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TOPIC: Hypospadias (hole in wrong place) and PMMA girth enhancement

Hypospadias (hole in wrong place) and PMMA girth enhancement 11 years 11 months ago #1277528929

Hello to everyone and your penises... this is the only place I\'ve ever visited in my 43 years of life where I\'ve seen straight men requesting photos of each other\'s dick --> truly a unique community!

From my username you can see my dimension of girth is small.

Thinness is a typical presentation of a penis presenting with hypospadias. Hypospadias is a birth defect where the urethra opening is not located at the end of the penis but instead anywhere from the under-side of the glans to behind the scrotum (female position).

For myself, the opening is directly below the glans on the underside of the shaft. Although I tend to spray when I piss and some drunk buddies have asked \"hey man, why isn\'t the piss coming out the end of your dick\", it has never been a problem. I\'ve had children and not a single women has ever realized.. amazingly, no woman has ever noticed. To put that into context, I was a stripper for 5 years during my 20s and showed my dick to ALOT of women.

Until 1 year ago, I didn\'t even know it is a condition effecting 1-in-300 men.. I just thought I was a freak. This is not my dick, but this is what it looks like:

Anyway, I\'ve made an inquiry with Dr C about a procedure for mid June 2013 but I\'m wondering if hypospadias precludes me from being a candidate.

Anyone on this forum have hypospadias and consulted with a PMMA doctor?

This will come up in discussion before my round 1 so I\'ll let you know what I discover.


ps. I\'ve seen some men on this forum posting they have not had much sex because worried about the girth of their penis, but in every case I\'ve read this my penis has been thinner. Let me share my views...

..when I was screwing girls in their teens and twenties it was never a problem, no women has ever said my dick is small (behind my back is another thing entirely) and I\'ve had many women express satisfaction (during my 5 years of stripping I easily had sex with 200+ women). However, now I\'m older and screwing older women, its becoming more of an issue because older women, having had children and loss of youthful muscle tone, are looser.

Still no women has expressed discontent but for me personally, it just doesn\'t feel that good and I\'d be fool to pretend they also don\'t feel more friction would be preferable. So if you are still young enough to screw young women, then don\'t hesitate.. sow you seed as often as possible because if your penis is within average size ranges you have nothing to me concerned about.. just fuck with passion and generosity.

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Hypospadias (hole in wrong place) and PMMA girth enhancement 11 years 11 months ago #1290251884

Centrion we are the same size,you can see why I never walked around in front of people at the gym.

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Hypospadias (hole in wrong place) and PMMA girth enhancement 11 years 11 months ago #1290181749

El your very lucky to have 6 Erect length.
Sadly my Erect length is only 3.937 inches/10cm. Sport your probably bigger then me too. I hope everything goes well the procedure and I hope your hog get as fat as you want it lol. Please do update us, I definitely wanna know what happens.

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Hypospadias (hole in wrong place) and PMMA girth enhancement 11 years 11 months ago #1290156846

I also have hypospadias, I\'m interested to see your results from PMMA.

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Hypospadias (hole in wrong place) and PMMA girth enhancement 11 years 11 months ago #1290154889

I don\'t know your size but I never grew past a 8yr old no manhood came.Could not do a woman any good.I also have hole in wrong place on penis and spray everywhere hence my wife would prefer I sit to go.

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Hypospadias (hole in wrong place) and PMMA girth enhancement 11 years 11 months ago #1277935149

Thanks Hunk Chunk,

it would be great if we did cross paths, I\'ll post my appointment date once it is finalized.

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Hypospadias (hole in wrong place) and PMMA girth enhancement 11 years 11 months ago #1277933914

Alright el6eg4

Looks like we\'ll almost be crossing paths, I\'m there the same week. I\'m sure all wil go well. The first session is the best !


Hunk Chunk

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Hypospadias (hole in wrong place) and PMMA girth enhancement 11 years 11 months ago #1277910302

Hey Everyone, I\'m pleased to report Dr C. saw photos of my hypospadias and reports the PMMA enhancement procedure should not be a problem!

So I\'m booking a procedure for first week of June (2013).

I\'ll start a report thread when time gets closer.

