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TOPIC: My Journey with Alloderm Graft + PMMA

My Journey with Alloderm Graft + PMMA 1 year 3 months ago #1308714479

Inside my thoughts on where I started, to where I ended up and every thought in between

Hello my brothers,

This is my contribution to everyone who has ever thought of getting Girth enhancement. I remember going through all these forums and wishing there were more stories and information, but what I did find ultimately led me in the direction I am about to share with you. For me I've never had a problem with my size and its never been a problem in my sex life. I have at times wished my Flaccid was larger as sometimes depending on which way the wind blows it can vary in size. My wife is getting something done so I brought up the idea of this myself. I mean the idea of having a bigger unit does sound fun and exciting. We experimented and decided on what an ideal size would be. So here we are!

I did a bunch of research and really gravitated to the idea of fillers. Based on long term costs PMMA seemed like the optimal choice. Reviews and research seemed like this was the popular choice as well. I imagine cost reasons and the long term viability of the PMMA has a lot to do with that. I looked into doctors and even just across the boarder in TJ. Dan Salas was one of the people at one of the medical clinics just over there. The price was right and he seemed very personable. I was so close to jumping on that train, but things didn't add up. Long story short it seemed shady to say the least and too many red flags imo led me away. I researched further with another Urologist (name forgotten at this time) in TJ and he seemed more reassuring and conservative (only 20CCs per session). I was certain this was the guy if I were to do it in this location. Still I had to do my due diligence and I looked at MD's in the states. I came across a few doctors, but one in particular would change my path.

I came across a Urologist name Dr. Victor Lui located in the bay area. I had a zoom consult with him which opened my eyes to something I had never thought about or even read much information on until I searched deeper. Initially PMMA was the topic of discussion, but with the amount needed to gain an Inch to one and a half an Inch the results wouldn't be as natural he had stated. He educated me on ALLODERM grafts with PMMA. In short the graft is essentially viable human tissue that is sutured onto the shaft of the penis (inside of course) giving it Girth. Therafter, he would add PMMA to fulfill what my desired goal . This procedure is MUCH pricier than just PMMA, but I will share my way of thinking.

There is a certain texture of the penis the more filler is added. A lot of the time this isn't noticeable it seems in the forums, but it certainly doesn't feel as natural more so in Flaccid states and even depending on how much in the Erect state. I personally cant attest to this, but from readings and logic of thinking this sounds reasonable. Then there is the risk of nodules and unevenness, which a lot of people get fixed with multiple sessions. The reason I am going the direction I am going is because I believe the more filler you add the more risk there are for higher deviations in esthetics, irregularities (nodules or complications), and actual feeling to the touch. By choosing the graft I cut down the amount of filler I will have to use substantially which minimizes said issues mentioned. Secondly, this will also give it a more overall natural rigid feeling and natural appearance. I also believe this will enhance my Flaccid size more so than the filler. Dr.Lui was very welcoming and took the time to educate me on everything from A to Z. I never once felt like I was being sold on this. I did come across another doctor in LA (Takowski) who I did feel had a car salesman approach. He has been doing it a long time and offered the same things as Dr. Lui, but I did feel like i was being upsold even though his prices were half as much. I cannot say if he does good work or not, but ultimately im paying substantially more with Dr. Lui, but I also feel this is the best direction in regards to quality and care. He's also a Urologist which imo does add value.

I will be going into procedure here within the month. I will be getting the Alloderm graft and 10CCs of PMMA to top me off. $19.5K is the damage. I know fuck my life, but atleast I will be fucking it away anyways (literally). We have solid careers so this doesn't crush us, but yes this is not cheap. I will try to help all of you as much as possible because I know I wished there was more info out there on Alloderm and in general. Of course I will post updates periodically as well. All I ask is you pay it forward.

PRE OP measurements: (attached photos are first measurement)
1st FL- 4.5"
1st EG mid- 5.25"
1st EG base- 5"
1st EL- 6.25"

2nd: FL 4.5". FG4.5"
2nd: EG mid 5"
2nd: EG base 4.75"
2nd: EL 6.5"

Goal: EG 6.5"-7.0"
  • HA dermal fillers comparison.jpg

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My Journey with Alloderm Graft + PMMA 1 year 3 months ago #1308714482

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Hi Moneyshot87,

There are a few of us here that have had the procedure done by Dr. Liu. I’m coming up on a year on mine, and have been pleased with the results. Please feel free to DM me if you have any questions.


