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TOPIC: How much does pmma cost overall

How much does pmma cost overall 11 years 9 months ago #1296358965

Wow $1900 for \"smooth finish\"?? It was 750 less that a year ago. Guess the doc can afford to work only 3 days with these prices. BTW I had a \"smooth finish\" and I think the label is misleading since my ending is anything but smooth. I think my outcome must be an anomaly.

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How much does pmma cost overall 11 years 9 months ago #1278122198

Posted by BDMike

but its like walking into a crowded room, takes a little bit to get acclimated.

True. Phalloplasty is a \"crowded\" subject. It is best if one does their own digging in pursuit of discovery. As a Senior Mod, I can empathize with S.O.\'s frustration. If you are not in a position of power and responsibility here, don\'t be so quick to judge. I\'m not saying that I agree with the ban. What I am saying is that as Administrator, S.O. has the right to do as he sees fit. Afterall, this is HIS site.


As a passenger on an airplane, you are paying for your flight, safety, snacks, etc. S.O., Senior Mods and Mods receive no such compensation. We volunteer our time and knowledge as a service to our fellow man. It takes a toll to answer questions that have been answered countless times before. Statistically, flying is safer than driving. The same cannot be said for Phalloplasty. This is serious, life-changing business. The patient is not the equivalent of a passenger; more of a pilot, requiring much more in depth knowledge. I fly a Cessna by the way. Love it.

Skatezy, Hoddle and I are working on a F.A.Q. regarding PMMA and other methods of Phalloplasty. I will work with SO to make it a separate category located at the intro page. I appreciate your efforts and the efforts by other members to help educate new members/guests. Benjaminflocka had been a member here for a long, long time. I find it disheartening that so many here join, ask a few repetitive questions and then schedule a procedure. Reading serves to educate a prospective patient beyond the scope of preexisting questions and expectations. It is prudent that one does their own leg work. You are a prime example of the exception and not the rule. I would rather be \"short\" with a member and have them learn a great deal about PMMA on their own then simply answer; only to see them cease their research and enter into unknown territory.

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How much does pmma cost overall 11 years 9 months ago #1278121596

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I see both sides of the coin here. I can see it\'s frustrating to answer a question some of the veterans have answered many times that seem obvious, but when someone first stumbles across this forum its a lot of information to filter through, even with the search. It may seem obvious to the many that have read everything and keep up with it, but its like walking into a crowded room, takes a little bit to get acclimated. Also, a lot of the information on posts are 2+ years old. A LOT can/has changed and I think it\'s sometimes valid to re ask a question. Let\'s keep it friendly and inviting here, the new people, that are even willing to post (like myself, who will be reporting my progress in 6 days), are the ones that will be giving the NEW experiences and progress reports that everyone is so eager to read. These older progress reports are great and serve as a foundation, but people, including myself, want to see the newest current and latest results the Dr is producing, and want to see good results. Keep that in mind. If you scold them, then you will probably lose that person\'s reports, and others reading posts like this will be skeptical to even contribute. If the moderators/veterans don\'t want to take the time to respond to a post, ignore it and let someone else respond.

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How much does pmma cost overall 11 years 9 months ago #1278121112

I fly too. Pm me

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How much does pmma cost overall 11 years 9 months ago #1278121043

NO..SO can not do what ever the hell he wants. He is a very level headed man. May be he just had a bad day LOL.......This forum was built by the huge efforts of SO, its moderators and some founding members and I hope it is a democratic decision making when it comes to changing/making rules...

SO, If I am wrong with my above comments, let me know as I want to learn and improve my self.

M7.5 and SO, you know I highly respect you guys and consider you dear friends, as well as all the moderators and the founding members of this forum, so do not get angry with my frank comments!

You all know I speak my mind but with all respect to all the members here. The guy asked a question and may be he was lazy to pick up the phone and call DR C (by the way, they have a San Diego phone # so there is no international cost if calling from the USA). But to ban him for that?

So, calm down, the question was quickly answered by BDmike.

I fly airplanes, and there is always some newbie who will ask the most stupid questions, but sure enough, we answer his stupid question patiently and kindly, and soon enough these newbies become great members and good assets of the flying club....


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How much does pmma cost overall 11 years 9 months ago #1278120600

S.O. can do whatever the hell he wants! I am constantly bombarded with the same questions which are readily answered on the forum and old forum as well! Noobs post questions on my PR thread (on my Progress Report thread!!!!) and then send me an identical PM. It\'s frustrating! While there is a 400 PM message limit, my box stays full despite deleting all the PM\'s weekly. I own a business and have a wife, three kids, two motorcycles, three cars, etc. Modding is a lot of work so members are expected to do their own RESEARCH! I love to help members and guests but as thehulk and SO pointed out, some people are just plain lackadaisical. If you don\'t care enough about your junk to read up, don\'t bother asking questions. If you\'ve done your due diligence and cannot find a satisfactory answer, by all means, PM me. I\'ve read all of the content of this forum and the original one, plus MANY other forums in addition to a plethora of published clinical trials and spoke to the top surgeons in the world! Making a hasty and uninformed decision without knowing all the details (cost, complications, efficacy, etc) is outright stupidity. If your smart enough to find the forum online, you\'re smart enough to read its content. I think a new forum rule is in order!

