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TOPIC: Partial Success with nodule removal and PMMA. Lost Girth :(

Partial Success with nodule removal and PMMA. Lost Girth :( 1 year 7 months ago #1308712822

My last round of PMMA left me with a lot of nodules two very large ones and one pea sized one that was very hard. I've had several rounds of Kenalog and 5FU and they are now thankfully almost gone. The last time I had Kenalog during round 1 I did not loose any Girth. This round I lost about 1/4 Inch which is brutal. I've been measuring again and again just to make sure. On the bright side my penis does look and feel much better than with the nodules however that lost of a 1/4 really sucks the life out of any future augmentations I might have had planned. Anyone else have any experience with loosing Girth after Kenalog treatment?

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Partial Success with nodule removal and PMMA. Lost Girth :( 1 year 7 months ago #1308712824

yoshinator wrote: My last round of PMMA left me with a lot of nodules two very large ones and one pea sized one that was very hard. I've had several rounds of Kenalog and 5FU and they are now thankfully almost gone. The last time I had Kenalog during round 1 I did not loose any Girth. This round I lost about 1/4 Inch which is brutal. I've been measuring again and again just to make sure. On the bright side my penis does look and feel much better than with the nodules however that lost of a 1/4 really sucks the life out of any future augmentations I might have had planned. Anyone else have any experience with loosing Girth after Kenalog treatment?

Kenalog is a strong steroid and can sometimes impact tissue beyond the nodules (not by intention), which is why it's only reserved for cases that require a stronger intervention (i.e. large nodules that aren't excisable through normal means). It just comes with the territory for some guys when it comes to acquiring an "ideal end result."

I had multiple sessions before I got to both an aesthetic and Girth that I was happy enough with to move on with. This is true for many guys regardless of filler type. As a reminder to all readers, injectable Phalloplasty inevitably requires follow-up appointments (typically 1 additional), usually for minor irregularities, but for some guys, even more so. In the end the vast majority end up happy, but you have to go into it knowing it can be a process; some men are more susceptible to aesthetic issues than others; fortunately these issues are almost always aesthetic in nature and rarely (if ever) involve adverse effects on the function or health of the penis.
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Partial Success with nodule removal and PMMA. Lost Girth :( 1 year 7 months ago #1308712827

what i figured out is dr song likes to use gainswave after the Kenalog but in reality its bad to massage Kenalog in any way because it will cause tissue lose the correct way is to inject the nodules only and 0 massages. Once the Kenalog venture out through massaging or vibration it can go elsewhere and do damage i went from 6 Girth to 5.5 after one shot. This negates the gains which suck. I will go back for another shot this time no gainswave

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Partial Success with nodule removal and PMMA. Lost Girth :( 1 year 6 months ago #1308713291

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I'm curious @Skeptical_One - when would nodules begin to show up, if at all? I'm on week 2, going into 3 next Tuesday and haven't been noticing any yet. I got my first round of Linnea PMMA at AD. I'm just wondering if it's something I should worry about by the end of week 4. I'm told that given my age, I should be through with the process by then. I'm still massaging lightly and luckily I no longer feel any of the tiny grain sized lumps and I can't feel any more lumps now that the swelling is down. In my head I think that because I can easily retract, I stretch all day comfortably with the ball weight when walking and with a pulley when sat so that my center is not bunched up and the scar tissue keeps me symmetrical.

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Partial Success with nodule removal and PMMA. Lost Girth :( 1 year 6 months ago #1308713292

Odouble wrote: I'm curious @Skeptical_One - when would nodules begin to show up, if at all? I'm on week 2, going into 3 next Tuesday and haven't been noticing any yet. I got my first round of Linnea PMMA at AD. I'm just wondering if it's something I should worry about by the end of week 4. I'm told that given my age, I should be through with the process by then. I'm still massaging lightly and luckily I no longer feel any of the tiny grain sized lumps and I can't feel any more lumps now that the swelling is down. In my head I think that because I can easily retract, I stretch all day comfortably with the ball weight when walking and with a pulley when sat so that my center is not bunched up and the scar tissue keeps me symmetrical.

The further out you are without nodules, your odds of being in the clear go up exponentially. Nodules (not to be mistaken with granulomas) are basically a clustering of filler and/or collagen that wasn't smoothed out either during the procedure, or after the procedure (i.e. massaging).

