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TOPIC: Ligament release , PMMA and hanging?

Ligament release , PMMA and hanging? 12 years 8 months ago #1274172920

Hi gents,
What are your thoughts on the following sequence of actions?

-Get Lig Cut for whatever Flaccid gains that can be achieved.
-Get PMMA once healing is complete.
-Continue to hang for as long as its feasible.

-I have read from many of the star posters on the forum that Flaccid gains from lig cut are realized immediately. What does this mean? Right after the surgery? Once its healed? Or does it depend on the individual\'s anatomy?

-Is it ok to follow a Hanging schedule after PMMA? Or does it mess it up ? Has anyone done it? Any experiences?

-When is the penis \"usable\" after PMMA?

-Is a gain in Inch in one round a possibility in both Flaccid and Erect Girth ?

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Ligament release , PMMA and hanging? 12 years 8 months ago #1274467883

You are right, but do take into account that they probably waited to fe fully healed before they started Hanging again after PMMA.

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Ligament release , PMMA and hanging? 12 years 8 months ago #1274418008

I would have to add myself to the list of post PMMA hangers. I did it for 4 months post round 1. I am now at 5 weeks post round 2 and I plan on resuming Hanging next week at the 6 week mark. I will start off light again and work my way up.

After round 1 I wasn\'t able to increase the weight significantly until after 3 months. I plan on doing this for the next year before I go back for my next round (hopefully my last). So far I have only lost about an 1/8\" off my Erect measurements. I have been manually stretching everyday. I will post again about this once I resume Hanging.

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Ligament release , PMMA and hanging? 12 years 8 months ago #1274397536

Mexmuscle, I think stillwantmore is still Hanging after his procedure was done.

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Ligament release , PMMA and hanging? 12 years 8 months ago #1274376839

Maybe you wont hear about it because most wouldnt have done hanging after pmma, period. Unless someone else proofs me wrong :-)

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Ligament release , PMMA and hanging? 12 years 8 months ago #1274376647

I\'m also interested in doing PMMA first and then it would be good to know if anyone has had a bad experience Hanging after PMMA

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Ligament release , PMMA and hanging? 12 years 8 months ago #1274375591

I\'ve been manually stretching and using an All-day-stretcher after my PMMA rounds (2), and it appears I have gained about 1/8 to 1/4 of an Inch...Not a lot but a big triumph for me....Inching (pun intended) ever so closely to a legit 8 incher...Wish me luck...

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Ligament release , PMMA and hanging? 12 years 8 months ago #1274375486

Anyone else?

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Ligament release , PMMA and hanging? 12 years 8 months ago #1274228146

The reasoning is: Bib Hanger / most hangers attach near the upper shaft / typical Circumcision region. Most issues with PMMA happen in this region.

The second most likely spot for issues is the base... constant pulling and Hanging I doubt would be great for the base.. after all the PMMA is under the skin and not part of the inner penis structure. Get PMMA and grow an Inch and I bet that new Inch will look really odd without any PMMA in that region... Simply filling the new region isn\'t as easy as you would think.

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Ligament release , PMMA and hanging? 12 years 8 months ago #1274228047

I\'d do PMMA last if I were you...

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Ligament release , PMMA and hanging? 12 years 8 months ago #1274222072

This sounds very similar to what I want to do in the same exact order. I know I won\'t get Erect gains just from the surgery and I\'m prepared for that. I\'m looking into the new technique where the incision is made by the groin area instead of the pubic bone. I will be buying the bib Hanger hardcore soon to test it out. I\'m 25 at 5 inches Erect. I\'m hoping to be at least 7 inches by the time I\'m 27

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Ligament release , PMMA and hanging? 12 years 8 months ago #1285375031

so Hanging after PMMA is possible that is great to hear...

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