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TOPIC: David Ralph vs Mr Viel

David Ralph vs Mr Viel 12 years 7 months ago #1274349961

Skeptical One wrote:

grahamjack wrote: It\'s 3.8 to 4 inchs. How the hell is that decent? lol

I\'ll do more research I see which doctors perform this with the laser that doesnt need Y/V incision

A 4 Inch Flaccid hang is decent, you\'re most likely a \"show-er.\" No one\'s Flaccid hangs 6-7\" if that\'s what you think you\'ll be able to achieve. What is your Erect length if you don\'t mind me asking?

If your concern was primarily Flaccid hang, I\'d focus on just traction without the surgery. They are going to make you stretch post-op anyways, so why not see if it works without the cost & risk of surgery. I should note, that Hanging & stretching comes with their own risks, but at least you might be able to reduce your overall risk by avoiding surgery altogether.

No idea mate. Never measured. It\'s a Flaccid thing that I want. Like when i\'m in a pair of boxers or in the gym showers.

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David Ralph vs Mr Viel 12 years 7 months ago #1274313758

And as a follow-up to my last post, I also want to stress that the complications that can arise from Phalloplasty wont only be physical in nature. Many men have expressed the mental anguish that accompanies having a dysfunctional and/or disfigured penis.

You really have to know what you\'re getting into. But like I said before, I\'m of the camp that believes the smaller you are, the more \"risk threshold\" you can entertain. Continue to do your research, consult with all the relevant physicians, get some information exchange here at PB\'s (which some of you are already beginning to do), and be sure your comfortable as an informed decision maker before making any life-changing decisions.

If it means anything to anyone, I would have probably been an FFT patient by now if PMMA hadn\'t hit the scene. I just felt that it was the superior option to everything else that was available at that time in the past, against methods like dermal fat grafts, the silicone implant, and Alloderm/Belladerm.

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David Ralph vs Mr Viel 12 years 7 months ago #1274313724

I feel that if you are genuinely suffering from size/Girth issues, FFT may not be a terrible option. That\'s especially true if aren\'t willing to pursue PMMA (for either complication concerns or financial burden). You just have to be upfront with yourself about what could go wrong. You\'ll also need to be prepared to have the kind of income stability that allows for continuous life-long top offs. Some require top offs more frequently than others, and there is no way to know how you\'ll fare until you are actually a post-op.

I can relate, especially to gentlemen like girth121, where the risks are much easier to accept given where your starting point is. That doesn\'t mean a 3.8 (or my pre-PMMA 3.5) can\'t be effective, and I believe with powerful EQ & technique, for some it can be satisfactory. But for some, the desire for Girth is a means to achieve a sense of normalcy in a society that exploits sex & image to unhealthy degrees.

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David Ralph vs Mr Viel 12 years 7 months ago #1274313678

Mr Viel does Y/V, whilst Mr Ralph has used a variety of techniques, I\'m not sure which one is his standard. But Mr Ralph doesn\'t do a great deal of these as it isn\'t his main area. I wouldn\'t recommend either to be honest. I wouldn\'t get Circumcised either.

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David Ralph vs Mr Viel 12 years 7 months ago #1274313525

Do they both use Y/V incision?

Also, would you recommend Circumcision to anyone who was having a lig cut and FFT?

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David Ralph vs Mr Viel 12 years 7 months ago #1274311466

girth121 wrote: @hoddle10 It is an embarrasing 3.8\" Erect and I desperately need Girth enhancement. Since Mexico is too far for me, I would do FFT (Stem Cells) any way no matter what. Hoddle I know you had a bad experience with it but my options are limited. What about that guy IDM he was pretty happy with it, I wonder where is he now. Thanks

There are other Viel patients who are happy that I know of. The thing with FFT to remember is that it is very unlikely to be permanent. It is also not likely to absorb evenly, so if you are going to have it, you need to be prepared for a life long commitment to having top ups. You may require these every few months or every few years.

If you aren\'t opposed to PMMA, then it does give you a fall back option if FFT doesn\'t give you the result you want. Both IDM and JAM had FFT and then went on to have PMMA. For me, they key with FFT, is to not try and have it surgically removed. So if you are going to get it, then only do so if you are prepared to have PMMA or another type of filler to correct any problems.

