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TOPIC: Ideal Aftercare - Ellanse - Compression? Elongation? Massage?

Ideal Aftercare - Ellanse - Compression? Elongation? Massage? 5 years 10 months ago #1308561611

Ive never owned a Divosuit. But if one of the suit\'s compression is mild enough to feel it but still allow a night Erection, and be able to pee while wearing it, then it should be on par with the amount of force i created by wearing multiple pieces of the elastic cloth tubing that the doctor gave me.
I would say that if you cannot pee then its probably to tight for a postop Cock. ( yes I rhymed on purpose, lol ) . ok ok. Bottom line you dont want to distort the product, you goal is to keep it in the shape that you like and also helping with swelling.

Anyway, these are just my opinion from my experiences, yall do what you think is best.

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Ideal Aftercare - Ellanse - Compression? Elongation? Massage? 5 years 10 months ago #1308554702


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Ideal Aftercare - Ellanse - Compression? Elongation? Massage? 5 years 10 months ago #1308531689

I stretch at work all day or wear my weights (when standing for while - but this is not recommended for post op ). I mainly stretch downward, And I switch legs. I have the original ESL cup, and a remake that i had done, both of which which only grab the head. And I have used Still On Systems as well that only grabs the head. And, I can do both of these while siting at a desk, or standing at work.
At home, I will move the direction of the stretch around with a large velcro Girdle type thing that I can wrap around my waist. Admittedly, this is not common for me. I mainly stretch down.

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Ideal Aftercare - Ellanse - Compression? Elongation? Massage? 5 years 10 months ago #1308526712

The best direction to stretch is the direction of your natural Erection. Unless you work from home or can take an extended amount of time off work, say 3 weeks, this type of stretching is obviously impossible for most of us. Therefore, I suggest varying your stretch direction, sometimes downwards, sometimes upwards. You can stretch upwards by attaching your ESL device to a lynard or use a ESL chest harness.

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Ideal Aftercare - Ellanse - Compression? Elongation? Massage? 5 years 10 months ago #1308525365

recommendation on a stretcher that will only grab the head and avoid the shaft?

Google Penimaster Pro

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Ideal Aftercare - Ellanse - Compression? Elongation? Massage? 5 years 10 months ago #1308524714

recommendation on a stretcher that will only grab the head and avoid the shaft?

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Ideal Aftercare - Ellanse - Compression? Elongation? Massage? 5 years 10 months ago #1308523470

OK, I would to love to hear Subtle\'s and some other Ellanse guy\'s response on this, or of course any of the PMMA guys who previously used the now defunct ESL device. I say that your creation looks plausable. If you can get it to only grab the head and back side like your photo, then try it out. just avoid the shaft.
If you pain level and so on are a bit high then your device may not wrk so well due to the manhandling needed. This will be a call only you can make. All the best bro good luck.

Some Notes:
My Ellanse came all the way up to right under the head. It looks great.
My first round was WAY more painful than my second. Everything was uncomfortable on the first round. Due to this waited to long to begin my stretching on the first round, i should have pushed through this and delt with it , but I was scared. Now i\'m not. Second round, had the stretcher on before I got on the elevator ( the one right beside the elevator in private goodbye hallway ).

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Ideal Aftercare - Ellanse - Compression? Elongation? Massage? 5 years 10 months ago #1308521777

Here\'s what I rigged up this morning as an experiment. I used a leg strap from another extender device. I used the smallest Phallosan cup and sleeve and only rolled it down so that a portion of the glans was compressed and held by suction. Obviously, there\'s a touch of compression at the frenulum but is any Ellanse going that far up anyways? Thoughts?

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Ideal Aftercare - Ellanse - Compression? Elongation? Massage? 5 years 10 months ago #1308511318

\" I also have a Phallosan Forte but it also too relies to some extent on compression to achieve the vacuum although it\'s thick condom-like sleeves definitely compress less. any compression will distort the product. Regardless of whether you may or may not be able to roll it back into place: do you want to risk that. The phallosan will distort your product on the shaft from the sleeve as well as at the base from the belt. Use this product after all your healing . 6to8 IMHO but do what you want of course . Then I think that perhaps that this may not be as important since my Flaccid hang is not terrible these days, and perhaps once the Ellanse is added, it will hang even better, though doubtfully as well as if physically stretched either by compression or elongation with one of the above methods. after the procedure you might and most likely will get a little bit of gain on the Flaccid only. This will also shrink back a tad over the first week. So dont measure to much the first week. Haha. Yeah right. But seriously it may piss you off. Advice. Same as ways: keep it stretched to make the most of the gains you will get and keep. Also, does Morganstern give me something to do this \"rolling\" that I hear about? Is this like a mini pin roller?
no they do not have you anything. You hands will be fine. Warm it all up and go to town.

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Ideal Aftercare - Ellanse - Compression? Elongation? Massage? 5 years 10 months ago #1308510142

Seems a heating pad would be far easier and eliminates bacteria concerns. What am I missing?

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Ideal Aftercare - Ellanse - Compression? Elongation? Massage? 5 years 10 months ago #1308509560

Think, glad you post-care strategy worked out for you. However, I would caution against taking baths (sitting in tub) immediately after a filler procedure, due to the high possibility of infection. You may have practiced very high hygienic care but this cannot be assured in all cases. Just something to consider.

Hot baths allow the filler to be more easily manipulated. However the doctor does recommend that you clean the bathtub with bleach prior to and after each bath to prevent infection. I also applied triple antibiotic ointment for additional protection from infection. I didn't think of this at the time but an alcohol wipe might be a good idea. I also took a quick shower before my baths to ensure there was no fecal residue to disperse into the clean bath water. Another trick I didn't think of until now would be to pour some peroxide into the bath water to aid in sanitation. I did add epsom salt to aid in healing.

The direction of rolling is is more likely to be from glans back because gravity will pull your filler toward the glans. However every case is different. I believe Texas worked from base to glans because of how his filler was settling. Still looking for your journal @Texas.

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Ideal Aftercare - Ellanse - Compression? Elongation? Massage? 5 years 10 months ago #1308509239

Think, glad you post-care strategy worked out for you. However, I would caution against taking baths (sitting in tub) immediately after a filler procedure, due to the high possibility of infection. You may have practiced very high hygienic care but this cannot be assured in all cases. Just something to consider.

The hot baths started the day after the procedure, and this was at the doctors recommendation.

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Ideal Aftercare - Ellanse - Compression? Elongation? Massage? 5 years 10 months ago #1308507954

Think, glad you post-care strategy worked out for you. However, I would caution against taking baths (sitting in tub) immediately after a filler procedure, due to the high possibility of infection. You may have practiced very high hygienic care but this cannot be assured in all cases. Just something to consider.

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Ideal Aftercare - Ellanse - Compression? Elongation? Massage? 5 years 10 months ago #1308504504

I did a good amount of rolling the first night, then I just took three hot baths a day for at least 20 minutes and used the hand rolling technique. Combined with moving my hands away from the base while tightly rolling so as to get some stretching in while rolling. Everything came out even. This is most important for the first 4 days.

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Ideal Aftercare - Ellanse - Compression? Elongation? Massage? 5 years 10 months ago #1308503547

I am also scheduled this month for the 10 ml Ellanse at Morganstern. I have similar questions...i don\'t currently use a stretcher although have recently looked into getting one. I am concerned about how a stretcher will impact the distribution of product in the penis post procedure. Most stretchers seem to grab the shaft right under the glans and i can imagine this causing a permanent dent in that spot.

And yes, what is this \"rolling\" technique that i have heard about?

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