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TOPIC: Suspensory ligament cut. Dr. Liu or Proud Urology

Suspensory ligament cut. Dr. Liu or Proud Urology 1 year 4 months ago #1308714503

Hello everyone! I am new to this forum and I am strongly considering going to Proud Urology for their 5s procedure since as you might of guessed by my username I live in east Asia.

I have been following both Dr. Liu and Proud Urology as well as Bicboyanocanda and SouthBay’s progress reports. I noticed one piece of conflicting information between Dr. Liu and Dr. Lee of proud urology.

Dr. Liu states that cutting the ligament can in fact increase your erect length when combined with his aftercare methods (manual stretching and his personalized traction device.) this has also been suggested accurate by SouthBay’s reported gains of a roughly .5 inch EL gain. Whereas Proud Urology has explicitly stated (I believe it was said 3 times in the YouTube video on the topic) that cutting the suspensory ligaments ONLY increases flaccid length.

Both of these doctors are very skilled and widely acclaimed amongst on this forum. So what is the reason for the disagreement? Is it solely about the aftercare being prescribed? If so why wouldn’t Proud Urology also offer this aftercare advice?

If anyone has any insight as to why there is the conflicting information I would really appreciate it. Like I said, do to my location and their reputation my heart is pretty much set on Proud Urology, but standing currently at only just 5in (12.7cm) EL I really can’t afford to lose any length which dermal graft enhancement is known to do.

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Suspensory ligament cut. Dr. Liu or Proud Urology 1 year 4 months ago #1308714504

EastAsiaHopeful wrote: Hello everyone! I am new to this forum and I am strongly considering going to Proud Urology for their 5s procedure since as you might of guessed by my username I live in east Asia.

I have been following both Dr. Liu and Proud Urology as well as Bicboyanocanda and SouthBay’s progress reports. I noticed one piece of conflicting information between Dr. Liu and Dr. Lee of proud urology.

Dr. Liu states that cutting the ligament can in fact increase your erect length when combined with his aftercare methods (manual stretching and his personalized traction device.) this has also been suggested accurate by SouthBay’s reported gains of a roughly .5 inch EL gain. Whereas Proud Urology has explicitly stated (I believe it was said 3 times in the YouTube video on the topic) that cutting the suspensory ligaments ONLY increases flaccid length.

Both of these doctors are very skilled and widely acclaimed amongst on this forum. So what is the reason for the disagreement? Is it solely about the aftercare being prescribed? If so why wouldn’t Proud Urology also offer this aftercare advice?

If anyone has any insight as to why there is the conflicting information I would really appreciate it. Like I said, do to my location and their reputation my heart is pretty much set on Proud Urology, but standing currently at only just 5in (12.7cm) EL I really can’t afford to lose any length which dermal graft enhancement is known to do.

I will let both Providers answer if they wish, but based on my observations I suspect two reasons may explain this perceived contradiction:

  1. The claims made by both Providers may likely be based on their own experiences; what sample size, demographics, etc, were available in making these claims are outside our knowledge, and that same information likely informed their judgement on the matter. If this does indeed play a role in the "contradiction," then neither provider is wrong from their perspective.
  2. Flaccid gains are indeed achievable. However, because not every patient can reliably demonstrate, commit, much less prove their commitment to a provider that they've followed a post-op stretching regimen, erect length cannot be guaranteed. In other words, Dr. Liu is making the assumption that the patient follows through with all steps, including those outside his control. Pride Urology likely takes the conservative stance that many patients may or may not be able to fulfill post-op protocols, where Proud is simply incapable of supervising or monitoring steps of a procedure beyond their control (especially when many patients are International). These differences in assumption may inform their judgment on the matter.

*NOTE #1*- the post-op stretching protocols I refer to that are out of the control of Providers are those that are performed after the procedure, outside medical supervision, and often in the privacy of one's own home, time, and lifestyle/schedule.

*NOTE #2*- Dr. Liu's assumption that patients will fulfill the entire program (including post-op protocols) is a reasonable one, because why spend the time, effort/travels, and money if not to see the mission through? On the same token, Proud Urology's more conservative assumption is arguably equally valid, both because the fact remains that 100% of patients don't follow instructions 100% of the time, especially in light of dealing with International clientele, so why risk making guarantees in this regard? It's all perspective from each respective Clinic's experience.

*NOTE #3*- This area of medical aesthetic medicine (male enhancement, penis enlargement, phalloplasty, or whatever you'd like to call it) still remains the newest (if not last) frontier is cosmetic procedures, and some can argue remains experimental in nature as well. Due to the lack of standardization in this field (example: there are no courses in Medical School on how to make Penises larger), there will be times where claims disagree or seemingly contradict. This remains true even in areas where procedures are far more refined & common, like female enhancements of the face, breast, and buttocks. So please understand that your best bet is to continue investigating the best option for you, based on your needs, logistics, and goals -- and that the Sponsors & Providers here are the very best in the world, even if they may occasionally disagree with one another.

These are my hunches and not necessarily 100% accurate -- but I suspect play some role, minor or major.

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Last edit: by Skeptical_One.

Suspensory ligament cut. Dr. Liu or Proud Urology 1 year 4 months ago #1308714516

Thanks SO for helping shed some light on the reasons for the perceived contradiction.

It makes a lot of sense what you say about both doctors thinking differently on a patients dedication to aftercare. Especially when you consider Dr. Liu probably does deal with a lot more domestic clients which are potentially easier to maintain contact with vs Proud where their clientele probably tends to be more diverse and therefore contact and aftercare assurance might be more difficult to guarantee. I can also fully see how a lack of standardization in such a new field of cosmetic surgery could also sway certain factors such as method, tools, and potential outcomes.

I’m really glad I found PhalloBoards. This is without a doubt the most informative sight I have come across in the matter of Male Enhancement and I have 100% confidence in the providers recommended here. Even if there are differences in opinions between doctors (hell that’s just medicine. Even doctors that specialize in much more mainstream/researched fields “disagree” from time to time.)

I really appreciate you taking the time to write such a well thought out and detailed answer. You definitely shed some light on a couple points I hadn’t considered. And of course it’d be fascinating to hear both doctors point of view on this matter given their data. I’d be curious to hear from Proud if with their specific practice they think it’s possible but just not something they want to guarantee or market. Maybe I ought to just ask in the next email I send them haha.

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