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TOPIC: Unresolved Pre-PMMA Questions & Concerns - Please answer!

Unresolved Pre-PMMA Questions & Concerns - Please answer! 13 years 2 days ago #1272167724

I\'m pretty sure the majority of us, including moderators, have never implied or suggested that the average penis can\'t satisfy the normal average woman nor did anyone say the average penis was inadequate.
However, many of the men here have argued that a larger unit (more specifically, thicker Girth) can (not always will) have a greater effect on pleasure than a unit of lesser size (based almost entirely on anecdotal evidence). That is not to say that an average (or even below-average) penis can\'t provide excellent sex. That is where I think the misunderstanding is taking place.
That all being said, I\'m locking this thread. Sorry at the OP, but I recommend all future readers of this thread to Private Message justwondering410 your answers to his questions, and I also believe a number of sufficient answers were given in this thread anyways.

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Unresolved Pre-PMMA Questions & Concerns - Please answer! 13 years 2 days ago #1272140696

Pardon what may seem to be a hijacking of this thread , but I wanted to chime in.

eqstudent wrote: An anecdotal example, if larger Girth above the average size gave women greater pleasure, your most successful porn starlet would be requesting the largest guys to work with. In fact the opposite is true; the bigger guys don't get as many calls to work with the top starlets! Remember in professional porn the women get to control who they work with.

Granted, however 9/10 times I pull up a porn (from various sites, studios, etc), the penis appears to be above average (and this takes into the account of visual distortion created by camera angles, etc).Size can definitely be an issue. However, how importance of possessing a horse\'s endowment will always be up for debate. I will tell you how size can be an issue. For starters, if you are way too big, you may scare away some lovers, and anal may be out of the question for others. If you are too small, you may not provide the kind of friction that is pleasurable to both you and your lover. That being said, the importance of an \"average\" penis versus a \"bigger-than-average\" penis will always be an interesting debate and will always rely on mostly anecdotal evidence.In a survey you took eqstudent, it appears a good number of women (nearly 30%) liked the 5.5\"+ Girth, which treads into the realm of Magnum size penises. Although the 5\" Girth was by far the most preferred (50%), even 5\" is slightly above average - and the sex-toys possessed a rigidity that many erections can\'t replicate.I agree with the assertion that Dick size alone is not high on the list of \"how to give her pleasure,\" but anecdotal evidence suggests that it still & can play a role.

eqstudent wrote: I would suggest that anyone interested in finding out what women want from a size perspective ask women on women's sites, don't ask guys on PE sites!

I have personally done a lot of what you\'ve suggested, and my constant obsession with this topic over the years has given me some pretty interesting insight. Hell, from what I gather (and to quote a purported female member of another forum), when it comes to penises, this is the Hierarchy of Pleasure:Penis Rigidity/Stiffness/Erection QualityStamina/Endurance/LongevityGirthLengthAesthetic Appearance(*NOTE: This is just an opinion, not a universal truth for all women, though I like to think it is pretty damn near the real deal.)
In addition to this, mutual chemistry between the partners, ample foreplay, and attention to your lovers needs will result in much more powerful sex than simply walking in and banging the hell out of her with a monster Cock. Of course, there are exceptions to the rule, and you\'ll find the occasional size queen that needs to be ravaged. But let\'s not put our mental investment into the needs of that minority of women. My 2 cents.
This is defintely a subject more fitting of the Love, Lust, & Vanity forum, so pardon us justwondering410!

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Unresolved Pre-PMMA Questions & Concerns - Please answer! 13 years 2 days ago #1272140502

Not true. Most averaged size women are happy with an average sized penis. Not having sufficient Girth is the equivalent of very lightly grasping your penis while masturbating. If your grip is too light, it doesn\'t feel all that great does it? If it\'s too hard, it hurts and is no longer pleasurable is it? If it ranges in between, it feels great. Bingo!

