Yes I think thats why he used a bovine collagen and this collagen will prevent any possibility of migration of the beads (I think he ment local migration i.e. around the injected area and not distant migration) and hold them in the injected area for around 3 wks till your granulation tissues and the connective tissues take over.
He mentioned that cellulose (in Metacrill and Newplastic) will be resorbed within 1 day ( so there is a great difference between it and the bovine collagen which will be completely resorbed within 3 wks) .
What I read if a doctor injects small microns beads than the diameter of the vessels you can have distant migration (e.g. lymph nodes,lung,liver or spleen) .
e.g. :- (1) Venules in the skin are 20-30 microns in diameter so the beads have to be 40 microns . (2) Sub-mucosal plexus in the lower esophagus and the urethra are upto 80 microns in diameter so the size of the beads to be used in this area are 125 microns.
If the treating doctor ignore these points , you can have distant migration of the beads
I have asked Lemperle these Q\'s about Newplastic injection and I will inform you his answers :-
1- What will happen to the beads in the period between ( 2nd - 21st day) post Newplastic injection (as we know there will be no more a carrier for the beads in this time) ? Is there any possibility of migration (local and distant) in this period ?
2- Any precautions should we take ? i.e. Is wrapping will be enough only for 1-2 days ? You have told me we have to wrap our penis for 1-2 wks as far as I understood I think you were talking about when the carrier is collagen and not cellulose .
3- Can be the cause of irregularities or unevenness (in the final result i.e. 6 wks) due to the usage of cellulose and not using the bovine collagen as a carrier ?? ( lets say the doctor\'s technique is excellent and he use the same concentration ) so is there any advantage in using bovine collagen in regard of the final result ?