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How much does pmma cost overall 11 years 9 months ago #1278120564

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How much does pmma cost overall 11 years 9 months ago #1278120041

SpankAss wrote: still didnt want to go through 140 page thread and read all the crap and bs

You only have one penis, and this is your attitude toward it?
Yikes. Many new members have no idea how bad Phalloplasty was & is. How this forum has helped drown out some of the more obsolete methods that would have left your penis deformed, impotent, and maybe even shorter. Sometimes all that reading is meant to ensure you have a functioning penis AFTER having it enlarged.

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How much does pmma cost overall 11 years 9 months ago #1278119526

Obsessed wrote: At first I was Skeptical, but now I see why SO chose to ban this user. Laziness is counter productive when it ends up in the creation of too many messages. However, the forum search tool is not good enough. So what I suggest is using Google instead. To search a topic, all you have to do is put the phrase site: after your search query. For instance in this case one would type ( in Google\'s search box) pmma price mexico site: And the response would be on the second line

Which is a much better result than the forum search tool Other than that there is a rule I would like to see : not quoting an entire messages. Some users are quoting full messages with signatures only to add a few words at the end. It kills me. Just sayin\'

Thanks, the Google search function is also incredibly useful, thanks for reminding me!


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Last edit: by Dev_Team.

How much does pmma cost overall 11 years 9 months ago #1278117804

Its not harsh at all.

Its disrespectful for new members to ask questions they can find here if they just read. Most people want the hard work done for them, so they can be lazy. I can see a newb asking a question and getting told to do a search..... but a 2 year old member?

I did the procedure for myself, I continue to update for others to learn from because without this site I wouldn\'t of known all my options. So do I get disrespected when a question is asked that has been answered multiple times, yes. I read 95% of all the patient threads before posting, why cant they?

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How much does pmma cost overall 11 years 9 months ago #1278117720

At first I was Skeptical, but now I see why SO chose to ban this user. Laziness is counter productive when it ends up in the creation of too many messages.
However, the forum search tool is not good enough. So what I suggest is using Google instead.

To search a topic, all you have to do is put the phrase site: after your search query.

For instance in this case one would type ( in Google\'s search box)

pmma price mexico site:

And the response would be on the second line

Which is a much better result than the forum search tool

Other than that there is a rule I would like to see : not quoting an entire messages. Some users are quoting full messages with signatures only to add a few words at the end. It kills me.

Just sayin\'

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Last edit: by Dev_Team.

How much does pmma cost overall 11 years 9 months ago #1278116173

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How much does pmma cost overall 11 years 9 months ago #1278116028

a bit harsh

i am gonna add my 2 cents because i get that people should search which i have before but even i after searching still didnt want to go through 140 page thread and read all the crap and bs of the back and forth of some of the members so i would rather just simply ask the question that i need to know which is prob on page 98 of that 140 page thread so why not just cut to the chase and get the answer instead of wasting however many hours of my life about a simple PE question

not saying to not search first but asking shouldnt get him a ban when its its first time asking

i dont do it because i just pm whoever i need to ask the question to or a member who i have seen go through it but not everyone is like me and some are not as bright

just sayn lol

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How much does pmma cost overall 11 years 9 months ago #1278113946


You\'ve been registered for nearly 2 years and you ask some extremely rudimentary questions? Furthermore, prices are subject to change and what you find on the forums may not reflect what Dr. C\'s current pricing is. Why haven\'t you just simply called or contacted their office? Or better yet, how have you not come across the latest figures oft-spoken of here on the forums?

I\'m not sure you broke any forum rules, but I\'m going to ban you to make a lesson out of what has been a needless problem as of late: lazy members. Heck, maybe lazy-posting ought to be a new forum rule??

To all new members & lurkers, while the information may be vast, and at times muddled, it can ultimately be found. We have a search function, a private message function (don\'t bother Moderators unless they are relevant to the moderator and/or deal with the site), and sub-forums with relevant threads that can be found by simply flipping through. Just READ. Especially the threads that are 5 pages or more, those tend to be very informative.

Anyways, I\'ll keep this thread up to serve as reminder that the lazy use of this site will not be tolerated, despite it not being an infraction of forum rules.

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How much does pmma cost overall 11 years 9 months ago #1278112735

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no payment plans, and last I heard (1 month ago) its $2500 first session, and subsequent ones are less. He has increased in the past, but those I believe are current.
Payment done in real cash: dollars, pesos, wire transfer.

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