La Domination Masculine (\"documentation\" about male domination with a penis op aswell)
Just found it on the web. havent watched it all yet and i dont know if i will watch the entire shit.
I saw the Director of this movie in a talkshow about women rights, they were talking about penis surgery shortly and about his movie.
1 man and i think 5 women and they were talking like it was absolutley clear that men have a working penis enlargement surgery on the market.
Which we all know is bullshit.
The surgery in the movie is the Ligament cutting. Which we all know is pretty useless shit or well thats my take on it. ( the patient seems to be a idiot i am afraid )
And aswell im afraid our problem is not taken seriously at all.
The penis surgery developement hasnt even started on a serious level yet.
Like i guess there is no team out there in the world at the moment focusing on the developement of penis surgery. (Or does anyone know about such a team uptodate?)
The Doctor in the movie sells the surgery as \"easy going\" and he says \"the enhancement of penis circumference is easy aswell\"
they are really talking like we have working and approved surgerys for the penis yet.
Which as we know is not the case.
Message men=evil and raw

(well maybe it appears that way cause the shower really are assholes ? and the good men arent as present as the \"showerassholes\" in public)
I think the patient in this movie ends up disaponted. but i would have to watch first.
however wanted to share. unfortunately the audio is only francais and german.
Penis op in the first 6minutes and probably later aswell. Cant jump ahead.