It doesn't effect erections negatively at all, I wouldn't worry about that. I've been taking 5mg Cialis only when I know I'm going to have sex. FYI I was already having slight erection issues before I got filler. I don't see myself building any tolerance and it's been really helpful. I'm 37 and in good shape, have a good cardio base, not triathlete level but def above average. But family has a history of
issues and I'm not quite sure what is effecting blood flow to my penis. It's not a huge problem, it's just harder to get fully erect compared to when I was 20.
I can def get hard but the quality varies and I can't get 100% unless everything aligns. Although, abstaining from masturbation helps a lot. And so does not being intoxicated, being hydrated, well nourished, etc. A lot of it is mental. When not on Cialis it seems like I put it in at 75% and then thrusting back and forth, the girl getting turned on by my dick getting harder turns me on and I keep getting harder, etc. to what I feel is 100% inside her pussy. But when not doing that or if she isn't blowing me, It's pretty tough to maintain a quality erection and it's tough when you have to put a condom on or if something interrupts your flow. But with a 5mg Cialis I can get real hard just by making out and it's a lot easier to maintain it.
I will also add that getting filler put in will make you less nervous, more confident and more relaxed. I get turned on and excited knowing she's about to experience my cock so, in turn, that helps with erections.