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TOPIC: getting too greedy raising price again???

getting too greedy raising price again??? 13 years 2 months ago #1271926560

I am curious if Dr C also increased his follow-up session costs? I need to go in for session two, which I delayed to allow the lesser concentration PMMA he injected time to kick into collagen production, it seems that it takes a bit longer. Now I wonder if the cost is still at $80 per CC at the second session or if there is a major change in pricing? Thanks for any info about this.

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getting too greedy raising price again??? 13 years 2 months ago #1271687141

coolhandluke wrote: Upgraded micro-cannulas do no cost anything SO, I can send you a product price sheet. This has been a monster stretching of the truth, my Dermatologist Dr.King stated to me on my last antibiotic refill that the latest technology in micro-cannulas cost nothing in bulk. 20count 30G cannulas for 99USD $15 Standard shipping, $30 Overnight.
I\'ll tell you what you want to hear to make more money off you, i wish there was moral aptitude in medicine, but i can\'t force anyone to fly straight, and flying straight is interpretive right, subjective to the patient or patients in question? there will always be someone coming to someone else\'s defense, but we gotta stop doing that we men need to stand-up for ourselves (for each-other), call for transparency, enough of this sewing circle tactic of defending a doctor in question. No reps for any doctor; we should invite any & all Physicians of certain interests for some Q & A here on the forum.

I\'m not sure I quite catch your drift. What I stated about Dr. C\'s price hikes were from pieces of information gathered here on this forum (by what others said) and what was relayed from Dr. C\'s office. And I personally thought that I wouldn\'t consider this \"greedy\" from the information given to us, assuming of course, that it was accurate.
As for transparency, I\'m not sure you can find it anywhere better than on these forums. You have been invited and even encouraged to post your experiences with your own PMMA, and we can certainly invite any doctor (in question) to submit answers. Just get the ball rolling and I can see what I can do as Admin to assist.
I think you seem to be bothered that there are members who take favor with Dr. C (and maybe consequently come off as defensive). Why would this surprise you? Many men have had their lives changed, and many of those for the better (at least in the short term). Is it at all a surprise that these men may speak highly of Dr. C? A sewing circle, or a flock of sheep, or whatever you want to call it - what exactly did you expect? Everyone\'s perspective of the doctor usually relates to their own experience with the doctor. And the majority of them have been positive. Perhaps if members with negative outcomes were more willing to share their experiences, we as a community could get a better & bigger picture of Dr. C, his practice, and his methods. But as of now, we\'re at the mercy of mostly positive progress reporting. It\'s on guys like you, Coolhand, to bring balance to the discussion.
I\'m not sure anyone is justifying the failures of this procedure. As I\'m currently hovering around 5\" Erect Girth, I can say that I\'m thrilled that it went mostly as I desired. I have had Nodule formation near the glans, but surprisingly they have begun to diminish in how pronounced they are (although very gradually). I will seek out treatment if they are an issue in around 6 months, but I was fully aware of the existence of Nodule formations prior to my 3rd round. I admit that this was not the desired outcome, but I knew going into this that it was not going to be a guaranteed walk-in-the-park. Hence my constant reminder that this path isn\'t for just anyone.
With all due respect CHL, as Admin I\'m not very fond of cryptic messages, eccentric tirades, and vague insinuations. We\'re adults here and we would all appreciate some substantive posting. As Hoddle touched on, not trying to seem harsh/critical but if you find time to post here, why don\'t you use that time to inform us with the details of your situation instead?? We\'ve talked about this before, and I\'d be very interested in reading about your experiences, seeing any pictures you wish to share, and seeing some balance in the progress reporting here at PBs!

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getting too greedy raising price again??? 13 years 2 months ago #1271686994

feel free to PM me for the short details of my exchange with Dr. Passy

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getting too greedy raising price again??? 13 years 2 months ago #1271686781

Here is the email I received.
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

5:52 PM (21 hours ago)
to me dear D
The cost is US$2500 for the professional fee and US$1200 for the product ( bottles 10 cc), in US$ 3700 total

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getting too greedy raising price again??? 13 years 2 months ago #1271686665

Is this 3700$ ( 2500$ +1200$) for 30cc\'s (each 10 cc\'s cost 400$) @30% ??

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getting too greedy raising price again??? 13 years 2 months ago #1271686259

What are you getting from Passy in Brazil for 3,700 USD? Just to compare with what Dr C offers.

