Hi thachosenone2013,
Phwew, that\'s one long username.
Regarding your problem: you are having 2 distinct problems IMHO.
1. Difficulties in post-operative healing, due to severe trauma to your genitalia which you didn\'t expect. I just had scrotal surgery and my balls were almost black for two weeks, then blue for another week before turning pink again. If your surgery was penetrating, as implant surgery is, then you can expect it to hurt bad. I will link to a video (courtesy of Smartman) of an implant surgery just so that you can see how traumatized your organ can get. Be aware: Removing it will traumatize you again just as much! Do you need this twice in a row?
2. Panic because your results are nothing like what you expected. You maybe thought you\'d wake up to a beautiful new organ which would be the envy of every jock on campus and make girls beat a path to your room, and you wind up with a swollen distorted freak show. But this is NOT your final result, which can only be seen when all swelling has receded and your body has fully healed. You do not yet know your final result.
I understand why doctors don\'t show videos of surgery or post-operative condition, because if they did nobody would go there, even if in painful need for augmentation. It is crazy and extreme, but some of us wind up going this far to finally get up to par in the bedroom or locker room.
Don\'t give up on it yet. I haven\'t had this procedure done, but quite a few members here have. I would take patience, get a local doctor, urologist, hospital emergency ward, free clinic, surgical nurse, whomever might be qualified in your town to install a new drain to remove fluids and allow healing to pursue its normal path.
Then you can post photos here, and ask for help from fellow Elist Implant friends at PhalloBoards. They will advise you as nobody can. Being alarmed is normal in your drastic situation which would have anyone very upset. But time is your ally and not your enemy, so you must remove the \"urgency\" from this situation, even if it feels like it is an emergency.
Hang in there, we\'re all going to be helping in any way we can. If later you really do need to have it removed, there are folks here who know Dr Elist and who can best advise you on how to effectively approach him so that you pay nothing for removal. Note that if it is just a \"change of

\" when nothing went seriously wrong with the procedure, he may feel entitled to charge you. This is why you must tread softly until you have more data on your current condition, and guys here can coach you along that path?
Hunk Chunk