Before I had my procedure I charted most of the progress reports on this and the prior site to get a sense of what first round 6 week outcomes people were actually reporting. It sounds OCD but I am in the Medical Analysis and Informatics business so that is the kind of thing my team does for a living. Unfortunately most members do not report completely or consistently enough but the following was the summary (3/2012): Gained 1.0' or more (-1/

MSEG at the 6 week markMore Girth, Sizemic, Mr Deezy, Ghostfmj, Capital PE Gained 0.75' or more (-1/

MSEG at the 6 week markCaveman, Zayne, Jacko, MustGetBig, Big John, BiggerBob, AirmailPuppet, PMMAAlltheWay, Paso, Wishes, empty yogurt cup, Doc Savage, EqStudent Gained 0.5' or more (-1/

MSEG at the 6 week markRhondo, ImBigNow, Zol, Mike Hok I have not updated my chart since my procedure so I can't speak to any significant changes. Two things stand out; the smaller the starting girth the more one gains from the first round and the majority of members gained ~0.75'. All the members who gained ~1' were from the first group of patients on the old site with Mr Deezy having the single largest first round gain at 1.25' at the 6 week mark.
As for the procedure in the US, note there is a doctor in Florida and one in Atlanta who have performed the procedure in the penis. The issue is importing the product into the US which the FDA does not allow.