At almost 39 years of age, every woman I\'ve ever queried stated that size matters but not as much as men think. Most women prefer an average to slightly above average size according to medical studies. You never hear of men looking for a \"loose\" woman. Men desire a tight fit for the same reason women do, it increases sensation, thus pleasure. The reaction from my wife at 6.125\" MSEG was undeniable proof to me how significant Girth is. I\'ve also been told in the past by girls that they preferred cunnilingus with me as opposed to intercourse due to my Girth not being as large as their former partners. All women will prefer a different size than the other. Women have differing preferences just like men. Some want a canoe and some want a Titanic. Being a little above average in the vast majority of cases is an advantage. One of my lifelong friends is an extraordinary gynecologist and confirms that while sex may be pleasurable with an undersized penis and painful with an over-sized penis, stimulation of the nerves in the vagina is based on FRICTION and increased friction = increased pleasure (to an extent). End of story. One can debate or argue the fact as they wish. In the end, one shouldn\'t base the necessity to seek out augmentation solely based on the desires of partners they haven\'t even met.



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Unresolved Pre-PMMA Questions & Concerns - Please answer! 13 years 2 days ago #1272140310

This site has done a lot to convince me that women prefer above average penis girth (within reason of course):

Vaginal stimulation from penis length:

Vaginal stimulation from penis girth:

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Unresolved Pre-PMMA Questions & Concerns - Please answer! 13 years 2 days ago #1272140137

miracle7 wrote: From a purely physical/anatomical perspective, Girth is king when it comes to providing friction (pleasure) to the sensitive nerve endings located at the opening and within the first few inches inside the vaginal canal.

I hate to disagree with the esteemed M7 but there is no clinical, scientific, or survey data that I am aware of that suggests than Girth above the normal average penis size provides any more pleasure to most women

miracle7 wrote: I would also say that if I were sporting an Erection with your dimensions that I would consider enhancing solely my Girth and only by ' - ' inches in circumference. It would provide females with increased pleasure'

Again no, clinical, scientific, or survey data that I am aware supports this statement.An anecdotal example, if larger Girth above the average size gave women greater pleasure, your most successful porn starlet would be requesting the largest guys to work with. In fact the opposite is true; the bigger guys don't get as many calls to work with the top starlets! Remember in professional porn the women get to control who they work with. I would suggest that anyone interested in finding out what women want from a size perspective ask women on women's sites, don't ask guys on PE sites!

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Unresolved Pre-PMMA Questions & Concerns - Please answer! 13 years 2 days ago #1272138492

By all means, gather as much info as you can and NEVER base a decision on what other people recommend including myself. You have a great penis and have no reason to feel ill equipped, embarrassed or ashamed in any way. I wish you the best in your endeavors and if you would like my input further, please contact me via PM. By the way... Welcome to PhalloBoards!

Best Wishes,


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Unresolved Pre-PMMA Questions & Concerns - Please answer! 13 years 2 days ago #1272138397

I am a \"shower\" but I\'ll address what ?\'s I can.

3. Dr. C\'s marketing material claims that the PMMA treatment will produce avisual lengthening effect. Has anyone on the forum actually observed ANY lengthening after PMMA whatsoever? I have only been able to find stories from people who have lost a bit of length after PMMA, not gained.

A. There will be no Erect length gained by any filler (whether fat, PMMA, Perlane, etc.) Your Erect length will remain the same, however, your Flaccid length may improve slightly. I lost around a .25\" of Erect length and it returns as your penis continues to recover and heal and the skin stretches.

4. My penis length is average, not long. I am wondering if it will look too freakish to add 1\" Girth on a 5.75\" Dick. Has anyone else on the forum undergone PMMA treatment with a Dick near my size? I don\'t want a \"choad\" look. Ideally I would want the same Girth from base to shaft. I\'m also afraid that the enhanced Girth may diminish the appearance of the glans, creating the optical illusion of a short, wide penis (whereas right now I have a perfect straight flawless one).

A. It will not look freakish at all. In fact, (providing you have a good aesthetic outcome) it will improve the length to Girth ratio and you will appear to have a fat penis. Example: A penis 6L x 5W is at a ratio of 1 to .833. Your penis now is at a ratio of 1 to .782. If you gained 1/2\", you\'d be at a ratio of 1 to .869. See my point? You\'d just have a thick penis. (Nothing to be ashamed of.)

5. I\'m sure a lot of people having this procedure do NOT post any pics anywhere, so we don\'t really know how common these issues are. Any words of advice or opinion on real success/satisfaction rates?