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My Journey with Alloderm Graft + PMMA 1 year 3 months ago #1308714498

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@Moneyshot87 following this one! Congrats and looking forward to hearing more!

It's great to get more of these experiences documented here on the forum.

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My Journey with Alloderm Graft + PMMA 1 year 2 months ago #1308714717

Alright guys! The deed has been done. I have a specific post op care protocol to follow so it is still wrapped and healing. Just wanted to let everyone who has any interest that I have not forgotten about sharing. More to come in the following days...
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My Journey with Alloderm Graft + PMMA 1 year 2 months ago #1308714720

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@RegularGuy99 best of luck in your recovery! The painful nighttime erections are normal :)
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My Journey with Alloderm Graft + PMMA 1 year 2 months ago #1308714721

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Congratulations RegularGuy99!!! Make sure you stick to the post procedure instructions!!!
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My Journey with Alloderm Graft + PMMA 1 year 2 months ago #1308714752

Alright guys it's been a few days post op with Dr. Victor Liu. As soon as I walked in the door they welcomed me by name. They are VERY organized. The vibe is welcoming and comforting. I as awake for the entire procedure and I didn't feel a thing as far as pain, just pressure here and there. We had conversation at some points during the procedure about random thing, which helped put me to ease. They show you how to take care of it post op and give you detailed instructions.

Post op pain was not bad at all and it gets better as the days progress. I think most jobs you would be able to go back to work even the next day or two if it doesn't require a large amount of walking. I will say erections are pretty rough the first couple nights. The inclination is to sit there and let it go away, but for me it wouldn't. I quickly learned that if I get up and go pee it immediately goes away, otherwise im sitting there with a painful stubborn Erection. I go to the bathroom everytime now it works 100% of the time and im able to get sleep. The scar might look bad in the picture and there is bruising, but if you've had a number of stitches you know that it will heal just fine. It will eventually heal in a straight line imo from personal experiences so i can say i will probably be happy with that.

Results, what you all want to hear im sure. Boys it's definitely thicker. My wife hasn't ever looked at it the way she has which is cool. It's atleast .75" thicker Flaccid and thats at the base and mid shaft so it seems he evened me out. Swelling had also gone down so ill be interested to see where it ends up. Obviously erections are out of the question at this time. It does look pretty uniform from a straight head on view. However, I only have one concern and its quite a big one. During cleaning with my first re wrap I did get some stimulation and it did grow a little. It seems to me that the graft is much lower from the glans on the RIGHT side which poses a big aesthetic issue for me. One of the pictures im slightly stimulated and you can see what im referring to.I did speak with Dr. Liu and he said no need to worry there is still bruising and swelling give it time and continue to massage. I chose Dr. Victor Liu because of his experience and I felt I trusted him the most so I will continue to trust him. If there are issues worst case scenario i have no doubt he will handle them appropriately. If you guys have any information who have had this procedure and can give me some insight on that worry I have I would love to hear it.

Pre FG 4.5
Post FG 5.25
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My Journey with Alloderm Graft + PMMA 1 year 2 months ago #1308714754

The Flaccid looks quite natural. I can see what you're talking about in the Erect photo, but I also see the residual swelling behind the circ scar, so I'd definitely wait it out like Dr. Liu said, then assess whether the final result is satisfactory or if you'd like to touch-it up.

To be honest though, if it does end up having the circ scar gap (which happens more often with fillers alone), if I were in your shoes I probably would leave it be. You're married, so she knows you've had it done, and you have a fat Cock, you've won. Only time anyone else might see it is if you undress in Gym locker rooms, in which case your Flaccid (which seemingly has no aesthetic issues) is likely the biggest in there. Yes aesthetics are important, but even in its current Erect state it doesn't look bad, and when it's all settled, I wonder if it'd be worth the trouble of poking and prodding, given the talking points I said in my last two sentences.

I also like the incision, with even just a layer of hair regrowth and it'll likely be indiscernible.

