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TOPIC: Lengthening surgery, twice?

Lengthening surgery, twice? 13 years 6 months ago #1270526230

I have been looking for a medical answer to this question so i decided to write to a few surgeons directly, asking them whether a second lig cut surgery made sense, and how much they charged for it. Here is what I found:

The most honest answer: Dr. Reed, saying \"no benefiit\", just continue stretching.

The most honest and helpful answer: Dr. Harold Reed, saying \"You may not require any further surgery for length but simple dedicated usage of traction as I would personally recommend. A simple office test can be applied to determine if the ligament was released sufficiently. Most usually it is.\" He can do that test in his office/clinic, paying the consultation.

The most unhelpful and greedy answer: Dr. Alexander Krakovsky. He didnt commment or answered directly, rather, he has a non medical doctor as a middleman getting clients for him, Daniel Levin, who answers all questions. Levin said that yes, one can have second surgery and it will be treated as a \'Reconstruction\' worth 8,500 dollars.

An equally unhelpful and greedy answer: Dr. Camacho in Tijuana, whose office doesnt bother with answering any question directly to you but through his middleman, Dan Salas. It took me no less than 9 emails to get anyone to answer my questions. Dan Salas and his associates said that yes, you can have more than one, because he ahs had two, yet he would not give me the price for Camacho\'s surgery unless I commited to buying his PE gear and \'advice\'. I finally had Camacho\'s office giviing me a quote: 3,000 por a ligament cut, plus 1,000 dollars for Dan Salas\' advice and PE gear. At the same time Dan Salas gave me a quotation, and told me it was 4,000 dollars, even though I had told him I didnt need his PE gear nor his advice.

Make your own conclusions. In the end, its just a matter of whether the ligs were cut enough the first place. But I did learn a lot in the process. Among others, if you want to have your surgery with Camacho, you may save up to a thousand dollars if you get to him directly.

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Lengthening surgery, twice? 13 years 6 months ago #1270008707

That \'story\' from Russia doesnt seem real, since no surgery can increase a penis that many inches overnight.

I do remember, however, of this case in Brazil which is well documented (forgot the name of the doctor), who did manage to increase MANY inches over several years of lig cuts, stretching and fillers. Anybody remembers that case? I dont recall if the guy had more than once lig cut, thgough.

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Lengthening surgery, twice? 13 years 6 months ago #1270001081

What is the name of this doctor in Russia? I don\'t know if I would travel all the way to Russia for this type of surgery but have any members gone here? Is it normal to obtain these type of gains from lengthening surgery?

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Lengthening surgery, twice? 13 years 6 months ago #1269999040

How long have you been stretching for so far soma?

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Lengthening surgery, twice? 13 years 6 months ago #1269998661


Pretty much an hour a day on average at 13lbs (once I worked up to it). I wore the ADS for a bit but don\'t think it really helped. Gained 3/4 REAL Erect gains so far-

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Lengthening surgery, twice? 13 years 6 months ago #1269988675

I wrote to Dr Alter about lengthening and he wrote back pointing out several facts. Among them was that you need to hang weights from the penis for 15-30 mn per day, 3 times a day. This is very different (and to me, much more feasible) than the 9-hours-per-day, everyday regimen of most ADSs. @hoddle, if what Alter told me is true, it seems that cutting the ligs does make it easier to gain from stretching, as this is a much less intensive regimen than the ADS. He also said that some men gain nothing, however (he seems very straight forward).

@soma - what post-op stretching/Hanging regimen did you follow? Was it suggested by your doctor, or did you design your own? And how much EL length have you gained since the lig cut?

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Lengthening surgery, twice? 13 years 6 months ago #1269981832


I have reported this before; I have gained more, and faster (although it\'s still slow) since having the ligs snipped. My opinion as a long time Hanger is this (again): it works with dedication and allows for the stretching of the skin and fascia beyond what you can achieve by traction alone. If you think you can have them snipped and you\'ll be longer without Hanging for a year, then you\'re in for disappointment and likely to report that on line.

That said, and back to the original question, I have often wondered how much scar tissue forms and acts as a constraint (I think this is the only \"re-attachment\" that happens). And that engenders the question: will a second surgery help, or just create more scar tissue? I don\'t know the answer, but I plan on asking Dr R. if there is any benefit to scraping down the pubic bone a second time when I go in for an additional layer of Belladerm-

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Lengthening surgery, twice? 13 years 6 months ago #1269978784

KFH wrote: I wouldn\'t say that lig cuts result in no Erect length mustang. For people considering it I think it\'s more accurate to say you\'ll be unlikely to see any increase in Erect length without post op stretching.

But equally anyone considering it needs to know that there is little to no evidence to suggest that the operation makes the stretching process any easier. People who report gains from using stretchers seem to gain similar amount and at a similar to rate to those who have had the surgery.

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Lengthening surgery, twice? 13 years 6 months ago #1269977966

I wouldn\'t say that lig cuts result in no Erect length mustang. For people considering it I think it\'s more accurate to say you\'ll be unlikely to see any increase in Erect length without post op stretching.

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Lengthening surgery, twice? 13 years 6 months ago #1269975688

So far, the report back on a lig cut seems to suggest minimum to no gains in Erect length...

I am still waiting for a sure length gain procedure that can match the PMMA Girth gain, only then I will go for it...Otherwise, for me all others are no good!!!

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Lengthening surgery, twice? 13 years 6 months ago #1269970887

hoddle10 wrote: The only reason for considering a second lengthening surgery, would be if the ligs reattached after the first surgery.

^ Agreed. There would be no need or a second lig cut unless this was the case.

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Lengthening surgery, twice? 13 years 6 months ago #1269970872

Haha I highly highly doubt that this is true...
1) How could he gain so much with a simple lig cut?
2) How could he have enough skin to cover such a growth in such a short amount of time so quickly?
3) How could he even be functioning so soon after the surgery? (The article says only 1 month later he was begging for a reduction...)

All of this = NOT true.

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Lengthening surgery, twice? 13 years 6 months ago #1269969399

Ignore it.

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Lengthening surgery, twice? 13 years 6 months ago #1269967964

This guy in Russia supposedly went from 5.9 to 9.6 inches after two procedures. It may be a joke though (my english is too literal, often fail to grasp them):

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Lengthening surgery, twice? 13 years 6 months ago #1269967689

The only reason for considering a second lengthening surgery, would be if the ligs reattached after the first surgery.

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