE brethren! I\'m 9_in_Richard. I have been a member of another well known PE community since about 2002ish. I have PE\'d of/on since that time. I started with a very small Girth (my opinion) at 4.125\" and had lost considerable length over a decade due to weight gain, smoking and poor Erection quality at times. I was 7\" +/- .5\" in my teens and 20\'s and by my 30\'s was lucky to see 6\" +/- .5\". In 2002, I sought out a way to make myself larger again. I discovered Traction extenders. I paid $378 for my first the time it was cheaper than surgical intervention (which I also considered). I also discovered Jelqing and mastered my technique. I am now 7\" NBPEL and 5.5\" EG. I have been away from PE for some time. I recently returned with a new plan to try and achieve 8\" EL and 6\" EG. I think I have a great plan lined up. I am hoping to possibly simulate some \"newbie\" type gains after the long hiatus! I hope that I can both learn some things here and contribute to someone\'s continuing success! The most important thing to note to those new to PE is: 1. PE requires time, patience, perseverance, dedication, sacrifice and you must be willing to endure some discomfort! 2. You MUST believe that you WILL increase your size! 3. Know the basics! Know supplements, know technique, know your body and its signals and be consistent! So, hello to all! I\'m glad to be a part of your community and let's get growing! Thanks!

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New to Phalloboards but not new! 11 years 3 months ago #1280471802

Wow - how did you get from 4.1 to 5.5? I can\'t even get traction to increase my length much...Girth has been hopeless.

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New to Phalloboards but not new! 11 years 3 months ago #1280471905

Welcome Richard, I remember your name from Thundersplace.

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New to Phalloboards but not new! 11 years 3 months ago #1280471915

My jelq routine is what I contribute to my Girth. I do; however\' believe that traction and Jelqing create a synergistic effect and compliment each other well! Most traction devices (noose style) are miserably uncomfortable. I changed my noose application, which I can detail in another post/topic and was much more successful in wearing it! My jelq routine was as follows:

*Wet jelq (Used an inexpensive water based lube from Wally World)
*Jelq at approximately 60-70% Erection
*Pre warm in \"just tolerable water\" soak for 2-3minutes
*\"OK\" grip jelq at \"moderate\" to \"tight\" grip with excellent form and slow
*About every 4th or so jelq, I will hold the grip at just behind glans and at base and balloon the penile tissue mid shaft.
*During the jelq session a, at times throughout, I will do \"A\" and \"V\" bends.
*Session lasts approximately 15 minutes ( I do not count strokes) concentration should be on how your *unit feels, not how many strokes you have done or have left!
*Post warm 2-3 minutes in \"just tolerable\" water soak
* Perform the routine every other day or 3 times per week

Hope this helps!

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New to Phalloboards but not new! 11 years 3 months ago #1280471927

Thanks! Glad to be here! Yes, I was at Thunders for many, many years....great community!

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New to Phalloboards but not new! 11 years 3 months ago #1280477110

Thanks for the details Richard. That\'s really helpful. How long did you do that routine for before you saw an increase - or how long until it went 1.5\" up in Girth? That\'s a seriously impressive number. I had no idea Jelqing could do that much.

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New to Phalloboards but not new! 11 years 3 months ago #1280529684

HA! Yeah, I understand, but I assure you that I measured every way from Sunday and there was no mistake. My job requires accurate measurements, so I\'m very confident in my ability to measure both length and/or Girth to the thousandths if need be. Plus, in this arena, we depend on each other for factual data. There is little out there that represents solid data beyond what we as a community offer to one another. Being a random nobody, creating artificial results on a phallo site would benefit a person in no way, shape or form unless they wer peddling a product for financial gain. That is definitely not me!

I gain Girth quite easily. I have never gained so much as an 1/8th of an Inch in length. I re-gained lost length, but never gained any new length. I was ; however, not very disciplined in regard to my length quest!

I am currently dead nuts 5.5\" EG. I honestly have no doubt that I will hit the 6\" EG goal. I am being much more \"disciplined\" in my length work this time around.

I will mention, through my experience over the years, most people are better served to work on length first. After gaining Girth, for me anyway, length seems even more difficult. I have similar challenges with the traction ADS when my blood flow is best, which is often a result I see when running jelq cycles. There are times that my unit will be semi-Erect most of the day, this makes it much more difficult to get stretched and into the traction device. I find that when my unit is what I describe as \"dead\", being a thinner, pliable Flaccid, it is much more traction friendly. Jelqing and traction are synergistic, but I opted to do length only for 6 months before starting my new jelq cycle.

In rgard to my initial Girth gains, I gained from 4.125\" to 4.5\" rather quickly (maybe 2 months). My gains from 4.5 to 5\" took maybe another 3 months or so (estimated). I quit at that point for many years and maintained 5\". I started Jelqing again, briefly, and gained from 5\" to 5.25\" in about a 2-3 month span (approximate). I actually hit 5.4\" in that round but did not cement that gain. I, again, quit PE as both me and my wife were quite pleased with my size. Now, I\'ve decided to work on the length again and then sneak in some Girth on her!

I am the exception and not the rule, I suppose, in terms of how easily I have been able to gain new Girth, but, as I said, length is a whole different ball game for me! I think most people struggle with Girth due to poor form or inconsistent routines, not to mention, they don\'t rest their unit enough. That is just my .02! I also only use supplements like vasodialtors, N.O. boosters, and things like L-Arginine during jelq cycles.

Also, I have heard people on the boards describe Jelqing as \"pleasant\" in feel. If Jelqing feels pleasant then you are not Jelqing with good form (again, my opinion). When I jelq, it is not pleasant. It is not painful, but my unit feels worked and often times retracts for awhile afterwards due to the tissue being worked as hard as it has been. It does not resemble maturbation in any way, shape or form. I also think that 60-80% Erection level is optimal. People tought low Erection level as aiding in length gains. Low Erection level Jelqing is not Jelqing, it\'s stretching and will not produce any measurable Girth enhancement at all (again, my opinion). Hope that helps.

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New to Phalloboards but not new! 11 years 3 months ago #1280531935

I always come back to check out new options in enhancement. Many, many times I have considered a ligament cut to aid in my length gains;however, it appears to me that the numbers indicate that most spend between $3-$5k and have to spend months at the mercy of a traction ADS anyway just to re-gain their pre-op length.

I will never completely discount the possibility of surgical enhancement, but until the feedback indicates better results, I will likely keep chugging away naturally. I can definitely see scar retraction being a problem area for me if I opt for surgery.

Poll results seem to still offer the same reports on length gains from suspensory lig cuts unfortunately.

I am always hopeful as I\'m sure many others are as well!

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New to Phalloboards but not new! 11 years 3 months ago #1280534224

This seems to be a great resource for cutting edge or the latest trends. The PMMA and Dr C threads have definitely got my interest peeked. I may have to get my passport renewed. I haven\'t been to TJ in many years!

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