I see both sides of the coin here. I can see it\'s frustrating to answer a question some of the veterans have answered many times that seem obvious, but when someone first stumbles across this forum its a lot of information to filter through, even with the search. It may seem obvious to the many that have read everything and keep up with it, but its like walking into a crowded room, takes a little bit to get acclimated. Also, a lot of the information on posts are 2+ years old. A LOT can/has changed and I think it\'s sometimes valid to re ask a question. Let\'s keep it friendly and inviting here, the new people, that are even willing to post (like myself, who will be reporting my progress in 6 days), are the ones that will be giving the NEW experiences and progress reports that everyone is so eager to read. These older progress reports are great and serve as a foundation, but people, including myself, want to see the newest current and latest results the Dr is producing, and want to see good results. Keep that in mind. If you scold them, then you will probably lose that person\'s reports, and others reading posts like this will be skeptical to even contribute. If the moderators/veterans don\'t want to take the time to respond to a post, ignore it and let someone else respond.