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TOPIC: Say No To Phalloplasty!

Say No To Phalloplasty! 11 years 5 months ago #1279449211

i had a normal six Inch long and six Inch in Girth penis. i still chose to go for Phalloplasty for length and Girth enhancement. this has become the biggest mistake of my life and now for more than two years i am living with a disfigured penis. i have had the surgery almost five times and spent close to usd 8,000. it has also slightly decreased in length and the skin has been has led to mental, financial and physical torture. now two years later, i am going to go for maybe two more surgeries in the hope everything gets restored to normalcy.hence, i am not in support of Phalloplasty for length and Girth increase of male penis. please refrain if you want to be a normal, not just a better guy. not only this, you can spend that close to usd 8k or usd 10k towards buying a car or towards a house, gadget or so' a big and costly mistake could even end with life! hence, guys refrain always. be happy with what your mom gave you J

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Say No To Phalloplasty! 11 years 5 months ago #1279449723

Can you tell us more about surgeries?

I agree with the sentiment, but it\'s far easier to preach this when you naturally have a very large penis, as you do. The torture you are now experiencing is not dissimilar to the torment many guys with genuinely small penis\'s go through.

In my opinion Phalloplasty should be a last resort for guys who find their lives significantly impaired due to the size of their penis.

I\'ve lived with a deformed penis since 1997, but can\'t say I massively regret the decision to have the surgery. The reason for this is that I\'ll never forget how the size issue\'s totally ruined my youth and I felt like I had no other option. I took the option and it went badly, but I can\'t say my life is massively worse of because of it.

But please, tell us as much as you can about your experience, such as who performed it, what type of surgery it was and what the complications were.

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Say No To Phalloplasty! 11 years 5 months ago #1279452913

Mr.Sayno... you just registered a few hours ago, and there are so many details missing from your first response that i would consider an abstract from a jr high student more professional. In this helpful forum known as PhalloBoards we\'ve maintained the integrity of the website by providing verbal and visual documentation. It maybe amateurish at times, but most members try their best by sacrificing their time and energy to help others via these forms of documentation. We start independent journal entries, and provide photography. These are helpful suggestions if you choose to entertain a fellowship in this forum. How long have you been a non-registered member? What encouraged your decision to take the Phalloplasty plunge? What doctor in question assisted you in your Phalloplasty journey? How many treatments & how much material was injected into you (concentration of product & volume)? Do you have documented photos of the process (its pretty foolish when folks don\'t consider this an important part of the documentation process)? What doctor treated you in the Removal of the penile enhancement product? Would you recommend this physician to others? What\'s his/her specialty (general surgery, plastic surgery, or Urology)? Answering questions like these helps members, crying wolf and showing no proof is simply a waste of everyones time. Best regards, we wish you a strong recovery and future participation.


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Say No To Phalloplasty! 11 years 5 months ago #1279453596

saynotophalloplasty wrote: i had a normal six Inch long and six Inch in Girth penis. i still chose to go for Phalloplasty for length and Girth enhancement. this has become the biggest mistake of my life and now for more than two years i am living with a disfigured penis. i have had the surgery almost five times and spent close to usd 8,000. it has also slightly decreased in length and the skin has been has led to mental, financial and physical torture. now two years later, i am going to go for maybe two more surgeries in the hope everything gets restored to normalcy.hence, i am not in support of Phalloplasty for length and Girth increase of male penis. please refrain if you want to be a normal, not just a better guy. not only this, you can spend that close to usd 8k or usd 10k towards buying a car or towards a house, gadget or so' a big and costly mistake could even end with life! hence, guys refrain always. be happy with what your mom gave you J

You had 6 inches in Girth (presumably even Magnum XLs are snug) and felt the need to spend thousands of dollars in hopes of making it a fraction of an Inch thicker? The lesson here isn\'t \"say no to Phalloplasty,\" the lesson here is \"understand that in Phalloplasty there are risks & rewards, and determine whether you are in a sound-state-of-mind to pursue such a resort, only until after you\'ve become an informed decision maker.\"

And I echo Hoddle & CHL\'s plea for a more detailed account. You can\'t expect us to heed your warnings without the whole story.

Suffice it to say, Phalloplasty remains taboo, both socially and medically. And sure, there are some known butchers out there as well as some nasty botches. But that doesn\'t mean that Phalloplasty can\'t eventually evolve into a standardized procedure that provides both an efficacious & aesthetic result, with a reasonable long-term outlook for success. The boob job went through a similar evolution. I can\'t see why men can\'t one day have their own procedure too.

I appreciate your warnings but please, elaborate. Many newcomers to this site aren\'t familiar with some of the horror stories associated with Phalloplasty because the older techniques are becoming increasingly obsolete (or simply less reporting). But these truths need to be reminded to us all time and time again.

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Say No To Phalloplasty! 11 years 5 months ago #1279456548

I have to agree with the others before me. Certainly one must understand fully that there are risks involved with any surgery, elective or not. It is the responsibility of each individual to feel that they are comfortable and informed enough to make the decision that is correct for them. Everyone has their own risk tolerance. For some, it is very limited; others may be greater.

To make a blanket statement \"say to Phalloplasty\" and then to provide no further information is unbeneficial. If it is your desire to truly help others through your experience, then an account of your experience is needed.

Granted, as SO said, there are some out there who continuously churn out very bad outcomes and claim success. These accounts have been detailed and stand as a warning for those considering Phalloplasty.

On the flip side, there have been others who have had good experiences with Phalloplasty and have shared these as well. However, two people can receive the same procedure and have polar outcomes. Both of these accounts are helpful in illustrating the possible results, both good and bad, from a give procedure.

So, if you will, please continue your post and provide us with further information regarding your experience, such as doctor, procedure and outcome. It will be very helpful.

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Say No To Phalloplasty! 11 years 5 months ago #1279625449

Skeptical One wrote: You had 6 inches in Girth (presumably even Magnum XLs are snug) and felt the need to spend thousands of dollars in hopes of making it a fraction of an Inch thicker? The lesson here isn\'t \"say no to Phalloplasty,\" the lesson here is \"understand that in Phalloplasty there are risks & rewards, and determine whether you are in a sound-state-of-mind to pursue such a resort, only until after you\'ve become an informed decision maker.\"

Yeah that\'s what I was thinking...who needs more enhancement with 6\" Girth? I don\'t think I\'d get to 6\" Girth even after 3 visits to TJ. I\'d be thrilled with 5-5.5\" one day. Seriously... would be miraculous - but it\'ll take some time because I need to heal from Peyronies surgery first.

Anyway, w/o the details the post isn\'t helpful. If it\'s about PMMA, then that might be helpful. If it is about free fat transfer or alloderm, most of us know those stories & they are all over the map. And if it\'s about the Elist implant...yeah...that\'s a pretty consistent disaster story.

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Say No To Phalloplasty! 11 years 5 months ago #1279627786

I agree he shot in here with little info but let\'s not question him about his decision to enhance a 6x6 penis.... Unless we do the same for 90% of the other guys going far past that and still talking about more. He hasn\'t given us enough info to understand his choice that he now regrets. Please fill us in on your travels here, maybe others will benefit from the story! Welcome to the site and wish you the best on your healing!

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Say No To Phalloplasty! 11 years 5 months ago #1279628435

He hasn\'t even logged on since making that post either.

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Say No To Phalloplasty! 11 years 5 months ago #1279628779

hoddle10 wrote: He hasn\'t even logged on since making that post either.

That alone speaks volumes............

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