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TOPIC: Silicone infection and danger

Silicone infection and danger 11 months 2 weeks ago #1308716489

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Hey so I know penis enhancement is obviously a huge topic here... I just want to share my current experience...hopefully persuade a few of you from considering the route I took. In that past 16 months I had 4 procedures done 3 with Dr Malik in Atlanta and 1 with Dr Loria in Miami. I was told that they used a proprietary formula to enhance penis. I was new to this world of injectablea and was told it safe with low risk... I have come to find out that silicone oil was used in micro droplet technique... I have now been on antibiotics for 4 months in and out of the hospital. No one with the hospital I work at will operate on me due to them not have experience with this... December 20 I formed a huge abscess that popped December 21st nothing but blood and filler came out with some pus. I went to the ER and was discharged on antibiotics... I have now been on 4 different oral antibiotics and 3 IV antibiotics. I am now taking two very power antibiotics linezolid and ciprofloxacin. I don't believe these are working and am looking at possible emergent surgery of evacuation of all product and possible skin grafts. The pain is horrible all the time. At this point I just am fighting not to loose my life. Male Enhancement no matter what product you use comes with serious risk and complications. It may be a year or 10 years down the road. Every filler has associated risk of infection. I pray none of you ever experience this because it will change your life... I am now unable to work at the moment and just pray i get to go back to work at this moment lol... Ive been married for 10 years. My wife didn't understand why I wanted to enlarge my penis. I like many of you just wanted a bigger penis to feel better about myself and more confident just with everyday life. My wife has always been my rock and she is here with me fighting for me. She is the strongest woman I know. I just want to bring awareness to all of y'all... Please do everything on your power to think if you can live with what you have... Because the outcome could be absolutely devastating. Anyone doctor that does not tell you what they use is a fraud. Stay away from Loria and Malik. Its a possible death trap... Im not posting this to being fear, but to just share my experience so no one makes the same mistake I did. Dr. Malik and Dr. Loria appeared like safe options to me. I wish I found this site earlier to know what was being put in my body. Best of luck to all of you.

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Silicone infection and danger 11 months 2 weeks ago #1308716493

I am sorry to hear about your ordeal. For those who have followed this forum long enough know my opinions about Loria (I refuse to call him "Dr.") as well as his deceptive "proprietary filler." If you hear those words, run for the hills! I actually took at a look at Dr. Malik to see if he'd be a viable Sponsor to reach out to, but once I learned he was injecting this crap, it was a no-go for me. I'll say it for the newcomers, but avoid silicone oil injections for penis enlargement, especially in high volumes!

Granted, it is true that infections are an associated risk with most medical procedures that involve any breaking of the skin (like injections and incisions) where pathogens can enter your system, albeit very low when proper measures are taken, especially in non-surgical procedures. It is indeed a risk nonetheless, remember that these are elective procedures; once in a blue moon things can and do go wrong. It's a small gamble, even smaller if you deal with reputable, experienced, and mindful practitioners (Loria isn't someone I'd describe in that vain). Furthermore, some Practitioners will provide you a dosing of antibiotics post-op as a preventative measure, even if the procedure is an outpatient non-surgical dermal injection.

While it is technically possible for even a reputable, highly skilled Doctor to have a patient acquire an infection from a procedure, it's something so uncommon that I can't recall the last time any Sponsor here has had a case so bad that it required this level of treatment. In addition to this observation, Loria is notorious for having complaints of all types, and with his proprietary filler, who's to say that it hasn't been tainted during the compounding/manufacturing process? While I can't know or say for certain, the very fact that he just won't offer Hyaluronic Acid (HA) or Bellafill (PMMA) tells me there is something fishy about this filler of his. I don't know of any other cosmetic practitioner who uses THEIR OWN mystery injection cocktails; if they choose to mix two or more fillers, they'll simply tell you what it is they are injecting and you can decide against any one of them. The same can't be said for Loria's filler.

How much of this was just bad luck (that small percentage of patients that will end up with an infection after a simple, non-surgical outpatient procedure) -OR- how much of this was due to poor product quality (e.g. tainted) and/or negligence or incompetence on the part of the Clinic's sterilization protocols, DOES NOT MATTER with respect to Loria and his cronies, because if it wasn't an infection, it'd probably end up being some other ridiculous issue.

Hang in there man, per our discussion in private messages, take my suggestions seeking out Doctors who have dealt with Loria complications -- those who haven't, simply don't know what they are dealing with and may actually exacerbate the situation unintentionally (you'd be surprised to learn how often I hear about people telling me that their ER Surgeon, Urologist, or Family Practitioner had no clue what they had done to their penis). Penis enlargement is still very niche & experimental technically-speaking and therefore specialists are vital in acquiring the best care.