A. There are certainly unknowns regarding PMMA bioplasty. If you are still uncomfortable after doing LOTS of research, I suggest you live with what you have.

9. This goes back to question #5... regarding deformed dicks. Some of them tend to look like they are wrapped in a sleeve, with the PMMA not really extending the full length of the shaft (leaving a gap at the base or below the glans). Why are so many of the guys on the forum ok with this look, when it clearly looks doctored? Do I understand correctly that this goes away over time?
A. Some people achieve a more aesthetically pleasing result than others. Most aesthetic/contour concerns resolve with time. Not all of them will. There is no way to predict your aesthetic outcome. It is a risk assumed by the patient. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Aesthetic issues can also be addressed in a touch up procedure. Personally, my aesthetic outcome was flawless; in fact, superior to that pre PMMA.

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Unresolved Pre-PMMA Questions & Concerns - Please answer! 13 years 2 days ago #1272137719

Thanks for your thoughts M7. I do realize that my current size is ok, and that\'s why I\'m hesitant about the procedure. It sounds like you would condone me going in for a slight Girth enhancement though, based on your comments, which I think is all I\'d really want. Just something conservative to make me a bit more confident and increase the friction for her, to some degree.
So if that\'s the direction I\'m going, I still have some unanswered questions. These are from the original post. These issues represent my final hesitations about the getting PMMA done:
1. My Flaccid length varies depending on the temperature and other factors. Sometimes it retracts a lot (maybe down to 1\" or so if I am doing some heavy abdominal exercises). So I guess I\'m considered a \"Grower.\" What is the overall consensus from growers who have had the PMMA done? Does your Dick\'s tendency to retract cause the PMMA product to bunch up near the bottom of the shaft?
2. For growers: when you are Flaccid, and somewhat retracted, does the PMMA get all squished down into a blob? Or does it get retracted inside your body along with the rest of the shaft?
3. Dr. C\'s marketing material claims that the PMMA treatment will produce avisual lengthening effect. Has anyone on the forum actually observed ANY lengthening after PMMA whatsoever? I have only been able to find stories from people who have lost a bit of length after PMMA, not gained.
4. My penis length is average, not long. I am wondering if it will look too freakish to add 1\" Girth on a 5.75\" Dick. Has anyone else on the forum undergone PMMA treatment with a Dick near my size? I don\'t want a \"choad\" look. Ideally I would want the same Girth from base to shaft. I\'m also afraid that the enhanced Girth may diminish the appearance of the glans, creating the optical illusion of a short, wide penis (whereas right now I have a perfect straight flawless one).
5. I\'m sure a lot of people having this procedure do NOT post any pics anywhere, so we don\'t really know how common these issues are. Any words of advice or opinion on real success/satisfaction rates?
9. This goes back to question #5... regarding deformed dicks. Some of them tend to look like they are wrapped in a sleeve, with the PMMA not really extending the full length of the shaft (leaving a gap at the base or below the glans). Why are so many of the guys on the forum ok with this look, when it clearly looks doctored? Do I understand correctly that this goes away over time?
Thank you again! You guys are amazing

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Unresolved Pre-PMMA Questions & Concerns - Please answer! 13 years 2 days ago #1272136414


I\'d like to offer you my opinion on your post. Firstly, your penis size is normal. Your length is plenty for most women. Average Erect length being between 5 and 7 inches. I wouldn\'t advise Ligamentolysis or jeopardizing your virility by Hanging, pumping, jelquing, etc. Not worth it IMHO. Your Girth is also average with average being between 4' - 5' inches. You have a perfect penis. There will be some women who absolutely are thrilled by your current dimensions and indeed some will feel \"less than satisfied\". The vast majority of pleasure a woman receives from intercourse is through the emotional and psychological connection/excitement she shares with her partner. From a purely physical/anatomical perspective, Girth is king when it comes to providing friction (pleasure) to the sensitive nerve endings located at the opening and within the first few inches inside the vaginal canal. I cannot and will not ever recommend alteration of one\'s genitalia when it falls within normal deviation. I can tell you that if I were in your position, I would focus on a healthy diet, exercise and sleep. I would also say that if I were sporting an Erection with your dimensions that I would consider enhancing solely my Girth and only by ' - ' inches in circumference. It would provide females with increased pleasure and endow you with a \"more than modest\" boost in confidence. That is what I would do but I must suggest that you feel confident knowing that you are normal and that \"normal\" has been considered wonderful by women of all ages for thousands of years. No penis is an island. Hopefully it is adjoined to a loving, caring, humorous and laborious man persistent and passionate and unwaivering in his attempt to please his partner.