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getting too greedy raising price again??? 13 years 2 months ago #1271686065

CHL is right about the cannula cost being minimal I meant to say something about that before. Also the items in the ziplock bag aren\'t terribly costly either.
However, I am ok with a price increase to some degree. But I would feel better if he was using 30% and a different technique along with it. I am cancelling my January appointment and going to Dr. Passy. I have communicated with Dr. Passy via email yesterday and his total cost is $3700. So with that price I can skip 2 sessions of Dr. C and risk less exposure. Then I would only visit for touch ups as needed.

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getting too greedy raising price again??? 13 years 2 months ago #1271685737

CHL, what happened to your \"drudge report?\" I know you\'ve been busy, but it\'s pretty unfair to keep people in the dark like this, given that you\'ve let us know you\'ve had problems with your procedure. I don\'t mean to sound critical of you, but surely you can understand that many guys who are considering this in the near future need to know as much about the bad results as the good.

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getting too greedy raising price again??? 13 years 2 months ago #1271685356

\"Like a lamb that is led to slaughter, And like a sheep that is silent before its shearers\"A wise man once shared these words with the World, somehow some folks keep on choosing the path of nihilism, when will friends wake up & call for transparency instead of justifying the failures of this elective procedure.

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getting too greedy raising price again??? 13 years 2 months ago #1271685037

The rate of $1,700 wouldn\'t end til end of March from what I was told. I asked Wade if I could schedule it in early April and still get the same rate and they were fine with it. Hopefully I\'m locked in with that rate.

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getting too greedy raising price again??? 13 years 2 months ago #1271683282

I think SO sums things up pretty well. However, I do think that before any price hikes occur, Dr C needs to perfect this procedure somewhat. Over the last year we\'ve seen quite alot of changes in his approach and it seems obvious to me that there are still more changes that need to be made. So at the moment I personally don\'t think he should be increasing prices, even if it\'s effecting his other business. For the reasons SO gave, I think he has every right to charge more, but before he does he needs to find a technique he is happy with, that gives more consistent results. Currently gains and aesthetics don\'t warrant a price hike in my opinion. Given the potential for the ring effect, lumps, adhesions and poor contour etc, I think $1500 is a fair price. Once he his technique down and the chances of these complication becomes considerably less, then I think he\'s perfectly entitled to charge more.

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getting too greedy raising price again??? 13 years 2 months ago #1271682803

Well said Luke. Long way to go. Lets go.
Good thing we can start right here with ourselfs in doing it.

So whats the price like now ? Looked for it on the pages, probably just to stupid to find it.

Thanks for keeping us up to date jasonbond.
Some of us probably woundt have noticed.

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getting too greedy raising price again??? 13 years 2 months ago #1271681925

Is this a second price hike? I was aware of the increase to $1700. If the price is even higher, then I feel going to see Dr. Samy Passy is a no-brainer. It will take several sessions with Dr. C\'s conservatism and considering a price increase, the cost of airfare to Brazil would easily be offset. Just my .02'

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getting too greedy raising price again??? 13 years 2 months ago #1271678221

Upgraded micro-cannulas do no cost anything SO, I can send you a product price sheet. This has been a monster stretching of the truth, my Dermatologist Dr.King stated to me on my last antibiotic refill that the latest technology in micro-cannulas cost nothing in bulk. 20count 30G cannulas for 99USD $15 Standard shipping, $30 Overnight.
I\'ll tell you what you want to hear to make more money off you, i wish there was moral aptitude in medicine, but i can\'t force anyone to fly straight, and flying straight is interpretive right, subjective to the patient or patients in question? there will always be someone coming to someone else\'s defense, but we gotta stop doing that we men need to stand-up for ourselves (for each-other), call for transparency, enough of this sewing circle tactic of defending a doctor in question. No reps for any doctor; we should invite any & all Physicians of certain interests for some Q & A here on the forum.

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getting too greedy raising price again??? 13 years 2 months ago #1271673230

They have been pushing away other procedures (i.e. buttocks bioplasty) to accommodate more penile bioplasty, and are compensating for this move. I believe that they also may limit the number of days the office is open which will also require an increase in revenue to compensate for the off-days. That, plus the upgraded cannulas as well as a sharp increase in demand, I can\'t see why it wouldn\'t have been inevitable. There is a business side to every practice.
From what I understand I wouldn\'t characterize this as greedy.

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