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TOPIC: Dr.Samy Passy

Dr.Samy Passy 13 years 2 months ago #1280145633

Skeptical One wrote:

ositobuenagente wrote: I\'ve been emailing Dr. Samy. I\'ve even asked him if he was aware of the technique that Dr. Wade is using (PMMA on the glands) and he said he was not only aware but doing it.

Let\'s see how much is costs.

It\'s Nurse Wade, not Dr. Wade.


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Dr.Samy Passy 13 years 2 months ago #1271714879

Tulsaguy wrote: @Smartman:
\"Dr. Samy Passy as most of you know he was my treating doctor \" penile PMMA bioplasty \", I had only two rounds in 2008+2009, around 30 cc\'s each round (not 100% sure) only 30% conc. Metacrill , I gained 2 cm in the diam. of my Flaccid penis. My FG now is 6.3\" and my EG is 6.75\" and EL is 6\".\"
Then you say:
\"Hoddle, unfortunately I have never measured my EG or FG before I have never thought about Girth that time\"
How do you know you gained 2cm if you didn\'t measure FG stats before operation? Unless I misunderstood what you are actually saying??
The one thing I find highly discouraging reading results of PE in many forums, is that most people never post pics to prove their claim. Not saying that you are doing that...however, it would be nice if someone could back up their claim, especially if one said they gained a certain amount but didn\'t measure Girth stats before operation.
Don\'t take my post the wrong way, please. Like I said, I could have misunderstood something.

Dr Passy measures the diameter in front of the patient and then injects until he reaches 4cm-4.5cm which he thinks is a good size. However Smartman askek him to keep going until he reached over 5cm. So whilst he didn\'t know his Girth measurements, he knew his diameter.

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Dr.Samy Passy 13 years 2 months ago #1271712187

\"Dr. Samy Passy as most of you know he was my treating doctor \" penile PMMA bioplasty \", I had only two rounds in 2008+2009, around 30 cc\'s each round (not 100% sure) only 30% conc. Metacrill , I gained 2 cm in the diam. of my Flaccid penis. My FG now is 6.3\" and my EG is 6.75\" and EL is 6\".\"
Then you say:
\"Hoddle, unfortunately I have never measured my EG or FG before I have never thought about Girth that time\"
How do you know you gained 2cm if you didn\'t measure FG stats before operation? Unless I misunderstood what you are actually saying??
The one thing I find highly discouraging reading results of PE in many forums, is that most people never post pics to prove their claim. Not saying that you are doing that...however, it would be nice if someone could back up their claim, especially if one said they gained a certain amount but didn\'t measure Girth stats before operation.
Don\'t take my post the wrong way, please. Like I said, I could have misunderstood something.

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Dr.Samy Passy 13 years 2 months ago #1271706416

I have just received an e-mail from Dr. S. I have asked him the following Q.s :-
1- Did you ever need to remove PMMA from the penis ?2- What is the % of Foreign Body Granulomas in your penile PMMA cases?3- What will you use to treat these FBG and lumps if they occur?4- There are many guys in the forum would like to see some pic.\'s of penile PMMA before and after .
That was his reply :-
I have never had granulomas in my penile augmentation.
The average incidence in granulomas in general PMMA implant is 0,08% .
If a granuloma happens, that occur after months from the implant, the treatment is intralesional injection of corticosteroid (Kenalog, for instance) .The granuloma treatment is not surgical, except in superficial and isolated cases.
Please say to who want to see photos that email to me.
Best regards

So anyone who is interested to see some pic. they can send him an e-mail .

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Dr.Samy Passy 13 years 2 months ago #1271702058


I understand what you are saying. So, as you suggest, it may be better to drop it.

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Dr.Samy Passy 13 years 2 months ago #1271696612

In regard of your Q. is there any danger of mixing these 2 products ?? I have asked Lemperle long time ago about this and he said there is no problem both contain PMMA beads.
What I read is Dr. Marcio Serra and Dr. Samy Passy has longer experience in PMMA injection than Dr.Almir Nacul (who was the 1st one to introduce the idea about PMMA grafting and PMMA bioplasty with blunt micro-cannula in Brazil) and Dr. A. Nacul taught Dr.C. about his technique.
As far as I remember Dr. C. has around 6 yrs experience in PMMA penile injection. And Dr. S. has 8-10 yrs experience.

