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TOPIC: what doyou think about pmma for a stronger jaw/chin with casavantes?

what doyou think about pmma for a stronger jaw/chin with casavantes? 12 years 10 months ago #1273660897

In relations to a link where Dr\'s talk about inflammatory reaction and PMMA being hard to remove you said:
\"sounds bad for PMMA use overall unfortunately\"
It came across as if this was new information to you, as if it was unfortunate to discover this. It seemed strange seeing as this type of thing is discussed in a thread you have a link to in your sig.

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what doyou think about pmma for a stronger jaw/chin with casavantes? 12 years 10 months ago #1273653078

aestheticgirth wrote: found something i didnt look for that might fit here i guess...sounds bad for PMMA use overall unfortunately

You\'ve been a member here for 5 months and you\'ve only just discovered PMMA is hard to remove and can cause inflammatory reaction! Dude read the links in your own sig!
There is nothing in those answers that you or anyone else who has seriously looked into this procedure shouldn\'t already know.
Maybe this just highlights the need to a sticky thread that outlines the risks of all these procedures.

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what doyou think about pmma for a stronger jaw/chin with casavantes? 12 years 10 months ago #1273644901

Of course it makes some difference if its mixture out of 30% pmma and 70% silicone, lets just hope that is the reason for her (\"Norahh\") situation.

But the other statements of the Doctors on this site towards just pmma arent any better advertisement for the use of pmma either. Although that one is refering to buttaugmentation, some of them do general statemens towards using pmma.
(those statements can be found in my signature or in \"Infections, Complications, Risks of PMMA?\" Thread page 24)

Maybe we/someone who has a account on realself could ask about the use of pmma for the penis in general and about the theory of our assumed \"advantage\" of the pmma beeing injetected under the skin and not inbetween it.
And find out of docs there really think that this is any safetynet.

Aswell i would want an answer to the question hoodle10 asked already there about the resolving of granulomas after like 5 years. I have absolutley no insight in this theory.
(Infections, Complications, Risks of PMMA?\" Thread page 9-12 or even further check yourself)

edit: well \"resolving\" only in the way of, i dont even know in what way, no pain ?
if the granulomas still remain as big ugly lumps as a result then your still kinda fucked mentally and cant really enjoy yourself.


and aswell just randomly by the way thought... maybe we should get those names of \"trustworthy doctors\" which the user :\"spy9doc\" is giving out via private message.
An maybe even get \"spy9doc\" to join us for the entire shitty quest we are in.
However this is not as important to me then the realself questionthing!

aww maybe repost this elsewhere because it has gotten partly somewhat offtopic to the pmma facethread. dont know where tho at the moment since its a replie to smartmans post.

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what doyou think about pmma for a stronger jaw/chin with casavantes? 12 years 10 months ago #1273638719

\"Norahh\"who posted that Q. \"Removal of PMMA from her cheek\" in ReakSelf was from Venezuela and what I read in this country they use a mixture of PMMA (30%) with silicone (70%) and it is mentioned that it is cheaper than 100% pmma (or sometimes they mix pmma with hydrogel).
She said : she started to notice a swelling under her eyes after 6 yrs and the product was not injected in this area ---> if the swelling contains the product and not only because of the edema from the infection ---> migration of the product ; this can happen actually with silicone or hydrogel and not with pmma.

Check the post from \"serching\" in the following forum :-

Also \"Norahh\" asked another 2 Q.s beside that Q. \" How to remove pmma from her cheek injected 6 yrs ago ? \" :-
1- How to remove Radiesse from her cheek injected 3 yrs ago ??
2- Will Acetylcholine injection in the cheeks dissolve Radiesse ??
She mentioned also \"she was not sure if it was Radiesse or not\" ??
Usually Radiesse lasts between 9-18 months and not 3 yrs.
There is also a person who has a great knowledge about dermal fillers esp. PMMA injection \"spy9doc\" ( PMMA in Venezuela) :-
So it is very important which pmma product is going to be injected, the doctor\'s experience (also in dealing with any early and late complications ) and his technique (it is actually a learning curve).

