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TOPIC: PMMA 10% vs 20% vs 30%

PMMA 10% vs 20% vs 30% 12 years 1 month ago #1276254709

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Hi guys, I was looking through all the treads trying to get info but, it was becoming very daunting trying to figure out what exactly is 10%, 20%, & 30% PMMA, the difference & which is better.? Why?

Can you guys please enlighten me? Much appreciated Thanks!

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PMMA 10% vs 20% vs 30% 12 years 1 month ago #1276354266

I think it depends on the patients anatomy and body\'s reaction to the PMMA. Also, the shape of the penis and its skin, being loose or not, has tons to do with the outcome....

Like I said before, for me, 20% and 30% were much better than 10%. The only thing I noticed about the 10% is it was smoother to the touch, but the gains were dismal....So for me, I wanted large gains with fewest rounds and least cost..and I still ended up with four session and may be a final 5th to fill up the gaps in six month to a year...

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PMMA 10% vs 20% vs 30% 12 years 1 month ago #1276349609

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Just going on what has been said on here, one groups are saying 30% is better cause it has less complications and more smooth look, then the other groups is saying the totally opposite. Just has left me confused and I\'m sure others.

It would be nice if people aren\'t biased and can fairly look at two sides of the arguement, for people like me who haven\'t had it done, we read everything. Cause I live in London and Dr N seemed good, and Brazillian clinic use 30%...but now people saying it makes your Cock feel fake and hard...

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PMMA 10% vs 20% vs 30% 12 years 1 month ago #1276342060

Hi Guys,

I\'ve had 3 sessions, with either 10%, 20% and lately 30% and I really can\'t tell much of a difference in effect. If anything, I wonder if the higher concentration doesn\'t make your unit a touch more rigid, this is the comment I have gotten since the last session at 30%, saying it is \"So Hard!\". This wasn\'t a complaint, mind you, but it sort of puts your unit into a slightly less natural \'super Dick\' category...

Honestly, if you are seeing Dr C you can pretty much trust him to customize the best combinations of concentration depending on your size and shape and desired results. He usually recommends starting out with lower concentrations and then building up the collagen gradually using actual results of prior sessions to base the choices of future injections. I\'ll be asking for 30% at my 4th session when the time comes, to widen the base.


Hunk Chunk

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PMMA 10% vs 20% vs 30% 12 years 1 month ago #1276337438

boston2015 wrote: EQ'Why did you have 10% and how much DID you gain?.

I went with 10% because that was more likely to create a more predictable and aesthetic result. The 30% and even the mixed 20% can sometimes leave ridges (like hard strands) from the rows of PMMA that is laid down by the injector. Those ridges can be felt if a partner runs their fingers across your penis.

You are correct I gained 3/4\" at 10 months post procedure.

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PMMA 10% vs 20% vs 30% 12 years 1 month ago #1276311011

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Sorry my bad, please don\'t beat me up. I take back what I said

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PMMA 10% vs 20% vs 30% 12 years 1 month ago #1276307919

If it\'s a money making scheme then why do so many of Dr N\'s patients gain even less with a 1st round of 30% than Dr C\'s patients with 10%? Also Fred only gained 0.4\" with a first round of 30% and he went to a Dr in Brazil.

If it was about money, then he\'d limit the amount per session. But Dr C seems to regularly inject over 20 cc\'s per session these days.

The only way one could think it\'s a money making scam is if they haven\'t been researching enough and in which case shouldn\'t be considering the procedure anyway.

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PMMA 10% vs 20% vs 30% 12 years 1 month ago #1276307193

I don\'t think it was necessarily a money making scheme, I think he was taking precautions as every penis is different, and every body reacts differently to the PMMA to some degree, so he was likely trying to get a better grasp of things. I\'d much rather have customers that got a bit less than they\'re were hoping than massively fucked up. When we\'ll dealing with penises especially slow and steady with less risk its probably best. Initially it also seemed he was reluctant to do larger Girth gains, as he was marketing it more as an \'enhancement\' rather than an \'enlargement\'. I\'m sure he could even raise the price a few more thousand and not see a severe drop of market.