(( has Dr. Passy ever needed to make an incision to remove PMMA from the penis? What about other (less serious) complications? ))
He has never mentioned that to me and he wouldn\'t if he really had it done, he told me he used sometimes intra-lesional steroid injection e.g. Kenalog .
I could ask him for you, but I have the feeling he will say I have never needed to remove any PMMA from my patients ???

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Dr.Samy Passy 13 years 2 months ago #1271695800

smartman wrote: My FL now is 4\" and it is a bit longer than before my PMMA and I am sure about that so it could be my FL before my PMMA is 3.5\".
Dr. S. will be in his office on the 10th of this month and he will inform me how many cc\'s did I get, but you could be right that I had a bit > 30 cc\'s, we will see when I get his reply.
What I know about Dr. S. he can inject Metacrill as much as your penis can take but I am sure he will stop when the FD reaches around 5 cm .
I think all of you know that I have never said that you should get PMMA by Dr. S. and I hope everyone should get more information about this doctor before they go to him and they should do that, I have always and still trust Dr. C.\'s technique and his PMMA penile conc. 10% or 20%, but I think he should increase his cc\'s and to use at least the 20% esp. in the 1st two rounds and then to use the lowest conc. e.g. 5% for touch-ups but that excluding somebody looking for only minor Girth gain, I think Dr.C. doesn\'t want quick (i.e. after 1 or 2 rds) huge Girth gain, but Dr. S. has a different opinion. BTW Dr. S. showed me his book in 2008 about PMMA Bioplasty in general and also Penile PMMA Bioplasty and there were many pic.s of penile PMMA injection.

So let\'s say your shaft witout the head was 7cm, your Girth minus the area under the uretha was 6cm and the PMMA must had been 1cm in depth to add over 2cm to your diameter. That would require about 42cc of PMMA. Obviously those figures are just estimates, but they can\'t be that far off. The diameter increase tells us the 1cm depth must be pretty accurate. If you were 3.5\" long, then the shaft skin must have covered around 7cm. A 3cm diameter means a Girth is 9.42, but we need to subtract a few CM as the penis isn\'t a true cylinder and PMMA isn\'t put underneath. I wouldn\'t be suprised if you had closer to 40cc\'s injected. It will be interesting to see what Dr Passy says when he returns. When FFT is injected, it\'s common to use 50cc or 60cc. I know PMMA and fat aren\'t the same, but their volume upon injection is, so it seems logical the penis can easily handle larger quantities of injectable. I guess aesthetics are the reason many Dr\'s prefer to lower volume, multiple session approach.

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Dr.Samy Passy 13 years 2 months ago #1271695554

Warning :-
For everyone esp. who had penile allograft in the past before his PMMA to be careful about the possibilities of severe penile infection imo to avoid this :-
1- They should take an antibiotic before the injection and 10-14 days afterwards e.g. Augmentin.2- No water coming near to the entry holes until they are completely healed.3- Try to convince your Dr. no entry holes at the Circumcision scar (in this area the old graft is very close to your thin skin) and there is a possibility of continuous mild bleeding and oozing of some fluid (that what had happened to my best friend and to CHL also).
These points are only my opinion and what I have seen and read about this bad experience, btw in my 1st rd I had the entry points at the Circumcision line and at the base but in the 2nd rd it were only at the base and around mid shaft.

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Dr.Samy Passy 13 years 2 months ago #1271695412

I think Dr C has changed his philosophy on that - at least with me he did. He gave me the max of 20% that my penis could hold. About 20cc\'s. I think he is just very conscientious and wants to make sure that each patient understands the possible outcomes associated with larger concentrations of the plastic. I have great respect for him as a doctor and his unique skill set. I told him that I was all about the size and functionality and we could work on the look further down the road if required. If I only keep half of what I have 24 hours post op I am completely satisfied and second round is already scheduled for March.

