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TOPIC: Poll PRP With PMMA Vs Without

Poll PRP With PMMA Vs Without 1 year 5 months ago #1308713605

Just curious about how many people had prp with their PMMA procedure? I suspect prp might create a higher incidence of Nodule formation than without. So the poll is as follows.
Please take a minute to answer.

I had PMMA with prp and developed nodules
I had PMMA without prp and developed nodules
I had PMMA with prp and did not develop nodules
I had PMMA without prp and did not develop Nodule

I was thinking about doing an anonymous google sheet but it might go against forum policy so let's answer here unless Skeptical gives his blessing for me to post.

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Poll PRP With PMMA Vs Without 1 year 5 months ago #1308713607

yoshinator wrote: Just curious about how many people had prp with their PMMA procedure? I suspect prp might create a higher incidence of Nodule formation than without. So the poll is as follows.
Please take a minute to answer.

I had PMMA with prp and developed nodules
I had PMMA without prp and developed nodules
I had PMMA with prp and did not develop nodules
I had PMMA without prp and did not develop Nodule

I was thinking about doing an anonymous google sheet but it might go against forum policy so let's answer here unless Skeptical gives his blessing for me to post.

Sure, doing polls and surveys is fine; as for the topic, I'd be surprised if PRP had any relationship with Nodule formation but maybe your data might reveal some previously unknown correlations. I've always believed it's one of those things that at best, expedites recovery while maximizing gains from collagen production, and at worst, does nothing. So it's one of those "why not, can't hurt" additional services if the price-addon is reasonable.

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Poll PRP With PMMA Vs Without 1 year 5 months ago #1308713608

Thanks here is the poll as you answer you can see the results of what has been submitted so far. I will post the tally's every few days as more people update. Like Skeptical I think it probably doesn't hurt but just want some data to see if there is any relation.


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Poll PRP With PMMA Vs Without 1 year 5 months ago #1308713609

yoshinator wrote: Thanks here is the poll as you answer you can see the results of what has been submitted so far. I will post the tally's every few days as more people update. Like Skeptical I think it probably doesn't hurt but just want some data to see if there is any relation.


Looks good. I will note that this could take weeks (if not longer) before a sufficient sample size is acquirable; this is due to the fact that most guys who have had work done are less likely to login as frequently as those who are now learning or researching their options. For example, the number of men who who update progress reports drops off dramatically every year post-op their last round. So let's hope we get some to submit their results.

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Poll PRP With PMMA Vs Without 1 year 5 months ago #1308713613

Expected. I will keep it open for that case exactly. I'll still give updates probably at a weekly interval to keep whoever is interested up to date.

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Poll PRP With PMMA Vs Without 1 year 5 months ago #1308713627

I had prp with it and developed nodules with all the reading I did it was clear everyone who had prp had good results mind you most where with avanti. Avanti has a different injection procedure than Dr song and dr Rupeka from my understanding. They inject Bellafill right under the skin with avanti its more of a deeper insertion. So maybe the type of insertion is more important. Also its really about how your body respond because all Bellafill or linnea safe does is act as a foreign invader your body creates a immune response. The immune response is also what creates the nodules. So immune responses are probably better in healthier individuals than someone who lives a not so healthy lifestyle. This could be speculation at this point whether lifestyle dictates a different immune response. Prp which is your own blood also has alot of variables to it. I read it needs to be spinned for a certain amount of time according to the creator of the method and most dont follow that protocol. Its alot of variables which are at play which also wont give us a great idea if prp plays its role. I think overfilling the penis with too much syringes could also play a roll in nodules. Me and you both yoshi received Bellafill which has a bovine carrier that takes 16 weeks to break down versus linnea which breaks down in a few days to weeks. So the question is also are bovine carrier PMMA more subject to nodules than waterbased or whatever the linnesafe is. There's so much things at play i read almost everyone who had Ellanse almost always happier and less nodules. I know as a Grower and not a shower that i turtle alot which makes the product bunch and is bunching what causes a bigger immune reaction aka the nodules. Everyone will get a different results with all these variables at play. Maybe Skeptical can correct me if im wrong on anything i said either way we all want to be happy with our results.

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Poll PRP With PMMA Vs Without 1 year 5 months ago #1308713634

So far 6 responses. Waiting for a few days to post current results. This will probably take a few weeks or months to get a decent sample size.

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Last edit: by yoshinator.

Poll PRP With PMMA Vs Without 1 year 5 months ago #1308713722

Still just 6 respondents. Current results
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Poll PRP With PMMA Vs Without 1 year 4 months ago #1308713978

Looks like prp and no nodules is taking lead. If you haven't had a chance yet please vote.
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Poll PRP With PMMA Vs Without 1 year 4 months ago #1308713985

Granted, it's still a relatively small sample size, but if hypothetically the trend continues, my conclusion would be that the fact that 33% who had PRP + Nodules is too high to validate the 50% who had PRP + No Nodules as being the conventional trend. Or better put, I'd argue the correlation is weak that PRP helps in reducing the frequency of nodules.

If you really think about nodules for what they are, it's a clumping of filler (and possibly other fluids) locally, likely a a result of not adequately massaging that area post-op, or even just sheer bad luck. PRP on the other hand at best provides healing & growth factors, and I can't see what this what it would provide in terms of making the filler more evenly spread or dispersed.

Then again, with such a small sample size, the numbers could change dramatically with more input. To help, if you can send me the next updated pie-chart + key as an image to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. -- I can post it onto this thread viewable to all (including those without Premium Membership), which might help give more people incentive to vote.

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Poll PRP With PMMA Vs Without 1 year 3 months ago #1308714416

I sent you an email. So we have 10 respondents. Still a pretty small sample size. I've attached the image. The current numbers are as follow.
PMMA plus PRP and developed nodules 3, 30%
PMMA alone and developed nodules 1, 10%
PMMA plus prp no nodules 4, 40%
PMMA alone no nodules 2, 20%
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Poll PRP With PMMA Vs Without 1 year 3 months ago #1308714462

For those who can't see the Pie Chart Graph.

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Poll PRP With PMMA Vs Without 1 year 2 months ago #1308714684

So far 15 respondents. The data up to now shows that only about 33% of people develop nodules from PMMA. Out of the 15 people it appears that only 1 developed nodules without prp and the other 4 that developed nodules had prp. I'm not saying there is any correlation but it does appear that most people who develop nodules also had prp (4 out of 5). I still don't think we can conclude anything from this since I would like this sample size to be much higher so please if you can follow the link at the beginning of the thread and fill out the form so we can hear about your experience regardless of your outcome and have the best data possible.
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Last edit: by yoshinator. Reason: typos
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