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TOPIC: Post-PMMA : infection and lymphadenitis ???

Post-PMMA : infection and lymphadenitis ??? 12 years 6 months ago #1274462109

I was thinking (I might be wrong) why we have ((as far as I remember 2 members (CHL+GM) in our forum who had)) some source of an infection and regional Lymph Node enlargement ??

CHL had in his 2nd rd 17cc\'s @20% (large gauge needle was used entry point near to the glans --> bleeding for a longer period).

MG had around 21-23cc\'s also @20% .

Two different scenarios directly post-injection but with the same conc. and signs and regional lymph node enlargement ??

What I read e.g. about Metacrill it comes with a glass jar and the seal is airtight with a rubber stopper and tamper proof seal. And they mentioned it is 100% sterile .

Please, my aim for bringing this point is not to frighten anyone, I just want to know why we got this complication and how to prevent it in the future , I think we should do our homework and ask Dr.C. or Wade about that ??

It could be just like any infection which can happen after any procedures??

But at least the PMMA product should be 100% sterile before an injection.

The Q. now is the mixture ( i.e. the 20% ) always sterile before injecting it in every patient ??

I have sent an e-mail to Metacrill company asking them about that .

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Post-PMMA : infection and lymphadenitis ??? 12 years 6 months ago #1274472312

An e-mail from \"Dr.Samy Passy\" (I think he has some shares of Metacrill ) :-
Yes, the bottle is sterile.When opened, for few days it can be used, with big care not to contaminate the rest of the product.There is no advantage to mix 30% with 10%, but the risk of contamination is real.The possibility of contamination is so obvious Metacrill must be used in the presentation form, not to be mixed with anythingI do not agree that 30% has high risk of \"lumps\"



I don\'t know if this is true or not , but imo we have two options to confirm if this regional lymph node enlargement due to contamination of the 20% (I hope not) or due to migration of small beads into the lymph channels :-

1- We should bring this topic to Dr.C. and ask for his opinion about :- Taking a swab from the 20% glass jar and culture them for bacteria ?? I am sure he will think about it because he definitely wants to know the exact cause for that and very important how to prevent it in the future.

2- If it is possible our 2 members can have MRI for the regional lymph nodes (e.g. inguinal LN) to exclude any possibilities of PMMA beads migration. But I doubt this possibility (but still it can happen ???) for 2 reasons :- 1- The study from Dr. Suzana Barretto MRI\'s for her patients post PMMA---> no migration?? . 2- Why only with the 20% (30%+10% around 1:1 ratio) and not also with the 10% ?? it could be just only a coincidence (just 2 cases) .

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