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Dr.Samy Passy 13 years 2 months ago #1271695343

My FL now is 4\" and it is a bit longer than before my PMMA and I am sure about that so it could be my FL before my PMMA is 3.5\".
Dr. S. will be in his office on the 10th of this month and he will inform me how many cc\'s did I get, but you could be right that I had a bit > 30 cc\'s, we will see when I get his reply.
What I know about Dr. S. he can inject Metacrill as much as your penis can take but I am sure he will stop when the FD reaches around 5 cm .
I think all of you know that I have never said that you should get PMMA by Dr. S. and I hope everyone should get more information about this doctor before they go to him and they should do that, I have always and still trust Dr. C.\'s technique and his PMMA penile conc. 10% or 20%, but I think he should increase his cc\'s and to use at least the 20% esp. in the 1st two rounds and then to use the lowest conc. e.g. 5% for touch-ups but that excluding somebody looking for only minor Girth gain, I think Dr.C. doesn\'t want quick (i.e. after 1 or 2 rds) huge Girth gain, but Dr. S. has a different opinion. BTW Dr. S. showed me his book in 2008 about PMMA Bioplasty in general and also Penile PMMA Bioplasty and there were many pic.s of penile PMMA injection.

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Dr.Samy Passy 13 years 2 months ago #1271695295

Smartman\'s experience is clearly a complete success: no late onset of complications despite generous amount of PMMA injected.

At some point in the future, data available to this forum will be enough to officially establish whether skills and technique (eg, microcannluas, etc.) of the surgeon + quality of the product are just what is required for a totally (i.e. permanently) safe penis bioplasty procedure. For the moment, from a statistical standpoint, our sample is still too small/\"young\". Of course, I am assuming that brothers of the forum will not drop off the map and contribute to this unique fraternity for years to come.

Question for Smartman: has Dr. Passy ever needed to make an incision to remove PMMA from the penis? What about other (less serious) complications?

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Dr.Samy Passy 13 years 2 months ago #1271695112

My only issue is whether the 2 products should be mixed. I have had 1 session with Dr. C. and I could tell that 2-3 more would be called for. I am trying to alleviate the risk and minimize the sessions and product needed. I just wonder if they should be mixed. Also do you know how long Dr. Samy has been performing PMMA penile implantation?

Has anyone else had Dr. Samy\'s PMMA session?

How would the doctors be ranked?

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Dr.Samy Passy 13 years 2 months ago #1271694910

Do you happen to know your Flaccid length before PMMA? I\'m trying to work out roughly how much you had injected, as you said you can\'t remember, but think it was about 30cc. I think you might have had more than that and given he measures during the procedure itself (so we don\'t need to worry too much about swelling), we can probably make a good estimate of how much he actually put in.

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Dr.Samy Passy 13 years 2 months ago #1271694277

Hoddle, unfortunately I have never measured my EG or FG before I have never thought about Girth that time, only my Flaccid diam. directly before my PMMA was (3 cm), my aim was always to have EG > 6-6.5\"\"so my plan was to have Flaccid diam. 5 cm or few mm more and not less (thats why I asked Dr.S. and insisted to have 5 cm Flaccid diam. and not less and he gave me around 5.2 cm) he told me 4-4.5 cm is his target always (actually he thinks 4 cm FD is enough) because the only thing you can measure directly after the injection is either Flaccid diam or Flaccid Girth.
IMO any one who wants his EG not to be less than 6\" ---> his Flaccid diam. has to be not less than 5 cm (2\") after PMMA injection, that is not an advice for everyone it is just my opinion only, I have always thought about to have an EG +6\" and I didn\'t want my EG to be < 6\", so that was the reason why I wanted my EG > 6\" ---> incase I will have some minor loss in the future and I didn\'t want to go back again the long trip to Brazil .

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Dr.Samy Passy 13 years 2 months ago #1271693159

Smartman, what was your Erect Girth before PMMA?

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