This is why for example it's recommended to squeeze the filler out from the entry points post-op. After my very first round, I was afraid of losing filler (because I wanted girth), so I kind of ignored the instruction to squeeze (idiot me). All this did was allow the filler to bunch up at those entry points as the skin healed shut, turning into nodules. Of course they have been corrected since, but suffice it to say, most nodules are evident early on, not later.
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Partial Success with nodule removal and PMMA. Lost Girth :( 1 year 6 months ago #1308713293

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Thank you so much, that's very reassuring! I should have noted that I also changed the way I sleep (was a side sleeper, am now sleeping on my back), so that there's no pressure on it when I'm sleeping. I would imagine that putting your weight against the mattress would also impact results.

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Partial Success with nodule removal and PMMA. Lost Girth :( 1 year 6 months ago #1308713317

Skeptical_One wrote:

yoshinator wrote: My last round of PMMA left me with a lot of nodules two very large ones and one pea sized one that was very hard. I've had several rounds of Kenalog and 5FU and they are now thankfully almost gone. The last time I had Kenalog during round 1 I did not loose any girth. This round I lost about 1/4 inch which is brutal. I've been measuring again and again just to make sure. On the bright side my penis does look and feel much better than with the nodules however that lost of a 1/4 really sucks the life out of any future augmentations I might have had planned. Anyone else have any experience with loosing girth after Kenalog treatment?

Kenalog is a strong steroid and can sometimes impact tissue beyond the nodules (not by intention), which is why it's only reserved for cases that require a stronger intervention (i.e. large nodules that aren't excisable through normal means). It just comes with the territory for some guys when it comes to acquiring an "ideal end result."

I had multiple sessions before I got to both an aesthetic and girth that I was happy enough with to move on with. This is true for many guys regardless of filler type. As a reminder to all readers, injectable phalloplasty inevitably requires follow-up appointments (typically 1 additional), usually for minor irregularities, but for some guys, even more so. In the end the vast majority end up happy, but you have to go into it knowing it can be a process; some men are more susceptible to aesthetic issues than others; fortunately these issues are almost always aesthetic in nature and rarely (if ever) involve adverse effects on the function or health of the penis.

Have you had kenalog before? What’s your personal experience with it. I have a nodule that I want fixed before I go for another around.

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Partial Success with nodule removal and PMMA. Lost Girth :( 1 year 6 months ago #1308713321

I don't believe so (mind you, my last rounds were circa 2015 and Kenalog wasn't ever mentioned by name, at least as far as my memory serves). If it was used, it was used at most minimum since my understanding was that they felt they could go under the skin and loosen up the clumping of collagen or fibrotic matter via cannula).

Some nodules (especially the wider softer ones) went away on their own. The small "rice" or "pellet" sized ones could be removed through punch excision. I feel like Kenalog, DMSO, and more aggressive interventions belong to generally more troublesome nodules and irregularities that can't be resolved through conventional means.

Then again I haven't dealt with these types of revisions for a decade and the conventional wisdom in regards to how these are solved as best asked directly to the Doctor who will be treating the patient who requires said-intervention. I hope to update the site's Wiki/Q&A to have more up-to-date info on these kinds of topics.
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Partial Success with nodule removal and PMMA. Lost Girth :( 1 year 3 months ago #1308714429

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Removal - remaing Fat from previous FFT

Is it possible to remove fat from a from a previous FFT (yeaaars before, but still a bit is left -in some spots- , its annoying)

In the meantime I have the much better PMMA! Maybe its to complicated to remove the fat - cause also there is now the PMMA

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Partial Success with nodule removal and PMMA. Lost Girth :( 1 year 3 months ago #1308714430

There is a medicine called Kybella, . FDA approved for the treatment of fat under the chin. __Ive never used it in this location( but have many times in the chin and other locations) but I think a very small amount might be ideal for this situation.
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Partial Success with nodule removal and PMMA. Lost Girth :( 1 year 3 months ago #1308714435

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Dr. S. and that I have in the same location in the meantime now more than 60cc‘s of PMMA - is not a problem?

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Partial Success with nodule removal and PMMA. Lost Girth :( 1 year 3 months ago #1308714436

It should not Kybella only affects fat---but the thing to do would be to inject a very small test area
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Partial Success with nodule removal and PMMA. Lost Girth :( 1 year 3 months ago #1308714438

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- For what the test is needed?

- My worry is: Where the remaining fat spots are (you can only feel them - cause its a contrast feeling to PMMA) – no/less PMMA-product could be setteled. Maybe after the Kybella Shot the result has disformation

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Partial Success with nodule removal and PMMA. Lost Girth :( 1 year 3 months ago #1308714565

Its not a typical area or situation where you inject kybella so I would put just a little as a test--- befor eI treated multiple area

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Partial Success with nodule removal and PMMA. Lost Girth :( 1 year 1 week ago #1308715629

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Can you recommend a doctor regarding to this subject?

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