Congrats and happy healing.

p.s. You dodged a bullet with Dan Salas! Phew!
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My Journey with Alloderm Graft + PMMA 1 year 2 months ago #1308714756

I suppose we'll see.. trying not to stress too much so soon. It was a pretty penny and I went with the graft specifically for aesthetic as opposed to only PMMA. The photo wasn't nearly fully Erect so i am worried the gap would be marginally bigger, but only time will tell. In person its 100% evident work was done with that gap/ledge imo. We also do venture (rarely) with other women on occasion so "unfortunately/fortunately" it's not just her who would be seeing it.

In any case thanks for dropping in with words of encouragement. I probably needed that haha

Thats makes me so happy to hear i dodged a bullet on the Salas front. Man I was so close to that choice.

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My Journey with Alloderm Graft + PMMA 1 year 2 months ago #1308714765

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@RegularGuy99 as you of course already know you will likely experience significant change over the next month as you heal up. Most of what I considered issues fixed themselves. If it doesn't I'm sure Dr. Liu will be able to do something to touch up that shelf area. If you're having anxiety about it just ask him next time you send in pics on the app. That's what I always did :)
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My Journey with Alloderm Graft + PMMA 1 year 2 months ago #1308714816

About 2 week update

Things are looking much better than my last post, which was only a few days after surgery. That shelf looks a little better than it did originally. The doc doesn't seem worried about it and said after our visit it should smooth out and taper as the graft gets softer. If not he will fill it accordingly. Slight bruising still, but going away as the days go. Erections at night are still uncomfortable, but not as painful as before. Stitches should be coming out within a week.

I'm overall really happy! It feels very realistic in my opinion and the doc said the graft should get softer. It feels kind of soft to me already so that's good news. Not really any nodules or irregular bumps throuhgout. If anything just a small irregularity on that right side, but it think i'm feeling just where the graft ends imo. He actually evened out where it is thicker at the mid shaft and slightly thinner towards the base. Now its all more cylindrical and even throughout. I can see the smile on my wife's face when I do dressing changes. Her words, 'it looks thick :woohoo:". My flaccid is for sure heavier and bigger permanently now (even when cold). Excited to see what it's going to look like erect.
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My Journey with Alloderm Graft + PMMA 1 year 2 months ago #1308714822

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Glad to hear things are getting better!!
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My Journey with Alloderm Graft + PMMA 1 year 2 months ago #1308714932

Week 3:

Just dropping in fellas. Everything is going really great. That initial shelf on the right side I was worrying about is actually gone. I would even say its better aesthetically than the rest. Moral of the story! Don't freak out. I sure did...Trust the process of healing. Like @SouthBay612 said, "lots of changes will be happening over the next couple months." Every week things have changed and in a good way imo.

I haven't done any measurements, but I'm pretty happy with my flaccid size compared to before. I'll be curious to see if I lost any erection length. Erections are still a little uncomfortable. They're more bearable and I don't have to get up at night anymore to use the restroom in order to make them go away. I do have some tenderness in my testicle area more on the left side last couple days. It's a little uncomfortable at times. I'd even say the left one seems a little smaller too than before. Does anyone have any reasoning for this or experienced this? Maybe the PMMA? I have no clue. I'll be checking in with the doc if it doesn't resolve in the next day or two.
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My Journey with Alloderm Graft + PMMA 1 year 2 months ago #1308714934

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Boom! Glad to hear this!! Esp about the shelf.

On length, I’d just say be careful to judge until the stitches fully resolve. My length just felt restricted at first when Erect and it wasn’t until stitches were fully dissolved and I had been Hanging that this went away (and that was followed by gaining length).

I had tenderness in my testicles too. Could be the PMMA, could be simply swelling making you uncomfortable.

Thanks for the update!

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My Journey with Alloderm Graft + PMMA 1 year 2 months ago #1308714938

I’m curious to know how far out did you start Hanging? Was it around after the 35 day mark? What apparatus/tool did or do you use for stretching?

I know during my follow up for stitches Removal (2 weeks post op) he wanted me to start pulling the shaft downward, hold for 15 seconds, repeat 5 times, and continue throughout the day 5-6 times a day. Doc mentioned it was to keep the Alloderm from sticking. I should’ve clarified what he meant by sticking, but I didn’t think to clarify at that time.

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