Do you mind if I ask what Loria or Malik said with respect to your situation, or if they offered to help? Were they at all at least trying to offer help, whether to you or your treating physician?

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Silicone infection and danger 11 months 2 weeks ago #1308716494

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Malik never spoke to me in person. It was his assistant that spoke to me when I requested my records... I was never provided with a true medical record. It looks like they just wrote down the amount of CC's they put in me. Loria when I asked for records he never provided. Instead he just told me how much cc's he used. Loria did offer to help remove some. I believe he would of used Kenalog seeing how he is not a surgeon. For my degree of infection Kenalog is just not an option at all. He insisted I continue antibiotics and see what happens... I do not recall signing a confidentiality agreement in regards of talking about my experience. I'll have to read deeper in the fine print of the documents I signed.

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Silicone infection and danger 11 months 2 weeks ago #1308716497

Spuds1987 wrote: Malik never spoke to me in person. It was his assistant that spoke to me when I requested my records... I was never provided with a true medical record. It looks like they just wrote down the amount of CC's they put in me. Loria when I asked for records he never provided. Instead he just told me how much cc's he used. Loria did offer to help remove some. I believe he would of used kenalog seeing how he is not a surgeon. For my degree of infection kenalog is just not an option at all. He insisted I continue antibiotics and see what happens... I do not recall signing a confidentiality agreement in regards of talking about my experience. I'll have to read deeper in the fine print of the documents I signed.

Given the seriousness of your situation (infections that require a multitude of antibiotics) in addition to constant pain, it's a disgrace to Medicine that Malik hadn't reached out personally, or that Loria suggested Kenalog for your specific circumstances... and even worse, neither party are willing to provide you your Medical Records?

@Dr_Sullivan Pardon me, I'm not trying to compel you to speculate on any of the matters of this case (although if you have any suggestions for this member, feel free to share), but what I AM trying to figure out is if Floridian Doctors are obliged by Law to provide you your Medical Records upon request in totality (everything from charts, vitals, to volume injected, etc)? I ask you in particular because this patient also had one procedure done in Miami, so I imagine you'd be privy to this.

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Silicone infection and danger 11 months 2 weeks ago #1308716499

I'm no lawyer but my understanding is that HIPPA (Federal Law) obligates that patients have access to their medical records.

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Silicone infection and danger 11 months 2 weeks ago #1308716514

Thanks, I figured as much, but having someone from the same State (despite Federal taking precedent) who is under the same HIPAA parameters reaffirms this. For me it was that I wasn't sure if there were any unknown variables or circumstances at play, since the physicians who performed penis enlargement on Spuds1987 are behaving aloof and/or disinterested, and that seems strange given the seriousness of his condition.

@Spuds1987 You might have a legal case against both of these men. Like Dr. Sullivan, I'm no lawyer either, so you'll want to seek out consultation. If you choose not to get contentious and rather just have your Records, contact Malik and Loria both with demands of a complete, authentic Medical Record and cite HIPAA!

The more I think your situation, the more egregious it seems. Without proper Medical Records, you're potentially hamstringing the Health Professionals who are tasked with your treatment & recovery. Without a complete picture, misdiagnoses and/or misjudgments can take place. Stand firm and assertively demand your rights as a patient be observed under Federal Law.

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Silicone infection and danger 10 months 3 weeks ago #1308716846

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More and more cases pop up -in men & women- surgery's (for example now the famous mexican comedian Yered Licona) where people get silicon injected without that they know it.

How can someone be sure that the provider uses really PMMA and not something else?

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Silicone infection and danger 10 months 3 weeks ago #1308716851

PmmaFan wrote: More and more cases pop up -in men & women- surgery's (for example now the famous mexican comedian Yered Licona) where people get silicon injected without that they know it.

How can someone be sure that the provider uses really PMMA and not something else?

You ask them to show you the box. Unsealed with a shiny serial number sticker. Have them unbox them in front of you. Never accept general anesthesia for outpatient, non-surgical procedures so that you can see what is going on. Sadly, these shouldn't even have to happen, but with guys like Loria and Dan Salas using mystery fillers, it's a good practice to employ if you see anyone else not vetted on these forums.

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Silicone infection and danger 10 months 2 weeks ago #1308716941

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So just an update been on 6 antibiotics now... Currently on linezolid and ciprofloxacin. Both have debilitating side effects. Praying I don't get bone marrow toxicity from linezolid as infectious disease doctor is concerned for the long time use I've been on it. Battling health insurance to cover the cost and even want to the HR department of the hospital I work for to expedite coverage for complete Removal of silicone... I'm nauseous every day, energy levels are completely depleted from antibiotic use. Dont have c diff yet.. but I haven't had a solid bowel movent in over 5 months.... This shit is miserable; pun intended both ways... Granulomas of penis are becoming more inflamed now. May just have to bite the bullet and pull out a plan for several thousands of dollars for surgery. Even then I fear if the infection will still persist and I'll need skin grafts... At this point I just want to get off of antibiotics and regainy energy and a somewhat since of life... If you are considering phallplasty pleas just be totally informed
Do not be scared of being an asshole asking the questions of product used and always ask of worse case scenarios... I was naive and didn't ask questions. But always look at the vial they are using and do beyond further research. I'll continue to post periodically. If you want to see pictures then private message me and I'll show you the damaging results of phallplasty and bad product...

