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TOPIC: Is the 6" EG Goal truly ideal?

Is the 6" EG Goal truly ideal? 12 years 7 months ago #1274589642

Quote by H10: \"We should never lose sight of the fact that the brain is the biggest erogenous zone.\"

Spot on...

And with women, it is their emotions that takes over. If a woman is into you, you can have a micro penis and she\'ll still climax!

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Is the 6" EG Goal truly ideal? 12 years 7 months ago #1274536168

^haha no. they can do multi variable calculus and she can\'t lol.

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Is the 6" EG Goal truly ideal? 12 years 7 months ago #1274500889

Wow, I just have this one question, which is: Is this girl Asian?

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Is the 6" EG Goal truly ideal? 12 years 7 months ago #1274493801

Of course, I\'m going to post before and after photos Flaccid and Erect for the community.

And let\'s not make this my personal thread LOL.
Let\'s keep this discussion about whether 6EG is ideal or not. I think 7.5EG is ideal, but I think my GF is way past what the normal chick is lol in most quantifiable ways.

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Is the 6" EG Goal truly ideal? 12 years 7 months ago #1274483473

How difficult it is to remove the scar tissue isn\'t something that can be known until the surgeon opens you up and has a pull on it. Sometimes it can literally be lifted on the shaft and other times it\'s like trying to remove cement.

It sounds as if you have a classic case of the V/Y causing scrotilization and promoting hair up the shaft. I had and to an extent still have the same thing myself.

Would you be prepared to post before and after photos?

I think Dr Reed will be much cheaper, but Dr Alter is the only surgeon I know of who seems to have done a lot of these. Recently there has been some discussion of a Dr Gelman, but I\'ve not seen any of his work.

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Is the 6" EG Goal truly ideal? 12 years 7 months ago #1274483242

^I\'m not sure.
And yeah, there\'s like a small \"cord\" of scar tissue connecting the incision site to my shaft that give me a \"top turkey neck\" when Erect. it\'s the reason my Flaccid hang is only 6.5\" and my GF thaught I looked average the first time she saw me naked in her shower. Like I can pull downwards, and easily pull it to 8.25\" bpfsl, but the \"fused scar little cord thing\" pulls the skin from my pubic hair area outward.....and it pulls the scar location with the Corpus Cavernosa of my shaft with it, hiding almost 2\" of shaft under a \"top turkey neck of scar and pubic hair\". It doesn\'t stop me from using those extra inches and slamming to the bone, but it just looks so botched.

I think I\'m a great candidate for Revision, as even if no lig cuts are made, just releasing this \"fused scar to shaft muscle\" would make me seem so much longer visually.

I guess the $5000 question is......Is scar tissue as easy to cut away as ligs ? When I pull or strtch manually I still hear \"lig pops\" both side to side, and pulling straight down. i assume those pops mean ligs are still present ?

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Is the 6" EG Goal truly ideal? 12 years 7 months ago #1274483055

I didn\'t realize you were having a reconstructive surgery. I thought this was a primary. When you say fused skin, are you talking about a V/Y incision which has caused thick and wide scarring? The re-attached ligs could just as easily be scar tissue. Scar tissue often fills the dead space where the ligs were cut and grows up the shaft like a chord. It\'s just like having ligs again.

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Is the 6" EG Goal truly ideal? 12 years 7 months ago #1274482955

She gets hit the way she likes when I hold her legs behind her head and dig. But I want to be able to hit BOTH fornixes on alternating strokes from every position. Yup, we\'re warriors lol.

I know what BPEL is, and bpfsl. BPFSL I\'m exactly 8.25\", non bone pressed EL I\'m 7.5 inches. BPEL I\'m 8\".

I know I can get great Flaccid gains from surgery, as well as Erect gains, because I had retraction after my first botched procedure with Dr. Rodney Barron in NYC. I had pretty bad retraction due to re-attachment of the ligs and I had some fusing of incision skin to my shaft. I went in at a BPEL of 7.5 and 6girth, and after taking all the alloderm out of the still-open incision myself 2weeks after surgery, I was 6.25x6. I was in hell. I did some traction and stretching. Got back and even gained a tiny bit over these years of half-assed Jelqing every so often. Gained some Girth too from sorta Clamping (fucking&edging with a cockring on). And I\'m finally ready to have Barron\'s fused botch cleaned up, and the re-attached ligs cut to let as much of me as there is out.

Whichever doctor I choose (gary alter or harold reed) will be able to make me 7.25-7.5\" Flaccid without any ligament cuts, just by cutting loose the fused skin. The ligament cuts will just be a plus in top of that. Even if I only get Flaccid length gains initially, that\'s fine. I\'m very tall so I just want it to look huge on my body. An 8\" Flaccid would be wonderful. And if my incision and skinmoving that I envision can be done, and I get a .5 increase in Flaccid length from lig cuts, I should be almost 8\" Flaccid.

And I assume that cutting those re-attached ligs and following up with very aggressive traction almost immediately will get me at least some extra Erect length right away. even a few MM\'s. then, for the forseeable future, I\'m going to do heavy weights and all-night-low-pull-traction in an extender religiously after getting this clean up and final lig cut. As well as my usual cockring tantric engorged lovemaking/edging. I\'m going to start logs here and on the PE sites, and really go HAM at this.

I just hope all my backstory and all my money and time will serve to help others make the right choices first.

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Is the 6" EG Goal truly ideal? 12 years 7 months ago #1274482200

Can\'t you try different positions? I doubt your GF can take big lengths in all positions.