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what doyou think about pmma for a stronger jaw/chin with casavantes? 12 years 10 months ago #1273627610

found something i didnt look for that might fit here i guess...sounds bad for pmma use overall unfortunately

Cheek Augmentation Q&A 55% WORTH IT RATING 20 Reviews Ask a Question
View Before and Afters Average Cheek Augmentation Cost: $3,608 Learn about Cheek Augmentation 307 people and 284 doctors are talking about Cheek Augmentation Get Free Email Updates How Can I Remove PMMA Filler from my Cheeks? asked 1 year ago by Norahh in Venezuella
Latest answer by Francis R. Palmer, III, MD
Question viewed 781 times
Tags: PMMA, revision Hi Drs. 6 years ago i had PMMA injections in my cheeks. 3 months ago, i started having swelling in my cheeks and under my eyes (even though the PMMA was not injected under my eyes). The swelling is increasing day after day, my cheeks feels very warm on touch, i feel pain in my eyes and head. And when i touch the bone under the filling, i feel a small nodule. I asked many doctors in my country, some advised to inject steroids, others to do surgical incision. I\'m very worried! Please advise! 6 answers to How Can I Remove PMMA Filler from my Cheeks? +1 Possiblity of Infection - See a Facial Plastic Surgeon It sounds like you may have a developing infection and I urge you to see a Facial Plastic Surgeon, ENT, Dermatologist or Plastic Surgeon for evaluation ASAP. PMMA is a permanent filler and can\'t be removed except by removing (typically through liposuction) the fatty tissues within which the PMMA was injected. That\'s why I prefer to use Cheek Implants or a temporary filler like Perlane and Radiesse for Cheek Augmentation. Francis R. Palmer, III, MD
Beverly Hills Facial Plastic Surgeon +1 The disasters of Artefil and Artecoll The are injectable beads of plexiglass that should never made it on the market place. There were highly endorsed by Alastair Carruthers who practiced medicine for companies such as Allergan,Medicis and Artes without a green card or a US License of any type.He together with William Coleman controlled virtually all cosmetic misinformation in the Journal Dermatologic Surgery. As I stated, \"As injectable fillers become mainstream it is no surprise people are looking for longer lasting and less expensive alternatives to prevent facial wrinkles. Dr. Arnold Klein, world-renowned cosmetic dermatologist with a busy practice in Beverly Hills says, \"Fillers such as Artefill, Radiesse and Sculptra contain injectable Plexiglas, bone and suture material. When injected into human tissue, all of these products can cause foreign body reactions,\" Klein warned, \"in which the body\'s immune system attacks these implants and bacterial biofilms can encase them, causing hard, red, painful and sometimes oozing nodules.\" Klein continued, \"In the case of Artefill, a permanent filler, we have scientific studies showing these reactions occurred many years after the injections were administered.\"With this combination of poor science and little long-term testing, each patient\'s response to these products is really unknown, according to Klein. The consequences can include lumps under the skin, long-term scarring and facial deformity Klein warned which can only be corrected by surgery Share Tweet Share via Email Arnold W. Klein, MD
Beverly Hills Dermatologic Surgeon +1 Removal of PMMA filler from cheeks This problem is not one observed with hyaluronic acid fillers which can be readily dissolved with hyaluronic acid. With a permanent filler, come potentially permanent problems. That said, I\'d consider injecting kenalog (cortisone) to see if that helps, or otherwise even normal saline to see if it can be broken up. With the swelling and pain, I\'d first consider an oral antibiotic for 4-6 weeks, and then even consider a short course of prednisone for the swelling. If things don\'t subside after all of that, then excision of the affected area should be considered. Share Tweet Share via Email Benjamin Barankin, MD
Toronto Dermatologic Surgeon +1 Removal of PMMA after Injection in Cheeks PMMA crystals are permanent spheres injected into the skin in a gel which ultimately absorbs. In the United States the most commonly used product is called Artifill. Unfortunately it sounds like you have developed an infectiion or a reaction to the material which is still in your skin. Antibiotics will be necessary; removal should be considered, but this is extremely difficult. Richard W. Fleming, MD
Beverly Hills Facial Plastic Surgeon +1 Swelling with PMMA PMMA (polymethylmethacrylate) is a filler similar to acrylic. Unfortunately, there is no perfect filler. The great thing about juvederm and restylane is that they are not permanent. Thus, if you hate your results, the injector can evacuate the filler or wait for it to resorb. The great thing about PMMA is that it is semi-permanent. This can also be a bad thing, as you\'ve seen. The swelling and redness you\'re experiencing sounds like a low grade infection. I would begin with antibiotics. Steroids may be a beneficial adjunct, but should only be added judiciously. They impair the body\'s ability to fight infection. If these measures fail, there are few alternatives to surgical excision. Good luck!! Share Tweet Share via Email Jason R. Hess, MD
San Diego Plastic Surgeon +1 How Can I Remove PMMA Filler from my Cheeks? Start antibiotics, and when decreased redness plan an excision. Might be very hard to excise. From MIAMI Darryl J. Blinski, MD
Miami Plastic Surgeon Ask a question