Thanks to all that have contributed to this forum because it has helped me immensely in making the decision to have the procedure and in choosing a doctor.


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Hypospadias (hole in wrong place) and PMMA girth enhancement 11 years 11 months ago #1277558973

Thanks HC for your well reasoned response.

Yes, I\'m quite satisfied with my length, no desire to make it any longer (if my fairy godmother appeared waving a magic wand I\'d add an Inch or 2) but my Girth needs some work.. I\'m about 1/2 Inch below the average range of 4.5-5.5

My mother took me to a Urologist for my hypospadias when I was 5 but ridiculously left the decision of whether to have the corrective surgery up to me.. I was in the waiting room during all discussions with the doctor and then later asked by my mother if I wanted to have surgery on my Dick. There was no discussion, she just wanted a yes or no answer on the spot.

At 5 years old you can imagine I didn\'t even know what I was deciding.. it sounded scary so I said \"no\".

I\'ll wait to hear what the doctor says and report back.


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Hypospadias (hole in wrong place) and PMMA girth enhancement 11 years 11 months ago #1277548369

Hi el6eg4,

Welcome to PhalloBoards where there\'s a great community of guys helping one another. Skeptical One was a life saver when I had my first hiccup with Phalloplasty, and many others are very supportive. By the way, your length is one which I and quite a few others here would really like to have - you are in the comfort zone size-wise. You could call me el5eg4 if you\'d like, before I got PMMA, now it would be el5eg5.

First let me say that with your current dimensions, while picture perfect for young girls (or mothers who had C-section caesarians) it is likely you could benefit from PMMA Girth enhancement. You could bump up to over 5\" Girth and retain a nice aesthetic result, especially if you have a taper done.

It is very likely that you would notice a significant difference after just one session with 10% PMMA. Enough to feel like you need no more. This is what I had, and for a year it was splendid. Actually, after almost a year, because in 10 months time I started to notice it thinning out a little. I lost maybe a quarter of the earlier gain. This troubled me because I noticed the sex getting a little less good with your target woman - one stretched out by childbirth. She must have also, as she no longer reacted quite as strongly anymore. So I went in for a refill.

Given your condition, you might have several options. If you are really identical to that photo, you have a perfectly formed orifice in your glans, only one that it isn\'t currently plumbed for service. If not, forget what I say next. If so, it seems likely that a skilled urological surgeon could connect your natural tube to the glans orifice which is the one destined by nature for that purpose.

While the idea of this may sound shocking, as in \"heavy surgery\", please note that this is rather minute and mundane a procedure compared to what many guys have done in Phalloplasty. PMMA is almost a cosmetic procedure compared to some major interventions some guys get done. However, I need to make reserves regarding my suggestion, given that the glans is of tissues having a physiology which isn\'t perfectly well-known by quite a few doctors, and it may be tough to find the proper surgeon for this operation. I expect for this reason, most Urologist will simply tell you that if it doesn\'t hurt, just stick with it this way and don\'t seek correction. You might have broader options.

Especially if you have some form of health insurance which might offset some fo the costs, piping the conduit up through the glans would liberate your shaft entirely for Girth enhancement. It is likely that Dr C would hesitate or maybe even refust to inject PMMA near this area, beneath the glans, as it could place thickness where it might interfere with your normal use of your instrument in terms of its ejection of substances.

This is because even if he places the PMMA perfectly, for several hours after the intervention it remains semi-solid or semi-liquid, and can move around a bit. So even if he cautiously avoids this area, it could build up near it and become a small mass around your orifice. Also, some here (including me) got a hard ring near the Circumcision line, which would not be what you would want as this could be near your urination conduit.

I am sure others here can help you out more, some being quite knowledgable in anatomy and probably more resourceful. In any case your dimensions are very nice for any normal girl who hasn\'t been subject to the distorsions caused by childbirth. I slept with about the same number with lesser dimensions and hadn\'t a clue from them that I might be deficient in any way. Some were even very taken with me, but somehow never in the visceral and uncontrollable way they are now that I\'m thick...


Hunk Chunk

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Hypospadias (hole in wrong place) and PMMA girth enhancement 11 years 11 months ago #1290252152

It\'s definitely hard but have you had any sexual experiences? I had only had sex with 3 girls.

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