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TOPIC: Belloderm removal?

Belloderm removal? 12 years 1 week ago #1276865276

Has anyone had a successful Belloderm or Alloderm Removal? Can someone recommend a good surgeon for this?

I\'ve spoken to Dr Alter, but he\'s very expensive and couldn\'t tell me how successfully it can be removed until he actually opens me up and has a look.

I\'ve posted about my experience in other threads, but now things have become worse and it\'s painful to have sex. My gains are down to next to nothing and the top part of my penis bends to the left making intercourse very difficult and painful. I\'d give anything to go back in time and stop myself having this done. At the moment it feels like I\'ve ruined my life, for less than 0.4\" in Girth. As other have said, it\'s not the physical pain that is the worst part. It\'s the constant state of anxiety which is makes it so terrible. I can\'t sleep at night and wake up depressed.

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Belloderm removal? 12 years 1 week ago #1276873641

The comment on \" i know of ONE person had his Belladerm removed and lost feeling\" This type of comment does nothing to help anyone. That statement to anyone is not very positive thought. There are may ways to help men in their goals and all of the different ways have the good and bad out comes... The best way to find what method to choose is to study each method and each doctor. After that each person can choose theirs..I guess in a professional manner putting down any method is not a good idea. Rather let the positive statements flow for people looking for information on the processes. thanks

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Belloderm removal? 12 years 1 week ago #1276872673

richard wrote: Many people that have had issues with their choice of Phalloplasty. Please do not just speak of the few that had issues. i have had great results with Belladerm and Dr Rosenthal.... With all due respect i read all posts each day and we could make a negative case for any form of Phalloplasty....Plus there are many many people that are not involved in this forum that are very happy but choose not to post...

The guy just wants some help Richard. I\'ve spoken to him on the phone and he\'s going through a tough time.

Also he was a well known poster on MNS called Little Woody and back then he was full of praise for Belladerm.

I don\'t understand why you don\'t like it when people post about negative experiences. It\'s so important that guys are aware of the possible consequences when having one of these procedures. PE surgery of any sort is not a decision that should be taken lightly. When things go wrong it can turn your life upside down. Last week two of our members used the word \"\" when telling me about how a bad penis enlargement procedure has left them feeling.

I think if you understood what it\'s like to be going through what PMMApossibly or Darkstaff experiencing then I think you\'d have a lot more tolerance for people who are prepared to share their experiences and ask for help/advice.

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Belloderm removal? 12 years 1 week ago #1276872585

Richard, you\'re a bit out of line here. This is not some general attack on Belladerm, it\'s a guy having a very real problem asking for advice on how to solve it. It\'s great that you\'re happy with you\'re choice of procedure but but feeling the need to defend it on this particular thread is in poor taste.

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Belloderm removal? 12 years 1 week ago #1276872499

Many people that have had issues with their choice of Phalloplasty. Please do not just speak of the few that had issues. i have had great results with Belladerm and Dr Rosenthal.... With all due respect i read all posts each day and we could make a negative case for any form of Phalloplasty....Plus there are many many people that are not involved in this forum that are very happy but choose not to post...

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Belloderm removal? 12 years 1 week ago #1276870142

We do have a member who had his Belloderm removed. But he lost the feeling in his shaft.

Since we spoke I\'ve been thinking and to be honest I\'m not entirely sure if you are better off going back to the US. At the end of the day, no matter what material they are removing, the key surely has to be to avoid damage to the penis. When you see Mr Muir ask his opinion on whether he thinks you\'ll be better off going back to the US. I\'ve not had surgery with him, but I\'ve met him and he definitely isn\'t the kind of guy that would convince you he is the best man for the job, just to get paid.

If you jump to the 23 minutes part of this clip there is an interview with Suks Minhas, one of the other names I gave you, discussing removing enlargement materials from the penis.

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Belloderm removal? 12 years 1 week ago #1276869063

Gelman isn\'t an option. It has to be someone with their own surgical facility or I can\'t afford it. The cost of flights back to the US are costly enough. I spoke with Hoddle and he gave me the names of some urologists in London, but we both agreed that it is unlikely they\'d have had much, if any, experience removing Belloderm. I\'ve got an appointment next week, but I\'d prefer to go a Dr who has done this before, which will likely mean coming back to America.

I posted a while ago about an area where my ex wife could feel the implant and there was a slight curve. Since then the area has hardened and it no longer seems to expand. So when I get Erect the penis curves to the left.

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Belloderm removal? 12 years 1 week ago #1276868094

Alter and Gelman are the best. Have Gelman do it if he will accept your insurance. Otherwise it will cost a fortune since the hospital will send you a separate bill that is huge.

Alter may not take insurance but he has his own surgery suite so there will be no extra third party bills. Also he tends to underpromise and overdeliver (the opposite of the enlargement doctors).

Either way as you know it is tough to put a cost on a healthy penis. Be strong and know that your life will improve after you get the right treatment. I would not put this off too long especially if you notice bending as it can get worse over time.

I see you had it implanted on summer 2010, and seemed more positive when you posted in Nov 2012. Did things just start to go south very recently ?

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Belloderm removal? 12 years 1 week ago #1276866201

Dr. Gelman in Orange County (or San Diego, I think OC though) is a name that\'s been popping up on the board a lot recently and people seem to be very happy with him. He\'s a Urologist with extensive experience in reconstruction. I don\'t know how he compares in cost but from what others have posted he seems to have a better bedside manner as well.

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Belloderm removal? 12 years 1 week ago #1276874462

richard wrote: The comment on \" i know of ONE person had his Belladerm removed and lost feeling\" This type of comment does nothing to help anyone. That statement to anyone is not very positive thought. There are may ways to help men in their goals and all of the different ways have the good and bad out comes... The best way to find what method to choose is to study each method and each doctor. After that each person can choose theirs..I guess in a professional manner putting down any method is not a good idea. Rather let the positive statements flow for people looking for information on the processes. thanks

Richard the thread starter asked about Belladerm Removal. As far as I know we only have one member (Candybars) who has had his Belladerm removed. As a result he lost feeling in his shaft. So I simply relayed all I knew about guys who have had Belladerm removed. There is no point simply saying just get it removed and everything will be fine, when I know that this isn\'t always the case. What possible reason is there for holding back pertinent information?

How can one study each method and each Dr? Surely the information provided by our members is a vital resource for doing this! The theory behind most PE procedures is sound. But the reality is often different, hence the feedback we get from our members is incredibly useful for the thousands of guys who read this board in order to research.

You seem to have an issue with guys reporting negative experiences and I can\'t understand that at all.

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