Surgery shouldn\'t be a consideration for someone of your dimensions. Also you are very unlikely to get the gains you want from surgery. I don\'t need to know anything about the research you\'ve done to know you\'ve never seen a pre and post op BPEL photo have you?

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Is the 6" EG Goal truly ideal? 12 years 7 months ago #1274482115

the thing is, I really truly love this girl dude. I\'m on the phone with her listening to her rant about cooking for me with organic produce and duck right now lol.

And my length is just barely enough to hit her deep. She\'s a rarity, in that most ex\'s of mine don\'t want more than 6.5-7\" deep at my Girth. But this girl likes being hit deep more than the Girth stretch. And I want another Inch or so to be able to really pound at her fornixes MORE than she needs, you know ?

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Is the 6" EG Goal truly ideal? 12 years 7 months ago #1274481945

8by8 wrote: i could definitely see myself becoming a surgery/supplement addict, after stepping into the porn world, on a quest to be bigger than mandingo and Napier. I\'ve always been a competitive perfectionist, and I want to be the biggest for my current GF, and I guess the biggest period. It\'s an ovsession cast upon me by society, and I\'m going to attempt to beat it at it\'s own game, not settle for not being the biggest.

Does anyone feel this way also ?

Phalloplasty isn\'t a very refined art and at your size, you\'ll hear me singing the same tune - DON\'T DO IT!

The majority of men will never achieve a size like yours, and yet you may jeopardize the very function & aesthetics of your penis just so you can reach the unnecessary bracket of extra-extra large. It proves nothing. You aren\'t a greater, smarter, wiser, or more handsome man because of it. Unless you are looking to break a world record, which you are probably far from, you are just going to spend way too much time on a non-issue. That\'s my opinion. You don\'t want to become a surgery addict.

If I were you, I\'d totally laugh at a chick\'s assertion that I was average, even in the Flaccid state. I\'d look at her and go... \"damn, you been gangbanged by horses or something??\" \"Do car companies use your vag as a wind tunnel??\" and so on..

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Is the 6" EG Goal truly ideal? 12 years 7 months ago #1274481829

Well perhaps there is an exception to \"tall athletes\" and the \"ladies they court,\" but I strongly suspect the general population doesn\'t have as many porn dicks running rampant

I guess Dick size can be a matter of social/lifestyle context as well. Fortunately for me, if I were to have a penis even near your size I\'d be set!

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Is the 6" EG Goal truly ideal? 12 years 7 months ago #1274481773

My current girlfriend has had quite a few that are almost as thick as mine at the base, and a few that were actually thicker at the head. She says quite a few that are longer, noticably longer. Apparently she had a 6\'6\" egyptian/white ex that was legitimately about 9.5x6.75. A 6\'5\" redhead ex that was 8.75x7\". A 6\'2\" white/latino ex that was 8.5x6\" and a 6\'3\" white ex that was 9x5.5. I\'m 6\'4\" and 8\"x6.5\", so to her I\'m not her biggest.

It almost killed me when she saw my Flaccid of 6.5\" long and about 6\" around the first time when sneaking into the shower at her place, and she said it was average.

6\" Girth or more I don\'t think is as uncommon amongst very tall, big athletes as it is amongst the regular populus. I agree about porn, but alot of those dudes are little guys so their dicks look bigger proportionally. I always wondered how big mine would look being gripped by Tweety Valentine or another tiny pornstar, being shot by a fisheye lens. maybe if i really get huge after my upcoming surgery, I\'ll step int othe porn world a few times, just to see what I look like thru their lenses.

But moral of my story is.....beware of falling in love with breathtakingly gorgeous, cool, liberal bohemian chicks....they\'ve probly had lots of big dicks before and will make even big dudes feel like they need to grow more. It\'s bad for me mentally, but I think I\'ll want more no matter how big I get thru surgery and PE. Even if I get to 10x7.5

i could definitely see myself becoming a surgery/supplement addict, after stepping into the porn world, on a quest to be bigger than mandingo and Napier. I\'ve always been a competitive perfectionist, and I want to be the biggest for my current GF, and I guess the biggest period. It\'s an ovsession cast upon me by society, and I\'m going to attempt to beat it at it\'s own game, not settle for not being the biggest.

Does anyone feel this way also ?

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Is the 6" EG Goal truly ideal? 12 years 7 months ago #1274481546

8by8 wrote: Well, I\'m currently 6.25 at the head, 6.5 thru the shaft, and almost 7\" Girth at the base, before pumping or Jelqing, and no girl has ever not been able to take me about 6.5-7\" deep, after foreplay and getting turned on.

I think the posters over there claiming 6\" Girth was too much are kidding themselves.

Well keyword after \"foreplay and getting turned on.\" Your Girth (presuming it\'s natural) is incredibly rare, and therefore the average, healthy, normal woman has probably never encountered one, or encounters them infrequently. You are much thicker than the average porn Cock. This is perhaps why some women may not be prepared for the size when the time comes, although with the proper preparation, I\'m sure many can work their way in.

There have been men here who have stated that even the 5.5\"-6.0\" range in Girth can be problematic. It all depends on the woman, the level of arousal, and your technique (i.e. not ramming it in early).

Don\'t kid yourself in believing that 6.0\"+ EG is not a lot. Because it is.

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Is the 6" EG Goal truly ideal? 12 years 7 months ago #1274481408

Well, I\'m currently 6.25 at the head, 6.5 thru the shaft, and almost 7\" Girth at the base, before pumping or Jelqing, and no girl has ever not been able to take me about 6.5-7\" deep, after foreplay and getting turned on.

I think the posters over there claiming 6\" Girth was too much are kidding themselves.

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