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TOPIC: Longtime Lurker First Time Poster

Longtime Lurker First Time Poster 12 years 8 months ago #1273420261

I\'ve been reading through posts and topics on this board for quite a while now and just registered about a week ago. I have also been resaearching online about surgical penile enhancement.

Just to give you guys a brief background. I did have lengthening and FFT procedure done within the last year. My stats before the lengthening procedure was 5.75\"BPEL. After lengthening I came out to 6.25\"-6.40\" BPEL. My Flaccid length before procedure was 2.5\" and after procedure was 3.75\"-4\". I took the plunge into the lengthening procedure for 2 reasons. I play alot of sports and the locker room was a little embarrassing at times, and also I wanted to be in over the 6inch mark. It did make a difference in my sex life, I had more confidence for sure, and the procedure did make a noticeable difference. To be honest, there are certain positions that are just to much effort to try with a shorter penis. That hasnt been the case, the 3/4 of an Inch gained made a world of difference. The only thing I do regeret is the scar. The Doc used a Z plasty incision. There is noticeable scar there if I trim completely but, not that bad if I keep some pucic hair in that area. The scar has improved much more in that year and the Doc gave me injections to bring the scar down which has worked wonders.

I did the FFT procedure exactly a year after the lengthening, during that year I was sure to use weights. I have had no retraction, and no loss in length, that some experience due to scar tissue forming. My Girth stats before procedure was 4.5-4.75\" EG. I hada 50cc of fat injected into the penis. Post op it looked great. I was measuring 5 days post op at the base 6.75, mid shaft 6\" and just under the glans 5.5\". As the swelling went down and the fat settled more proper, I was measuring 6\" at base, 5.5\" mid and 5\" just under glans. It looked great, everything was uniform and I was thinking if I can keep those numbers, I would be more than pleased. But as most good things, it came to an end. Now, I knew from the research I did, and the Doc was honest with me, the fat did absorb. But man, it absorbed all within about 3 weeks. within about 6 weeks my numbers dwindled to 5\" at base, just a hair under 5\" mid and 5\" just under glans. That was a complete downer, and on top of that I developed a couple of hard spots, where the fat failed to get a blood supply and just died basically. Those I\'m having removed, and it was explained to me before the procedure that this could happen. The positive side is that I gained almost half an Inch in Girth which seems to be holding pretty steady. FFT is a hit and miss, as explained, downside is the loss of fat, the lumps that form, the Flaccid look isnt that great(in Flaccid state the penis looks more clumpy), the base area tends not to have as much fat because of the fat migration to the extremity of the penis. In Erect state it doesnt feel soft, no woman has mentioned anything at all, and personally to me it feels the same.

Looking more into Girth enhancement, I came across PMMA and this site has a wealth of information, thanks to the guys that took the plunge well before many others.
I\'m now looking for a more permanent solution. I\'ve looked into a number of solutions out there, and of course they all have their upside and downsides. FFT I found was the one that had the least complication, but also the smallest gains. Out of the others, I found PMMA to be very promising. The only downside is the lack of long term observations. Short term it has many upsides, but long term is where I\'m having my doubts.

I\'ve read many of the logs of the guys that had it done. But what I\'m basically looking for is maybe someone who\'s had it for maybe 3-4 plus years, and maybe they can throw in their opinion.

I\'m about 80% sure I\'m going ahead with this. Will do first procedure and see the gains and do a second for some touchups. But that may change based on how it actually turns out.

Any input is appreciated.

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Longtime Lurker First Time Poster 12 years 8 months ago #1273692260

why would the type of Z plasty or Y plasty matter on penile length?

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Longtime Lurker First Time Poster 12 years 8 months ago #1273664708

Welcome, I am new here as well. I am a second time lurker, first time poster

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Longtime Lurker First Time Poster 12 years 8 months ago #1273428621

Do any of you happen to know of a Doctor in the Las Vegas area that is a credible source to go and speak with?
I\'ve done a fair amount of research in PE, but there are so many different opinions and risks that I\'ve read about that I almost want to extract the thought of it out of my head I would love to go speak with a Dr in person.

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Longtime Lurker First Time Poster 12 years 8 months ago #1273426973

Actualy sorry it was neither.
I had it done here in Vancouver Canada by Dr. Bowman.

Excellent plastic surgeon. Answers all your questions, doesnt rush you, does his best to make sure the run up to the surgery and the post op goes fine. He makes sure he sees you on a regular basis at scheduled times post op.

he\'s honest about the expectations and what the results may be.

Highly recommend him for any one looking for lengthening and are in Canada.
The FFT didnt go as well as I would have liked, but he did mention the upsdie and downside to it. I did gain almost 0.5\" in Girth so not a complete loss, and he is removing the nodules which will bring about a better appearance.

In general I wouldnt recomment FFT, but there are those that can retain a majority of their gains without ever having to go for a top up and some cant. He did mention that he sees alot of guys back(70-80%) for a second FFT but not that many for a third(10-20%). I believe that if I went for a scond I could maybe gain 0.25\"-0.50\" in EG. I\'m just hesitant that I may end up losing it later down the road or I may need regular top ups, and the feel of the penis with an extra Inch in EG from FFT may not feel all that great. Right now at 0.50\" gain in EG its just fine.

That gain from FFT coupled with PMMA may yield decent results.

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Longtime Lurker First Time Poster 12 years 8 months ago #1273425917

I\'m thinking Stubbs as I think he uses z-plasty, whilst Viel uses V/Y.

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Longtime Lurker First Time Poster 12 years 8 months ago #1273425440

@ ZX Welcome aboard! My experience with FFT was the same but like you was lucky to have a doc who was honest about expectations etc. Actualy your doc sound like it could be Viel?

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Longtime Lurker First Time Poster 12 years 8 months ago #1273421792

Who did the procedure and in which country?

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Longtime Lurker First Time Poster 12 years 8 months ago #1273421665

Thanks, I\'ll be in touch with Smartman.

And I asked the Doc why the Z incision after the procedure. I had noticed from my research some other types of cuts. He did say, that from the Z incision, he has had the best results for length.
The scar isnt a big deal, it hasnt been an issue, I just have to keep a little more hair down there. But I probably wont see the full results of the scar healing until almost 2 years after the procedure was done.

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Longtime Lurker First Time Poster 12 years 8 months ago #1273420387

Smartman has had PMMA for over 3 years.
Btw, you might not like you Z-plasty, but it\'s probably the reason for your length gains.

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Longtime Lurker First Time Poster 12 years 8 months ago #1273692440

It\'s just surgeon preference, but I think most who use a flap technique prefer the V/Y in that area, as the skin is usually pretty tough, so the Z plasty can be harder to perform. The reason for using a flap technique is that is adds to the skin length. Skin is far more often the restriction on Erect length than ligs. Lig cutting rarely aids Erect length in my opinion.

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