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PMMA 10% vs 20% vs 30% 12 years 1 month ago #1276302280

While I will never know the exact reasoning, I think Dr C wanted to err on the safe side. It would be less risky to use 10% and see what happens and then move up to 20% and 30%. Now that he has hundreds of sessions under his belt, I think he feels he can safely use them all. This is a win-win situation for his office and to a certain extent, for the patient himself. There are no reported major problems on this board with Dr C. Of course the other side of the coin is that, us patients, had to go few more times to get our required yes he made more money..

Of all the PE Dr\'s that I know of, he has been my favorite even though I did not get exactly what I wanted from him, I think he has a great operation so far.......

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PMMA 10% vs 20% vs 30% 12 years 1 month ago #1276283728

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To me sounds like the 10% and 20% were a money making scheme....

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PMMA 10% vs 20% vs 30% 12 years 1 month ago #1276278470

For me, my least gained were with 10%....I was not happy at all because they told me 10% will yield same gains as 20%....Well we know now that is not the case....I like 30%..Brazil has been using it for years and with good success rate as far as I know....My last session was with 30% and a few CC\'\'s of 10% for fill up, that is ok of course...The gains so far as good, will wait a few more weeks to report....

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PMMA 10% vs 20% vs 30% 12 years 1 month ago #1276274407


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PMMA 10% vs 20% vs 30% 12 years 1 month ago #1276260628

Thru my own personal experience and for me, I wanted 30% from day one convinced it would be best for me. Dr C and staff claimed the 10% will give the same results as the 20% and basically ignored my request and I of course believed in their judgement. ..Well, the gains were dismal with 10% in my case. I had to go four time to get close to what I wanted. I believe had I got 30% in the first and 2nd round, I would surpass what I have now with four rounds. I think we have seen some super results with one round and with 30%. I think Big Ben has 30% and it looks the best as far as smoothness and symmetry, I m not talking about esthetics now, just the fact it looks even and not lumpy at all. I do not understand why Dr C can\'t do the same..he has done hundreds and hundreds of sessions. and now he IS doing 30%....May be he was /is still on a learning curve and he wants to be careful and have repeat customers....Don\'t take it wrong, I love Dr. C and his staff but I think they could have been more aggressive since they went to Brazil and saw the 30% being used everywhere with great results..

Now my total cost for the four session is close to 9,000 US could have been $4500 with 30%...This is my own case, yours may be different...

Happy new yars to All...

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PMMA 10% vs 20% vs 30% 12 years 1 month ago #1276260299

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Thanks biggerbob. Ok so \"30 percent\" means 30% PMMA beads & 70% collagen gel.

As for \"what result your looking for.\" I suppose most want to fill up their sausage as much as possible, why not just use the most beads? Or does this mean 30% can be more lumpy?

I\'ve read that the body breakdown the collagen gel & produces its own collagen, turning into thicker skin?

Has anyone gotten just collagen gel injects without PMMA beads?

I think I\'ve read that some are experiencing more lump problems with 20%.

Anyone? Thx

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PMMA 10% vs 20% vs 30% 12 years 1 month ago #1276258158

Bones - This refers to the concentration of PMMA beads in the carrier solution. Each has its own use depending on what results you are looking for. There are other % used in the medical field but not for implants. As to what is best, that is really up to you and what results you are looking for.

10% has the most spacing between beads and is the easiest to work with. It is the high viscosity PMMA.

20% the workhorse for Dr. C. If I am not mistaken, this is a concentration he mixes in-house. I do not know that it is available from a manufacturer at this time. Other doctors do not do this as far as I know. Medium viscosity that can be moved around fairly easily.

30% is the highest concentration used in the penis. It also results in most amount of collagen formation in a general sense. It is also the thickest solution.

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