PhalloBoards - An Online Community to Discuss Penile Girth Enhancement

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TOPIC: PhalloBoards Guide

PhalloBoards Guide 13 years 9 months ago #1268832314

Intro *(Note: The original message board can be found at This message board is an extension of the original PhalloBoards, and is essentially one & the same. The only difference is that photos can be uploaded on this site whereas photos are forbidden at the original site).*

Greetings! I\'m sure you have found this website in hopes to learn about all the surgical options available for Penis Enlargement (PE). Well you have come to the right place! This site is an online discussion community exchanging information about all the techniques and doctors available. There are also members here who are sharing their experiences (or progress reports) on their post-op penile enhancements.

Please create an account and join the discussion! We prefer mature dialog, and straight-forward discussion. Try your best to get the spelling and grammar right when posting. Also consider using the \"Search\" function found in the header toolbar (above) since many answers have already been provided to often asked questions.

This will be an honest discussion forum. Here we shall:

Respect each other\'s privacy.
Respect each other\'s decision making.
Engage in thoughtful discussion about phalloplasty.

Posts that WILL face deletion are posts that:
Disrespect the above 3 rules (or the Forum Rules: ).
Solicit on behalf of a commercial endeavor.
Are extremely off-topic.

Criticism and skepticism about a doctor and/or surgical method is acceptable and encouraged - as long as it DOES NOT defame a doctor or entirely discredit a method.

Likewise, supporting a doctor and/or surgical method is also acceptable and encouraged, as long as the promotion of the doctor isn\'t an endorsement or business affiliation.

This is to prevent cronies of certain surgeons trashing one method in order to market another and vice versa. I\'m being clear about this all because there have been issues with this kind of thing on past forums.

Given the reasons for this forum\'s creation, I find it necessary to outline everything I mentioned above so that we can create an environment which upholds free speech but does so without the interference of \"certain interest groups.\"

In conclusion, enjoy an honest, insightful, and intelligent conversation about all matters related to the surgical augmentation of the one thing in our lives that drives us the craziest ! We are here to spread the word, share facts, and provide testimony for all future prospective phalloplasty patients!

PhalloBoard\'s Background

PhalloBoard\'s inception was in late September with an official launch date of October 1st, 2010. The site\'s original Administrator \"Skeptical One,\" opened this free-of-charge message board in response to the actions of a separate, yet popular, message board known as MyNewSize (dot com). The forum administrator at MNS (MyNewSize for short) was actively deleting and censoring content that was critical of a certain doctor and method. The deleting and censorship got so out of hand that the content at MNS could not be trusted.

Skeptical One decided to create a new forum using proboard\'s great message board service where he sought to create a forum that was entirely open to all things phalloplasty. Skeptical One\'s mission was to create a forum that didn\'t repeat the same mistakes of previous forums, including MNS.

Skeptical One set the tone with a comprehensive set of forum rules that ensured fair and open discourse. Skeptical One next promoted MNS veterans who had migrated over to PhalloBoards as Moderators to further demonstrate the legitimacy and accountability of this forum. And since then, the Administrator and Moderators have been responsible for directing a mature tone and ensuring the content remains relevant. In the Spring of 2011, PhalloBoards original host (PROBOARDS DOT COM) sent a warning message to Skeptical One stating that all photos on the forum must be removed. They claimed it was in violation of their Terms of Service and would have the forum shut down if the photos were not removed in a set amount of time. Skeptical One complied and the forum was stripped of all the Before & After photos. Given the importance of these photos, it was determined a website migration was necessary. After months of planning, PhalloBoards Version 2.0 was opened, launched officially on June 28th, 2011 using a new host.

Skeptical One believes that the integrity of this site is its most important asset. Given the taboo nature of phalloplasty, information is incredibly limited and many sources are typically biased (doctors, brokers, etc). A free flow of information and the exchanging of notes, opinions, facts, and experiences will enable prospective patients to make better decisions on whether or not to pursue penis enlargement surgery.

If you have arrived at this site and are keen on learning, then you can probably relate with 99% of the forum\'s users who know how important and serious this topic is. Unlike the commercial nature of the penis enlargement industry, this forum is non-profit and will strive to be the best open resource for phalloplasty on the web!

Forum Organization

The Forum is Divided into Four Main Sections:
This is an important section to review if you plan to be a contributing member. Main ForumsThis is where all the conversation and dialog will take place. Resource ForumsIt is important to use these forums for submitting (factual) data only. It makes researching a lot easier when all the resources & articles are found in one place. Site-RelatedA forum related to all the inner-workings of the site. Feel free to add discussion to any threads that have been inactive.

Private Messaging & Instant Messaging Private Messages can be accessed on the Top-Right hand side of your web page.

To send a private message, you can do it manually from your inbox page or you can click on a username in a thread and a drop-down menu will allow you to send a private message directly.
Instant Messaging is a new & exciting feature that allows you to communicate with individuals in a real-time format. It is very similar to Facebook\'s Chat Function for all of those who are familiar with it. Click the Chat Panel on the Bottom-Right hand side and you will be shown a list of members currently signed in. You can click on their username and start an IM session instantly. Should you choose not to chat via IM but would like to continue to post, you can disable the Chat feature but clicking on the Chat Panel on the Bottom-Right hand side.
The Instant Message feature is Java-based so it is imperative your Browser and Java software are up-to-date. Furthermore, clearing your Java cache may also improve your online IMing experience ( ) Forum Online Status

On occasion our host\'s servers can experience issues that cause problems preventing access to these message boards. If this happens, allow 30-60 minutes for the site to come back online.

If this problem becomes persistent or problematic, please email me at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., thanks.

Spelling, Punctuation, and Grammar

I ask of everyone to at least review their post once before sending. If you notice an error afterwards, there is an option to go back and edit your own posts. There is also a Spell-Check feature.

At times if the typo error is so significant that it can actually alter the context of a message, a Moderator will correct it themselves. Our Moderators rather not modify entire posts since it may come off as intrusive, and only will do so when absolutely necessary.

This isn\'t an English-Major forum so a sentence like this would be OKAY: 4 days post-op swelling down will rest

A NOT-so-okay sentence would look something more like this: 4dayz posotp tired as hellz dick looks fatt

While it isn\'t against forum rules to have unruly spelling, grammar, etc, it will receive Moderator warnings if it is excessive. We think it improves the content and quality of the overall forum when we give our posts that one extra proof-read, and it prevents Moderators from having to chastise a member over something completely unrelated to the topic at hand.

(p.s. - Some of you use a cell phones & touchpad devices to make posts and devices are notorious for typo issues. So if you intend to participate on the forum using these devices please make it a habit to review your own posts regularly, thanks.)

Thanks, and remember Forum Rules!

Hopefully you have spent the time to read this and gain some knowledge on how best to use these forums. If you are a registered member planning to join the discussion, it is imperative you review the forum rules found here:



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