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Unresolved Pre-PMMA Questions & Concerns - Please answer! 13 years 2 days ago #1272135214


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Unresolved Pre-PMMA Questions & Concerns - Please answer! 13 years 2 days ago #1272134394

messageman wrote: You're absolutely right; size doesn't matter Let's stop hijacking this thread '.

It clearly matters a whole lot to men on this forum. How much does it matters to women, different story!

I don\'t think this is a hijack, it is the central issue per the OP.

justwondering410 wrote: I am having some anxiety about my size. I figure that since I have only had sex with one girl, I don\'t really have enough data to know whether my Dick is going to be satisfactory to most women.

This is the central question one should answer before one gets on the slippery slope of medical procedures.

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Unresolved Pre-PMMA Questions & Concerns - Please answer! 13 years 2 days ago #1272133550

OK eqstudent You're absolutely right; size doesn't matter Let's stop hijacking this thread '.

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Unresolved Pre-PMMA Questions & Concerns - Please answer! 13 years 2 days ago #1272133076

messageman wrote: eqstudent I think if you ask the men (on this site) who have successfully enhanced their penises (forget asking them, just read their PE logs), the great majority would report that their partners enjoyed the sex more than they had before the enhancement. To say otherwise would be disingenuous.

It's called \"confirmation bias\". Most anorexics also state when shown pictures of themselves in skeleton vs skinny state that the skeleton state looks better. Better to ask their partners!

messageman wrote: Still, that does not discount the fact that that a bigger penis is a plus in the bedroom.

Interesting 'fact'!

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Unresolved Pre-PMMA Questions & Concerns - Please answer! 13 years 2 days ago #1272132713

eqstudentI think if you ask the men (on this site) who have successfully enhanced their penises (forget asking them, just read their PE logs), the great majority would report that their partners enjoyed the sex more than they had before the enhancement. To say otherwise would be disingenuous. Justwondering410That being said, PE is still in its pioneering stages and a risky proposition to be sure. One should realize that there is the very real possibility that the procedure (any procedure, including PMMA) may go awry and leave you with a penis that could be deformed, smaller, and/ or impotent. Think carefully before you make this decision. And eqstudent is right to suggest that there are psychological issues at play here. I think many of the members on this site would admit an unhealthy obsession with penis size, and that there primary motivating factor may not be the satisfaction of their partners sexual needs but rather to satisfy an unrelated insecurity. Still, that does not discount the fact that that a bigger penis is a plus in the bedroom.Just my 2 cents' Messageman

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Unresolved Pre-PMMA Questions & Concerns - Please answer! 13 years 2 days ago #1272132164

justwondering410 wrote: She likes my size, but she is also fairly petite so maybe it\'s just right for her. Sometimes she begs for it, even if I\'m not in the mood, so I have no reason to believe she is dissatisfied.

Your experience will likely be the same for the next 100 women you sleep with. There is a reason your size is around the same size as most men around here. It has been designed to fit perfectly with most women. The fact that she is petite has no bearing on the size of her vagina. It is just a PE myth. The dirty little secret that most men on PE sites are not honest enough to admit is that their obsession with penis size has nothing to do with better sex. Why do you think so many men have several different procedures even after they become bigger than most porn stars, even after women complain of discomfort? Why do you see so many guys who started at 4.5' get to 6' and still don't think they are big enough? It is called Body Dysmorphia, the same mental condition that affects skinny teenage girls who 'think' they are too fat. Pretty soon they are dieting, turning into skeletons, and still think they are fat. The \"doctored\" look will not go away over time. Most women with any experience will be able to tell something had been done to your penis even if they don\'t say anything. As far as legal action against the doctor, unless he accidentally cuts off your penis, you will have no case nor should you. You already know that any PE procedure could have serious complications including the loss of use of your penis. The release forms will reinforce those facts. Why should you be able to burden the legal system based on your poor decision?

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