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Silicone infection and danger 10 months 2 weeks ago #1308716942

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So just an update been on 6 antibiotics now... Currently on linezolid and ciprofloxacin. Both have debilitating side effects. Praying I don't get bone marrow toxicity from linezolid as infectious disease doctor is concerned for the long time use I've been on it. Battling health insurance to cover the cost and even want to the HR department of the hospital I work for to expedite coverage for complete Removal of silicone... I'm nauseous every day, energy levels are completely depleted from antibiotic use. Dont have c diff yet.. but I haven't had a solid bowel movent in over 5 months.... This shit is miserable; pun intended both ways... Granulomas of penis are becoming more inflamed now. May just have to bite the bullet and pull out a plan for several thousands of dollars for surgery. Even then I fear if the infection will still persist and I'll need skin grafts... At this point I just want to get off of antibiotics and regainy energy and a somewhat since of life... If you are considering phallplasty pleas just be totally informed
Do not be scared of being an asshole asking the questions of product used and always ask of worse case scenarios... I was naive and didn't ask questions. But always look at the vial they are using and do beyond further research. I'll continue to post periodically. If you want to see pictures then private message me and I'll show you the damaging results of phallplasty and bad product...also just a side note from all the antibiotics I've been on I've developed this "super acne" from long term antibiotics use. My back is inflamed with small and large pustules. Hurts to wear a shirt and I'm always itchy... My back is inflamed and swollen from all the acne...

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Silicone infection and danger 10 months 2 weeks ago #1308716943

Man I am so sorry to hear this. I have no idea how Loria and all the ones associated like Malik get away with this and haven't been sued? Or how some sort of medical board hasn't taken licenses? Sounds like you're in the midst of a living hell and I hope it works out.

It's also commendable for you to share it here. There are not enough guys who are in your situation being vocal about it to at least help prevent other catastrophies.

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Silicone infection and danger 10 months 2 weeks ago #1308716945

Spuds1987 wrote: Do not be scared of being an asshole asking the questions of product used and always ask of worse case scenarios... I was naive and didn't ask questions. But always look at the vial they are using and do beyond further research.

Sorry about your ongoing ordeal, I hope and anticipate you will make it out in the clear in the near future.

I did want to point out the importance of this part of your message: the need to inquire, inspect, and research beyond a Doctor or Clinic's sales pitch (especially true if they are not PhalloBoards Sponsors, and I have every bit of confidence making this claim).

Be sure to avoid any sort of "propriety fillers," and/or any large volumes of silicone oil, and avoid rigid or malleable implants if you aren't already suffering from severe erectile dysfunction. If they haven't been mentioned, reviewed, or Sponsored here, don't be afraid to ask for the boxing and so forth.

As I've said previously, infections are always a possibility in most elective medical procedures (albeit very low), and isn't necessarily the fault of the practitioner (it can be, but is usually a bit more-or-less bad luck). That said, Loria stuff is seemingly always complicated, and when there is an infection, it's not the first time I've heard of this type of severity (which can't be said for a lot of other practitioners, fillers, and methodologies). I still find something fishy about his "proprietary filler" and how/where he sources the ingredients (in addition to the sterilization status of his compound lab).

If Spuds1987 isn't enough to get you off the Loria fence, check out the LPSG Loria thread where a patient who was in the ER or ICU (I can't recall which unit), and Dr. Loria refused to divulge the contents of his "proprietary filler," to the attending Urgent Care Physicians while his (Loria's) own patient was hospitalized for infections that were potentially going to become septic. How disgusting is that? Perhaps @Spuds1987 can reach out to that guy and see how he's doing (and how he managed his situation) -- if you need the link Spuds, let me know, it could be resourceful. I'm not sure I care to post it here because its 145+ pages of mostly Loria sycophant echo-chambers with like 3 or 4 guys (possibly shills) constantly updating the topic with their Loria dick pics to bury anything negative that gets posted.

On a separate note, have you considered seeing any Doctors with a history of dealing with Loria complications? Don't forget that a lot of these Hospital physicians are simply unaware, inexperienced, and/or naively confident in their approach to fixing your problem, you'll want to get a phalloplasty-repair type Physician in on the consultations & Doctor's Orders. If you need a reminder/list again of some people to reach out to, feel free to email me at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. -- and wishing you the best of luck.

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