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what doyou think about pmma for a stronger jaw/chin with casavantes? 12 years 10 months ago #1273523593

I also thought people with hiv had less complications with PMMA because there immune systems are lower so they dont have a strong reaction like healthy functioning immune systems. Also those were good links on facial development

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what doyou think about pmma for a stronger jaw/chin with casavantes? 12 years 10 months ago #1273514137

In my opinion, you could try more natural methods for the face. As much as we do PE and/or surgery for the penis, you also have that chance for the face.
Look at these two non surgical alternatives:
I can attest to the usefullness of the latter, since I used it. It gave me a symmetrical face while straightening my teeth. Lost many wrinkles in the process. I am 48 but look late thirties (provided I dye my gray hair, lol).

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what doyou think about pmma for a stronger jaw/chin with casavantes? 12 years 10 months ago #1273508398

Hoddle, I sort of agree with you. Plus, I don\'t knw what my face will look like with filler. I might opt for a test-drive with Radiesse or an HA. Thx

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what doyou think about pmma for a stronger jaw/chin with casavantes? 12 years 10 months ago #1273508155

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what doyou think about pmma for a stronger jaw/chin with casavantes? 12 years 10 months ago #1273507990

Wade sent me photos of some jaw work and it looked reallygood....but im stilled worried about complications....does anyone know aforum board with PMMA inthe face? It would goodto talk to peoplethat have it inthere face

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what doyou think about pmma for a stronger jaw/chin with casavantes? 12 years 10 months ago #1273500808

Look at the amount of our members who have experienced lumps. Have all these been easily treatable? I think the answer to that is no, but at a deeper level they are less obvious and can even be smoothed over by injecting more PMMA. But in the face, you can\'t add more PMMA or it will look strange. The same nodules that area frequent occurrence in the penis, would be deforming in the face. Granulomas are maybe a worse case scenario for the penis, so they get a lot of attention around here, but they are just one of a number of possible complications.

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what doyou think about pmma for a stronger jaw/chin with casavantes? 12 years 10 months ago #1273500719

From Prof. Lemperle on the subject:

After cleaning the PMMA in ArteFill and Artecoll in 2006, I know of 2 granulomas in the US among ~ 40,000 patients, and probably 4 granulomas in China among about the same number (but up to 25 syringes in 1 session!). So, the risk of granulomas is really low : 1:10,000 so far. I have no numbers from Brazil. The bad reputation of Artecoll, ArteFill, Artesense and PMMA from Brazil comes from the former higher rate of granulomas (due to the small impurities) - and a perfect public relation campaign of Restylane, who told all doctors : \"Permanent injectables cause permanent problems\" - a sentence which sticks in your ear, especially if it gets repeated over and over again.

And here:

granulomas are not predictable ! No one knows why one patient gets one and when - and another not. Count with an incidence of 1: 1000 to 1:10.000 - - and if it should occur, it is well treatable

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what doyou think about pmma for a stronger jaw/chin with casavantes? 12 years 10 months ago #1273497885

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I really think you guys should look to procedures with safer outcomes for the face. Things like Restylane and Radiesse can do wonders for things like nasolabial folds. Remember with facial procedures you are injecting more superficially, which leads to higher complication rates (I think Lemperle mentioned that himself).
Bottom line: if there are demonstrably safer alternatives, why not consider those?

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what doyou think about pmma for a stronger jaw/chin with casavantes? 12 years 10 months ago #1273493259

Kman, I am considering it in the face for laugh lines (nasolabial folds) and between the eyes (glabellar area). I am in exactly the same boat as you. From Prof. Lemperle\'s histology, Linnae Safe is 98% , whereas as Artefill/Artesense are 100%. Given Dr. C\'s reputation, experience, and technique of injecting below the surface, risks might be minimized.

The verdict is still out for any PMMA procedure, long-term, but Prof. Lemperle is of the mind that granuloma are very treatable. As far as lumps, I wish I knew more. Really, what\'s missing here, I think, is an ample enough number of photos displaying the results, along with timestamps.

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what doyou think about pmma for a stronger jaw/chin with casavantes? 12 years 10 months ago #1273484983

Bad idea in my opinion. I only think PMMA should be used in areas where there aren\'t satisfactory alternatives. There are suitable temporary fillers for this area and silicone implants.

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