Interestingly I recently discussed the idea of FFT first and then if it doesn\'t work out, having it touched up with PMMA, with another moderator. If money isn\'t a problem, then for some men this could be one of the better options. It\'s certainly preferable to have your own fat injected, rather than a foreign body. So trying fat before PMMA might not be a bad plan. The key is to be prepared to have PMMA if things don\'t work out. If you aren\'t comfortable with the idea of PMMA, then I\'d forget that fat option. I\'d rather take my chances of foreign body reaction, than have fat cut out again.

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David Ralph vs Mr Viel 12 years 7 months ago #1274310888


It is an embarrasing 3.8\" Erect and I desperately need Girth enhancement. Since Mexico is too far for me, I would do FFT (Stem Cells) any way no matter what. Hoddle I know you had a bad experience with it but my options are limited. What about that guy IDM he was pretty happy with it, I wonder where is he now.


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David Ralph vs Mr Viel 12 years 7 months ago #1274309932

Video of Mr Viel on TV last week with a penoplasty patient.

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David Ralph vs Mr Viel 12 years 7 months ago #1274307648

girth121 wrote: I had a consultation with Dr Viel where he discouraged me to go for any lig cuts as he said my Erect size which 5.3\" is not bad but he said that I do need Girth enhancement via FFT (Stem cells). He charges a lot though. I do think lig cut is risky.

What is you current Girth?

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David Ralph vs Mr Viel 12 years 7 months ago #1274307641

grahamjack wrote: What is so wrong with the Y/V incision?

Why wouldn\'t you go with either Hoddle?

You can end up with scrotal dog ears, hair on the shaft and the scar is prone to healing poorly.

I just don\'t think the surgery is worth it unless your aim is to increase Flaccid length. There are a lot of things that can go wrong and the gains you get from these procedures aren\'t that great.

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David Ralph vs Mr Viel 12 years 7 months ago #1274306901

I had a consultation with Dr Viel where he discouraged me to go for any lig cuts as he said my Erect size which 5.3\" is not bad but he said that I do need Girth enhancement via FFT (Stem cells). He charges a lot though. I do think lig cut is risky.

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David Ralph vs Mr Viel 12 years 7 months ago #1274305472

What is so wrong with the Y/V incision?

Why wouldn\'t you go with either Hoddle?

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David Ralph vs Mr Viel 12 years 7 months ago #1274301727

David Ralph appeared from my internet research always as somebody that seemed quite reliable.

I guess that is due to the fact, that he has standardized a procedure
for people who are have a micropenis if i remeber correct.

Funny that his name appears here just now, i was about to post his name in a diffrent thread.

(didnt know he does the ligcutting by the way, quite suprised)

take your time

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David Ralph vs Mr Viel 12 years 7 months ago #1274301692

Don\'t have the lig cut with Viel, as he uses the Y/V incision.

I\'m unsure if David Ralph will do the lig cut on just anybody. He may require you to be under a certain length.

Personally I wouldn\'t have the surgery with either of them.

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David Ralph vs Mr Viel 12 years 7 months ago #1274301377

grahamjack wrote: David Ralph charges 2500 for lig cut and Mr Viel charges 4000. Is there a massive difference between their results?

I have a consultation with both these surgeons and wondered if anyone could guide me in the right direction.

Would I see better results from either one and do they perform their lig cuts in different ways?

I\'d recommend asking them both about the specifics of their approach to compare & contrast. For example, ask them where they make the incision, and what kind of incision is made. Also, what kind of instrumentation do they use to cut the ligs (e.g. Dr. Giunta uses a laser, others may use traditional instrumentation)?

Also, does the price include a post-op traction device? For the Dr. Viel $4000, I\'d like to hope it does. Do either doctor prescribe a post-op traction regimen?

And lastly, ask them upfront why they believe their approach/method to Ligamentolysis is most effective. *Note* Be wary if either doctor makes guarantees of Erect length gains!

When you\'ve gathered all that info, it wouldn\'t hurt to share it with the forum, where you\'ll find others who have had experiences with either doctor or method. Once you\'ve sifted through the objective & the subjective, you\'ll be an informed decision maker. Good luck!

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